Unique unit city state gifts from civs with promotions in their UA


Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
There are a number of unique units which might be a little lacklustre if given as CS gifts. Should the UUs have the UA promotions on them so they don’t feel underwhelming as CS gifts? This would not affect the UU in the hands of its own civ.

Woodsman on Mohawk Warrior
Amphibious & War Canoe in Mandekalu
Ancestral spirit on Comanche
Viking on Berserker
Vision on Minutemen
Hill-walking on Slinger
Esprit de corps on Musketeer

Could add or not add, on a case by case basis. I think giving Musketeer their promotion is too good. I'm on the fence about the berserker
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If you manually move your units into the city state's territory, then gift it using the unit UI (and not the UI for interacting with the city state), the unit will retain its XP and all of its promotions (even promotions granted by UAs).

Edit: Ignore this, I misread the title...
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