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USA funds neo-nazi party in Iran WTF?

Apr 12, 2008
"SUMKA was an Iranian neo-Nazi group that is otherwise known as Hezb-e Sosialist-e Melli-ye Kargaran-e Iran or the Iran National-Socialist Workers group.
Contents [hide]
1 Foundation
2 Development
3 Current group
4 References
5 External links
Foundation[edit source | editbeta]

The group was formed in 1952 by Davud Monshizadeh, a professor at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, who served with the SS and had been injured fighting in Berlin. Before this the name had been used informally to refer to those in Iran who supported and help funded Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. Monshizadeh would go on to serve as a Professor of Persian Studies at Alexandria University and Uppsala University.[1] Despite building up a minor support base in Iranian universities, the party did not last long.[2] It has been claimed that the party enjoyed funding directly from Mohammad Reza Pahlavi for a time.[3] Funding was also provided indirectly by the United States government through their operation in the area codenamed BEDMAN.[4]
Development[edit source | editbeta]

The group briefly attracted the support of young nationalists in Iran, with Daryoush Homayoun, who would later rise to prominence, an early member.[3] Monshizadeh was known as something of a Hitler worshipper and was fond of many of the ways of the Nazi Party, such as their militarism and salute, as well as attempting to approximate Hitler's physical appearance.[3] On this basis the group adopted the swastika and black shirt as part of their uniforms.[5] Alongside this, however, the part was also known for their loyalty to the monarchy and were branded "Shah worshippers".[3]
They were firmly opposed to the rule of Mohammed Mossadegh during their brief period of influence and the group worked alongside Fazlollah Zahedi in his opposition to Mossadegh. Indeed in 1953 they were part of a large crowd of Zahedi supporters who marched to the palace of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi demanding the ousting of Mossadegh.[6] The party would become associated with street violence against the supporters of Mossadegh and the Tudeh Party.[7]
The party eventually passed out of existence, although much of their membership was absorbed by the 'Arya' movement of Brigadier General Hasan Arfa, a largely military-based group that had some pro-Nazi tendencies.[3]
Current group[edit source | editbeta]

A group calling itself SUMKA and claiming to be direct heirs of the original still exists. Although it remains to be seen how far this revival extended beyond the internet. They now present their main enemy as being Arabs in keeping with the anti-Islamic and Aryan identity politics of the original party. This group is not connected to the equally minor Iranian National Socialist Party [8] or the Aryan League. This party is against any form of Communism."
Not a reliable source.
Certainly a possibility, but yeah, no reliable source. It links to some ancient website which gives no other verifiable sources. Always check the citations of a wiki article before you take anything it says seriously.
So as long as you make a crappy website, you can post anything on wiki?
Finally! Proof of a Zionist-Nazi conspiracy!!!11
This is what the source wiki claims says. I've quoted the relevant part to the OP.


Last but not least, an operation codenamed BEDMAN was started in 1948 to counter Soviet and Tudeh influence funded with over $1 million dollars a year. BEDMAN funded numerous attacks on the Tudeh Party and Soviet allies in Iran. The propaganda included articles and cartoons in Iranian newspapers, books, and leaflets. On many occasions, street gangs were hired to break up Tudeh assemblies. BEDMAN also funded many anti-communist organizations such as SOMKA and Pan Iranist parties. Some of the more brutal acts included: paying religious figures to denounce the Tudeh as anti-Islamic, and organizing attacks on mosques and public figures in the name of the Tudeh (Gasiorowski 269).
Certainly a possibility, but yeah, no reliable source. It links to some ancient website which gives no other verifiable sources. Always check the citations of a wiki article before you take anything it says seriously.
Is it really that surprising that in the 50s the US would have funded an anti-communist political group in Iran, as they did in so many other countries?

Or do you dispute that it existed, and continues to exist even today at least in some form ?

Here are two extensive websites documenting the history of SUMKA:

Iranian National Socialist Movement (A History)!
Part One

Iran Politics Club: Iranian National Socialist Movement (A History)! Part Two

Here is a translated quote from their current website:


SUMKA party dedicated to the survival and advancement of the Iranian Peoples, and the creation of a National Socialist society based on the school of Iranianism. Our fight is dedicated to our motherland Iran, and our race, the Iranian (Aryan) race.

SUMKÂ is a resource for courageous men and women fighting to preserve the Iranian Culture, ideas and freedom of speech and association – a party for planning strategies and forming political and social groups to ensure victory.

1. We should establish a moral state as a national community on the basis of the idea of School of Iranianism and National Socialism.

2. We should exclude the Islamic laws and the internationalism which runs counter to the national polity of Iran, and should demand a leading secular and nationalist regime over Iran.

3. We should recover our self-determination of the real independent nation and should protect our motherland and our folk from foreign powers which are conspiring to have a control over Iran and the world.

4. We should reconfirm the excellence of our race, preserving the purity of our blood, and contribute to freedom of the world from Arabization, Freemasonry, Globalization, Communism, Westernization and Zionism

From this source:

The Iranian Nazi Party

SUMKA is an Iranian neo-Nazi party (otherwise known as Hezb-e Sosialist-e Melli-ye Kargaran-e Iran, Iran National-Socialist Workers Party).

The party was formed in 1952 by Davud Monshizadeh, a professor at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, who claimed to have served with the SS and been injured fighting in Berlin. Before this the name had been used informally to refer to those in Iran who supported Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. As an organised group, they looked to the works of José Ortega y Gasset for inspiration, as well as Hitler, and Monshizadeh translated a number of his works into Persian which he hoped would serve as founding principles for the party. Despite building up a minor support base in Iranian universities, the party did not last long. They were firmly opposed to the rule of Mohammed Mossadegh during their brief period of influence.

They even have a Youtube recruitment video:

Link to video.
Is it really that surprising that in the 50s the US would have funded an anti-communist political group in Iran, as they did in so many other countries?

Or do you dispute that it existed, and continues to exist even today at least in some form ?

Ehh. What? You sure a funny guy Forma...

Edit: Yes, the US government has never undertaken unethical clandestine operations such as supporting and funding terrible people and organizations. Is that the joke response you want? Or what?
Ehh. What? You sure a funny guy Forma...

Edit: Yes, the US government has never undertaken unethical clandestine operations such as supporting and funding terrible people and organizations. Is that the joke response you want? Or what?
So then you would agree that it is then quite likely far more than "certainly a possibility"? That is is virtually impossible to provide definitive evidence of such incidents unless it is later divulged by the government through Freedom of Information requests, as it was later revealed over 40 year later with the CIA-backed overthrow of the very same government which SUMKA opposed? That it would have actually been out of character and an exception if they didn't do so?


Also in the last part of this series, I mentioned relevant to the Nazis and Iran that Operation Bedman (OB) began in 1948 to counter Soviet influence from expanding southward. OB received over 1 million dollars per year and funded Iranian Nazi elements like SUMKA. According to author Mark Gasiorowski in “The 1953 Coup d’Etat in Iran” (International Journal of Middle East Studies, August 1987), OB even organized “attacks on mosques and public figures in the name of the Tudeh Party” (Soviet allies) to make them appear anti-Islamic. Two weeks after President Eisenhower was inaugurated in 1953, he met with top U.S. and British officials to discuss Operation Ajax which was to oust Iranian nationalist leader Mohammad Mossadegh.

Remember, PE agent Allen Dulles was Eisenhower’s CIA director after having worked with Nazi SS officers like Paul Dickopf in Switzerland during the War and with Nazi SS officers like Reinhard Gehlen since the War. OB had been approved by Frank Wisner (head of CIA covert operations), and Operation Ajax was facilitated by Allen Dulles, planned by Kermit Roosevelt, and organized by Don Wilber of the CIA. Operation Ajax called for replacing Mossadegh with General Zahedi who was protected from Mossadegh by the CIA. The U.S. approved military aid to the Zahedi forces, and on Monday, August 17, 1953 paid crowds began to demonstrate (including the fake Tudeh demonstrators). Reportedly, the Ayatollah Kashani was paid $10,000 to begin an anti-Mossadegh rally. The work of the PE via the CIA, the Nazi Gehlen Organization, and others was accomplished. Mossadegh was out of power.

Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles were part of PE agent Col. Edward M. House’s group “the Inquiry,” and as I’ve mentioned earlier in this series, Allen Dulles worked with Himmler, Gehlen, and other Nazis as a dialectical counter to the USSR. In JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (1992) by L. Fletcher Prouty (chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years), the author refers to “evidence of a long-range view of Grand Strategy from a level above that of the leaders that we knew in public. The power elite had already set plans in motion for the post-WWII period that we have known as the Cold War. This is one of the best examples I have found revealing the work of the power elite, as distinct from that of the men who are the visible national leaders. As WWII came to a close, the long-range Cold War plan was already in existence, filling the vacuum by the end of that conflict. That long-range decision had to have originated from a center of power above the Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin level, because it ignored the WWII alliance represented by those three wartime leaders and went its own independent way.” The type of evidence to which Prouty refers was “the active role of U.S. Army officials in the unprecedented move of Hitler’s own intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, directly into the U.S. Army as an officer by a special act of Congress. This was not a casual incident. The move, planned before the end of the war with Germany and directed from the top, was a classic example of the work of the power elite…. [Our] ‘leaders’ are all fine actors, and certainly not true rulers…. This is true not only in the world of politics but is equally true of banking, industry, academia, and religion.”
Is it really that surprising that in the 50s the US would have funded an anti-communist political group in Iran, as they did in so many other countries?

Yes. There's only so much money, and there were so many organizations with *actual* Nazis in them to fund. Why should some jumped-up posers in Iran get any?

What were the Soviets gonna do in Iran, anyway? Fund a coup, or something? :rolleyes:
Naw, the Soviets would have never tried to interfere with internal Iranian politics.

In a revealing cable sent on July 6, 1945 by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the local Soviet commander in northern Azerbaijan was instructed as such:
"Begin preparatory work to form a national autonomous Azerbaijan district with broad powers within the Iranian state and simultaneously develop separatist movements in the provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran, Gorgan, and Khorasan".[5]

What were the Soviets gonna do in Iran, anyway? Fund a coup, or something?
Yes, actually. The Soviets had occupied Iran during WWII as a 'wartime' measure as Britain was busy elsewhere and couldn't afford the troops to rule it keep order. It was only with significant Anglo-American pressure that the USSR withdrew a few years after WWII was over.

One of the contributing reasons to the overthrow of Mossadeq among the Brits and Americans was the worry that even if Mossadeq had no intention of letting the Soviets get a foothold in Iran, he was a bit too friendly with the Tudeh Party. Also, considering that Iran was collapsing around Mossadeqs rather obstreperous ears there was worry that the Tudeh Party* would seize power in Iran.

*At the time it wasn't really known if the Tudeh were a home-grown communist movement or a puppet of Moscow. Records of theirs seized during the Iranian Revolution makes it pretty clear that at least by the 1970's the Tudeh were little more than a front for Moscow.
Yes, actually. The Soviets had occupied Iran during WWII as a 'wartime' measure as Britain was busy elsewhere and couldn't afford the troops to rule it keep order. It was only with significant Anglo-American pressure that the USSR withdrew a few years after WWII was over.

Actually, the Soviets went as far as setting up a Communist state in Southern Azerbaijan. The rest is history.
Yes, actually.


See, what I did was post something wholly ironic in response to a serious, if rhetorical, question. That's half a point for Form., and a point for me.

In response to my sarcastic (I've decided the "coup" comment contained enough mockery and contempt to be upgraded from irony) post you write something serious. That's a point for me, -1 for you.

You're lucky this isn't a sudden-death thread. Like it would be in Russia.

Your turn.
Forgive me for not following your hissy fit with Formy closely enough to know what you had said was sarcasm.
Regardless, considering I posted an (in my mind at least) informative post about Soviet activities in Iran I don't see where the need to respond so aggressively comes from.
Huh, for real? Does the US have severe neurological damage? Every single time they do that, it backfires horribly :lol:
Forgive me for not following your hissy fit with Formy closely enough to know what you had said was sarcasm.
You still don't get it. There was no "hissy fit". :lol:

Regardless, considering I posted an (in my mind at least) informative post about Soviet activities in Iran I don't see where the need to respond so aggressively comes from.
That was invariably the excuse for false imprisonment, torture, and murder by our puppet regimes during that period. Wasn't it?

Huh, for real? Does the US have severe neurological damage? Every single time they do that, it backfires horribly :lol:

"I don't want to move somewhere else, because I don't want to become the victim of American foreign policy." Barry Krementz
Actually, the Soviets went as far as setting up a Communist state in Southern Azerbaijan. The rest is history.
I like to follow up any statement about the past with "the rest is history".
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