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Ukraine Crisis News Thread

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Russia warns US not to arm Ukrainian forces against pro-Russian rebels

Moscow hits back at US official’s suggestion as vice-president Joe Biden arrives in Ukrainian capital Kiev for talks

Russia has warned the United States against supplying arms to Ukrainian forces fighting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, hours before US vice-president Joe Biden was due to arrive in Kiev on Thursday.

“I believe that, given the serious Russian violations of the agreement that they signed...that one thing that could hopefully get them to think twice and deter them from further action is strengthening the capacity of the Ukrainian forces, including with defensive lethal equipment.“


Maybe the US wont send weapons to Ukraine, but maybe US weapons will be "on holiday and vacationing" there?

Just divide up Ukraine and sign a non-aggression pact already.
Criticism towards Russia is absolutely normal, we have plenty of things to be critical about. The only problem is that foreign journalism doesn't always have expertise about Russia to offer sensible criticism. In case of Western journalism, sensationalist approach often create reports basing on stereotypes about the country, resulting in criticism blown out of proportion, or outright wrong. When your country is routinely being represented as Mordor populated by orks, it's expected for people to become quite critical about professional skills of journalists involved.

I don't know, it sounds more like you are describing mainstream Russian perception of Western journalism. The media I personally follow have local correspondents with some actual knowledge of where they are stationed. The only bias I can discern is that they are critical. I don't know about you, but I personally like critical journalism.

I represent pro-Russian side here (thought it should be obvious), and don't pretend to be neutral. I pretend to be honest though, not publishing facts proven wrong or information which I believe is incorrect. Knowing Russian position as an alternative to a position provided by Western mainstream media is IMO important.

In case you are unaware, the Russian position is quite well represented in Western media. I would say that goes without saying for any decent news medium.

I guess pro-Russian forces in Ukraine are also qualified as local opposition.

In Russia, you mean? As their own position is that they are independent people's republics. At any rate this is besides the point. You were arguing that the intervention in Libya was, and in Syria is illegal. It was, and is, not.

As since the news involving Natalya Poklonskaya always get vivid reaction, here is the statement from her interview given today to journalists :) :

"The only weapon which doesn't have any other country in the world, which is impossible to sell, buy, give, or take away, - it is a strength of our spirit, fortitude of Russian multi-ethnic nation"

You forgot to mention she changed her hair again.
In case you are unaware, the Russian position is quite well represented in Western media. I would say that goes without saying for any decent news medium.
So what is this Russian position as it is presented in western media, may I know? Another thing is what I have noticed that even thought you represent sort of both positions there is no guarantee that most of your news isnt going to be biased and supportive of certain agenda. I open a topic invite one crazed out person to represent my rivals position and rest of the day I invite people only to support my position and then say it was totally balanced -- I have seen it in socalled serious media...
I would have bolded a different part of that:

I hope you'll be able to accept that Russia being stopped from gobbling up its neighbors to keep the status quo does not amount to its "subjugation".
US wants to preserve the status quo, where it is No 1 global power, which should come as no surprise to anyone, no matter whether they've ever heard of Wolfowitz or not. Russia wishes to change it, because Putin's d*ck is apparently too tiny to settle for being "merely" a regional power with 17 mio sq km, world's largest nuclear arsenal and UNSC seat.
Yes, it comes as a big surprise to me but only since its done through criminal means. And since being this the case you shouldnt be surpised that when one deals with a global criminal you cant expect him to be the nice and stupid guy. In other words US wicked ways to keeps its superpower status are upsetting world balance and helping to create further disharmonious reactions.
Mr. Girkin\Strelkov, who had changed the role of War Hero talking head to the lamenting set-aside wannabie talking head keeping to make some interviews full of boasting and complaints safe in Moscow. Now he keep to insist what the whole stuff there was started solely due to him and his squad, as locals hadn't planned to do anything on their own, according to him. And that the Ukrainian military tried to solve the problem the city invaded by his forces with calm and cautious ways. Also he openly describe the late August counter-offensive as actions of "vacationeers" (both term and quote marks are original). Of course there is quite some boasting in all of it, as its probably should be painful to fell from a "hero" status to "lame duck" one up to accusations about treachery, so he is trying to get some shine on the own face recalling the glory days. But the fact is that now anyone denying the statements about the Russian invasion there, is actually accusing the (pro)Russian media sources and one of respected (pro)Russian field commanders in direct lie, with weird assumption what the deniers, who's located quite distant from the place, and relying only on biased 99% politically motivated government controlled media still have the better understanding about it than "hero of Sloviansk" himself. You hurt the field commander's feeling and his crystal shining inner world - and he strike back, framing the supporters then.

http://zavtra.ru/content/view/kto-tyi-strelok/ the article itself from the one the top chauvinistic Russian newspaper, for the sake of some autotranslate.
Mr. Girkin\Strelkov, who had changed the role of War Hero talking head to the lamenting set-aside wannabie talking head keeping to make some interviews full of boasting and complaints safe in Moscow. Now he keep to insist what the whole stuff there was started solely due to him and his squad, as locals hadn't planned to do anything on their own, according to him. And that the Ukrainian military tried to solve the problem the city invaded by his forces with calm and cautious ways. Also he openly describe the late August counter-offensive as actions of "vacationeers" (both term and quote marks are original). Of course there is quite some boasting in all of it, as its probably should be painful to fell from a "hero" status to "lame duck" one up to accusations about treachery, so he is trying to get some shine on the own face recalling the glory days. But the fact is that now anyone denying the statements about the Russian invasion there, is actually accusing the (pro)Russian media sources and one of respected (pro)Russian field commanders in direct lie, with weird assumption what the deniers, who's located quite distant from the place, and relying only on biased 99% politically motivated government controlled media still have the better understanding about it than "hero of Sloviansk" himself. You hurt the field commander's feeling and his crystal shining inner world - and he strike back, framing the supporters then.

http://zavtra.ru/content/view/kto-tyi-strelok/ the article itself from the one the top chauvinistic Russian newspaper, for the sake of some autotranslate.

Rebellions must have a specific organizer. I don't know if it was just him, but there had to be one. Otherwise you can't explain why Odessa or Kharkov never rebelled. He does probably exaggerate his role though.

The tourists are not much of a secret outside of official media.
Go ahead then, if you show me several instances where Western media report anything other than the "good Ukraine, bad Putler" I'll shut up and acknowledge you're right.

However, considering that the majority of Western media reports the same bulls*it even about apolitical stuff like Ebola, I doubt you'll have success.

Let me put it this way: overhelming majority is against you and you are almost without supporters. Any reasonable person would understand his mistake.
Rebellions must have a specific organizer. I don't know if it was just him, but there had to be one. Otherwise you can't explain why Odessa or Kharkov never rebelled. He does probably exaggerate his role though.

The tourists are not much of a secret outside of official media.

So finaly you indirectly admit whole incident is exported from Russia...
Let me put it this way: overhelming majority is against you and you are almost without supporters. Any reasonable person would understand his mistake.

Actually even China plus India isnt an overwhelming majority -- I hope you got the point.
Rebellions must have a specific organizer. I don't know if it was just him, but there had to be one. Otherwise you can't explain why Odessa or Kharkov never rebelled. He does probably exaggerate his role though.

The tourists are not much of a secret outside of official media.

Huh, all of that is not a secret for a very long time, just now he framed his own followers, whom indeed had no problem to openly discuss it in very same terms on Russian, but lamenting about Russophobia, false biased claims etc in English in tries to "disprove" very the same things they are was happy about "without others ears". And now they had showed to be either gullible fools, or liars, by their own beloved hero. As he elegantly proved all the stuff they had to battle against as being "false biased and ungrounded accusations" for months. With either severe blow to some other statements from them (as being statements incoming from gullible fools, or liars) versus statements from their opponents (who's being able to reconstruct the events very clear and fast, even without the confession of Strelkov, thus showing the good ability to work with data in process) or to the need to start bashing the Strelkov himself and accuse them in treason, lie etc (some already happening process inside the chauvinist's rift), but still with accepting of being initially fooled by such malicious and disruptive person as he is. Of course we're all know what (pro)Russians actually had understand what was going on (except some really naive people, not presenting here i guess (as such "naivety" is close to illiteracy already)), just that is how its eventually ends. But with willful amnesia, it surely would be possible to keep insist later (say, during the trial, or so) about bias, ungrounded accusations etc. Surely it could work, just no point to expect anybody else to care about that ressentiment.

We can take the idea of "Rebellions must have a specific organizer" as a theory. But then we have to classify them on a scale from "entirely purely inner" to "directly openly staged from abroad". By some mystery twist, the (pro)Russians tends to try to pose any recent rebellions as close to "directly staged from abroad", despite being unable to bring anything reasonable to ground it in any given case, beside some words of support from some leaders of other countries and some fantasy articles from nut-ring sites. But still, they tend to see it as bad, intolerable thing. Ok. Now we have the confession of guy, who claim what he, leaded only by some own ideas, decided to went to other country, and capture the city there with military force, in hope to find some support there, and to obtain the direct help from his own country in process (with both goals reached, just not to a level he hoped for). Again, its not the first such attempt in modern history, but even Fascist Italy wasn't crazy enough to associate themselves with most deluded irredentists of that time, and wasn't happy with Fiume aventure. But again, its the most blatant way of "directly staging from abroad" stuff, and its also extremely shameful in the way of being constantly caught red-handed all the time (unlike the some mischievous West, supposedly doing the same all the time, and still managing to keep it secret the recent times, not being caught so miserably, despite being accused still). If you see such behavior as bad one - you need to bash Russia now, if not - forget about "West, staging the rebellions", or you have to lose any contingency in your words about.

Kharkov and Odessa are tried to "rebel" in subtle way, via provocations, as we know. That is one of point of Mr. Strelkov's bashing the organizers of those events, as they are failed badly, unable to find any local support, unlike he did in his captured city. But he had to do it with losing any secrecy in process, simply changing the "local rebellion" scheme to "invasion and search for local collaborators" instead, as being more (probably only) effective way (as its the one, that worked in Crimea by that time).

No doubt he's exaggerating his role, what else the talking head can do? I tried to say it as much clear as i was able too. But his confesses are matching some already existing evidence, nothing more.

It would be some great stuff if you will explain the deal about "tourists" to some people here, who still tend to miss that part. It was not a secret from the start, so im really puzzled why somebody is needing to voluntary ruin own credibility so miserable way still. As your English is much better than mine, and you realize who are they, and what they are doing there, it probably should work.
Also he openly describe the late August counter-offensive as actions of "vacationeers" (both term and quote marks are original).
He also says that had they stayed and tried to defend Slovyansk, everything would've been over in a week, but after retreating to Donetsk, they managed to hold on until arrival of the "vacationeers", even though they clinged on by a hair for last few days.
Spoiler :
Если бы мы остались в Славянске, то через неделю, максимум через две, Донецк бы пал. А выйдя, мы сорок суток держали Донецк до прихода "отпускников". Хотя последние дни были просто отчаянные.

EDIT: Damn, that interview is insightful:
Spoiler :
Когда произошли события в Крыму, было понятно, что одним Крымом дело не закончится. Крым в составе Новороссии — это колоссальное приобретение, бриллиант в короне Российской империи. А один Крым, отрезанный перешейками враждебным государством — не то.

Когда украинская власть распадалась на глазах, в Крым постоянно прибывали делегаты из областей Новороссии, которые хотели повторить у себя то, что было в Крыму. Было ясное желание у всех продолжить процесс. Делегаты планировали у себя восстания и просили помощи. Аксёнов, поскольку на него такой груз свалился, он по 20 часов в сутки работал, попросил меня заниматься северными территориями. И он сделал меня советником по данному вопросу. Я стал работать со всеми делегатами: из Одессы, из Николаева, из Харькова, Луганска, Донецка. У всех была полная уверенность, что если восстание разовьётся, то Россия придёт на помощь. Поэтому я собрал неразъехавшихся бойцов роты, набрал добровольцев. Собралось 52 человека.

Spoiler :
А изначально я исходил из того, что повторится крымский вариант — Россия войдёт. Это был самый лучший вариант. И население к этому стремилось. Никто не собирался выступать за Луганскую и Донецкую республики. Все изначально были — за Россию. И референдум проводили за Россию, и воевать шли за Россию. Люди хотели присоединения к России. Российские флаги были везде. У меня на штабе был российский флаг и у всех.

Spoiler :
Но спусковой крючок войны всё-таки нажал я. Если бы наш отряд не перешёл границу, в итоге всё бы кончилось, как в Харькове, как в Одессе. Было бы несколько десятков убитых, обожженных, арестованных. И на этом бы кончилось. А практически маховик войны, которая до сих пор идёт, запустил наш отряд. Мы смешали все карты на столе. Все! И с самого начала мы начали воевать всерьёз: уничтожать диверсионные группы "правосеков".
He also says that had they stayed and tried to defend Slovyansk, everything would've been over in a week, but after retreating to Donetsk, they managed to hold on until arrival of the "vacationeers", even though they clinged on by a hair for last few days.

Oh, im not dared to pretend to translate the whole article, taking the time needed for it, and my weak language skills, just cherry-picked some juicy stuff, and left the source for the reading of anyone's interested.

upd. As far i can understand "retreating" is a wrong word here. "Relocating" or something, one cannot retreat to a place where one wasn't before.
Oh, im not dared to pretend to translate the whole article, taking the time needed for it, and my weak language skills, just cherry-picked some juicy stuff, and left the source for the reading of anyone's interested.
Oh, I get it, I just picked out some better parts myself.
No I dont really get the point it.

O.K. When you say overwhelming majority do you mean the goverments of NATO nations? Becouse the actual people of these countries may not think the same in spite of being daily brainwashed. I can say with confidence that majority of Czechs are against sanctions but the goverment acts different way.
Oh, I get it, I just picked out some better parts myself.
Not surprise, as there is alotta of them to choose from.

O.K. When you say overwhelming majority do you mean the goverments of NATO nations? Becouse the actual people of these countries may not think the same in spite of being daily brainwashed. I can say with confidence that majority of Czechs are against sanctions but the goverment acts different way.
Arent it was about media sources initially? As original statement was about "show me several instances where Western media report anything other than the "good Ukraine, bad Putler"" that so easy to accomplish, to extent of not bothering about at all (otherwise there would be literally no one outside Russia, who think such way, what is not matching the given facts, and you can just take almost any leftist\far-right source to get the desired POW), not about "actual people". And many people in Russia are against the sanctions imposed by Russian government on them too, despite of being daily brainwashed, and (beside the part, what some are indeed brainwashed enough, to not realize they got hurt not by West sanctions, but by Russian ones)? And don't forget, that till the last times, Russian official position about sanctions was them either being non-important at all, or being helpful and good to Russia. Why some Czech citizens should decide what is better to Mother Russia? Also he clearly used the word "reasonable" in the statement.
I don't know, it sounds more like you are describing mainstream Russian perception of Western journalism. The media I personally follow have local correspondents with some actual knowledge of where they are stationed. The only bias I can discern is that they are critical. I don't know about you, but I personally like critical journalism.
There is no such thing as "mainstream Russian perception". I'm aware about quality of Western journalism because I read articles from their media. There are a few journalists who have competence and objectivity enough to write decent quality articles about Russia (usually those who actually visited Russia beyond staying in Moscow for a couple of weeks), but overwhelming majority of them write stereotypical sensationalist junk.

In case you are unaware, the Russian position is quite well represented in Western media. I would say that goes without saying for any decent news medium.
If it was the case, people in this thread would know it, and I wouldn't need to ask them multiple times to read Putin's interview and stop writing nonsense about "Russian position".

In Russia, you mean? As their own position is that they are independent people's republics.
In Novorossiya. Look, if you claim that "local opposition" has right to authorize bombing of their country, it applies not only to Libya, but also to Ukraine. Regardless of which position you take - either they are local Ukrainian opposition or authorities in independent state. If you so inclined to accept rebels position that they have independent Novorossiya, they have even more rights to ask third countries to help them in repelling Ukrainian aggression.

You were arguing that the intervention in Libya was, and in Syria is illegal. It was, and is, not.
Bombing of Libya was illegal according to international law, because it wasn't authorized by UNSC resolution.
So finaly you indirectly admit whole incident is exported from Russia...

No, it was imported from Ukraine. This whole conflict was at least 10 years in the making.

Huh, all of that is not a secret for a very long time, just now he framed his own followers, whom indeed had no problem to openly discuss it in very same terms on Russian, but lamenting about Russophobia, false biased claims etc in English in tries to "disprove" very the same things they are was happy about "without others ears". And now they had showed to be either gullible fools, or liars, by their own beloved hero. As he elegantly proved all the stuff they had to battle against as being "false biased and ungrounded accusations" for months. With either severe blow to some other statements from them (as being statements incoming from gullible fools, or liars) versus statements from their opponents (who's being able to reconstruct the events very clear and fast, even without the confession of Strelkov, thus showing the good ability to work with data in process) or to the need to start bashing the Strelkov himself and accuse them in treason, lie etc (some already happening process inside the chauvinist's rift), but still with accepting of being initially fooled by such malicious and disruptive person as he is. Of course we're all know what (pro)Russians actually had understand what was going on (except some really naive people, not presenting here i guess (as such "naivety" is close to illiteracy already)), just that is how its eventually ends. But with willful amnesia, it surely would be possible to keep insist later (say, during the trial, or so) about bias, ungrounded accusations etc. Surely it could work, just no point to expect anybody else to care about that ressentiment.

We can take the idea of "Rebellions must have a specific organizer" as a theory. But then we have to classify them on a scale from "entirely purely inner" to "directly openly staged from abroad". By some mystery twist, the (pro)Russians tends to try to pose any recent rebellions as close to "directly staged from abroad", despite being unable to bring anything reasonable to ground it in any given case, beside some words of support from some leaders of other countries and some fantasy articles from nut-ring sites. But still, they tend to see it as bad, intolerable thing. Ok. Now we have the confession of guy, who claim what he, leaded only by some own ideas, decided to went to other country, and capture the city there with military force, in hope to find some support there, and to obtain the direct help from his own country in process (with both goals reached, just not to a level he hoped for). Again, its not the first such attempt in modern history, but even Fascist Italy wasn't crazy enough to associate themselves with most deluded irredentists of that time, and wasn't happy with Fiume aventure. But again, its the most blatant way of "directly staging from abroad" stuff, and its also extremely shameful in the way of being constantly caught red-handed all the time (unlike the some mischievous West, supposedly doing the same all the time, and still managing to keep it secret the recent times, not being caught so miserably, despite being accused still). If you see such behavior as bad one - you need to bash Russia now, if not - forget about "West, staging the rebellions", or you have to lose any contingency in your words about.

Kharkov and Odessa are tried to "rebel" in subtle way, via provocations, as we know. That is one of point of Mr. Strelkov's bashing the organizers of those events, as they are failed badly, unable to find any local support, unlike he did in his captured city. But he had to do it with losing any secrecy in process, simply changing the "local rebellion" scheme to "invasion and search for local collaborators" instead, as being more (probably only) effective way (as its the one, that worked in Crimea by that time).

No doubt he's exaggerating his role, what else the talking head can do? I tried to say it as much clear as i was able too. But his confesses are matching some already existing evidence, nothing more.

It would be some great stuff if you will explain the deal about "tourists" to some people here, who still tend to miss that part. It was not a secret from the start, so im really puzzled why somebody is needing to voluntary ruin own credibility so miserable way still. As your English is much better than mine, and you realize who are they, and what they are doing there, it probably should work.

You should try to summarize your thoughts, walls of text are very hard to read.

He never framed his followers. The DPR is not a monolithic organization, there are factions and the "Strelkovites" are one of them. The "Oplot" and "Vostok" are indeed his rivals.

The rebellion, as everything, had many causes and was brewing for a long time. The Maidan was the catalyst, of course. Though not the only one.
Russia is of course behind the rebellion, but the only difference it makes is in the degree of its success. Its help doesn't make the rebellion fake, just as France's help doesn't make the American Revolutionary War any less of a "revolution", in our eyes (and the help was substantial, even more than what Russia is doing actually).

Kharkov and Odessa still have a decent amount of support for independence, and definitely very little support for the government. Eventually if Ukraine loses in Donetsk and Lugansk they will also join in.
Not only most Czechs but also both present and former Czech president do not see things as mainstreem media put them:
Former Czech president Václav Klaus told the Russian TV channel Dozhd that the crisis in Ukraine was a continuation of the Cold War that has been provoked by the West. In an interview for the independent TV station, Mr Klaus said the West had used Ukraine’s internal problems to start a new phase of the conflict, and that Russia’s response was a reaction to events in Ukraine, and not their original cause. The former Czech president also suggested that Ukraine was an artificial country that was likely to disintegrate.
Strelkov's interview is indeed interesting, it contains some important information. Since the source is now apparently treated as reliable here, I would quote some other parts of it.

About shelling of Slavyansk and Nikolaevka by Ukrainian forces, massive civilian casualties:
Spoiler :
Затем "Правый сектор" начал забрасывать к нам диверсионные группы — начались перестрелки. Ещё Нацгвардии не было — только "Правый сектор". Украинская сторона очень осторожно себя вела, шаг за шагом прощупывала, как себя поведёт Россия. Первый месяц не было обстрелов города. Первый обстрел Славянска — в конце мая. До того они обстреливали сёла, но сам Славянск не трогали. Но по мере того как они понимали, что Россия не отреагирует, обстрелы становились всё более сильными, действия бронетехники и авиации — всё более массированными. В начале июня они окончательно уверились, что Россия напрямую не вмешается, и пустились во все тяжкие. Первая массированная атака на Славянск была второго мая. Следующую — с применением всех сил и средств вооружения — бронетехники и танков — они провели 3 июня. Между этими атаками были бои, локальные стычки.


В результате Николаевку они начали методично разрушать. Наносили удары "ураганами", "градами", тяжёлой артиллерией. Никто не ожидал такого массивного обстрела. Некоторые пятиэтажки в городе попросту сложились. Действительные потери мирного населения мы даже не знаем — они огромны.
About people who fought with him in Slavyansk - Ukrainians were considered them as Moscow mercenaries, while in reality 90% were local Donbass people and the other were volunteers from abroad.

Spoiler :
Батальоны нацгвардии стали прибывать на поле боя. Они изначально были мотивированы: рассматривали противника, то есть нас, как московских наёмников. Они были уверены. что мы все присланы из России. А то, что у нас в Славянске 90% были местные, донбассовцы, не хотели даже верить.
Now he keep to insist what the whole stuff there was started solely due to him and his squad, as locals hadn't planned to do anything on their own, according to him.
Well, the article you quoted says the opposite:

"Когда украинская власть распадалась на глазах, в Крым постоянно прибывали делегаты из областей Новороссии, которые хотели повторить у себя то, что было в Крыму. Было ясное желание у всех продолжить процесс. Делегаты планировали у себя восстания и просили помощи."

"When Ukrainian authority was collapsing, delegates from different Novorossiya regions were arriving in Crimea, they wanted to repeat Crimea events in their regions. Everyone had a clear desire to continue process. Delegates were planning uprising in their regions and were asking for help"

Either you have difficulties understanding Russian, or, perhaps simply lied.
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