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Ukraine and Russia may go to war

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No, they don't. If Russia would mistreat them same way as Georgians did though, I'd give them that right.
Or very generous from you. I am pretty sure if they are mistreated you will continue saying everything continues being marvellous there.
I understand that as your support of the rights of a sovereign state to refuse independence to its parts. Its a position.

De jure no, de facto - yes.
Well, then the right thing is to treat Russia as a defacto criminal state.
Or very generous from you. I am pretty sure if they are mistreated you will continue saying everything continues being marvellous there.
May be. I'll take your posts in the thread about separatism as example.
And thank you for being so friendly in this thread.
May be. I'll take your posts in the thread about separatism as example.
And thank you for being so friendly in this thread.
It seems the concept of sovereignty is hard to crack for you, specially when it is about the sovereignty of others...
Well, then the right thing is to treat Russia as a defacto criminal state.
Based on your left foot?

That's what I meant with a language issue - yes.
Language and enthnicity are the two main ways to forge a nation state.
To be more accurate, it became a language issue in the 1980's-1990's.
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It seems the concept of sovereignty is hard to crack for you, specially when it is about the sovereignty of others...
So, the question stands - why Ossetians or Catalonians deserve to live in a separate state any less than Estonians?
Because Estonians had luxury to obtain sovereignty at some point of their history, but Ossetians and Catalonians didn't?
So, the question stands - why Ossetians or Catalonians deserve to live in a separate state any less than Estonians?
Because Estonians had luxury to obtain sovereignty at some point of their history, but Ossetians and Catalonians didn't?
And then come Russians, who deserve more sovereignty than anyone else.
You and your colleague along all this thread.
Cite me. "Russians deserve more sovereignty than others". Cite me.

No NATO member has ever been invaded, I'm sure that's not gone unnoticed by the rest of Russia's neighbours...
Although NATO members freely invade others. Which has not be unnoticed by other states ;).
Cite me. "Russians deserve more sovereignty than others". Cite me.
Well, you seem OK with the idea of eastern European countries having to limit its sovereignty so Russia doesn't feel its own sovereignty threatened, also you just said Russia has de facto more sovereignty than others Europeans countries. The clues are pretty obvious... :p
In the last page, you were blaming people about evading direct questions.
Your question was already answered but you didn't notice it. Estonia "deserves" the same sovereignty as the Russian Ossetian Republic which dont have it, as the Catalan Autonomous Community, like the Russian Federation or like Spain. It is not a matter of deserving, it is a matter of law, you know the thing humanity invented to not exterminate itself in continuous wars and that Russia is happily breaking since a decade ago and apparently fell can continue doing so...
Well, you seem OK with the idea of eastern European countries having to limit its sovereignty so Russia doesn't feel its own sovereignty threatened, also you just said Russia has de facto more sovereignty than others Europeans countries. The clues are pretty obvious... :p
I said that de facto Russia has more sovereignty than Eastern European states. Answering your direct question. Not referring to anything else.

The "idea of eastern European countries having to limit its sovereignty so Russia doesn't feel its own sovereignty threatened", I assume, refers to Russian opposition of NATO membership of some EE states. Which is a question of sovereignty. Which is fine. I do believe that neighbours should try not to pose as threats to one another, but in a world where your actions are completely unaccountable to your neighbours... which is what you are invoking, I believe Russia can live with the idea of Ukraine and others being a member of NATO. Provided that Cuba in their sovereign and independent way invites Russian nuclear missiles back to their island. It is their own sovereign and independent decision if they decide to do so. I think it will go down just fine.

I doubt Estonia has invaded anything - they don't even have an airforce...
No, but its not the only member of NATO isn't it?
Your question was already answered but you didn't notice it. Estonia "deserves" the same sovereignty as the Russian Ossetian Republic which dont have it, as the Catalan Autonomous Community, like the Russian Federation or like Spain. It is not a matter of deserving, it is a matter of law, you know the thing humanity invented to not exterminate itself in continuous wars and that Russia is happily breaking since a decade ago and apparently fell can continue doing so...
You're bringing law into this debate. Which is wonderful. Laws about sovereignty and respecting the authority of the UNSC resolutions which the US broke by invading Iraq and forcing through the bombing of Libya. Laws about indivisibility of borders which the west broke when they accepted the independence of Kosovo. Laws such as the protection of minorities which they forgot about in post Soviet republics and ex-Yugoslavia. If you want to talk laws, start with your own commitments.
Not all NATO members are created equal, some are more agressive than others, nor does NATO have any hold over its members, they can and do pursue their own interests...
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