Valentines Day

The song that personally cheers me up the most is Baba Yetu.

EDIT: Eric Johnson also makes a lot of happy songs, including East Wes, Desert Rose and Manhattan
I usually smile when I hear Feist's "1 2 3 4". It is an absurdly happy-sounding song, for reasons I don't completely understand.
Therefore, I am doing a very late HAPPY VALENTINES DAY and lots of love to you all.
That's very nice, Boundless. Same to you and Abaddon. :)

I spent Valentine's day with my friend Steve, who I am going to Peru with. We went to the local Mountain Equipment co-op (amazing place) and then for dinner afterwards.

So we're sitting in a booth at a semi-fancy place, I'm eating steak, he's eating.. some chicken sandwich. We're talking about the trip, planning, etc.

And then it comes time to pay.. and the waiter is like "Will that be 2 cheques or 1?" And that's when I realized that it was Valentine's day and that he thought we were on a gay date.
:lol: That's cute. Did he realize he was mistaken?

Canasta is once again confirmed to be my favorite card game. :goodjob:
I enjoy Canasta, too! :)

Oh yes. My girlfriend and I were disgustingly cute on Valentines day.

I gave her flowers/chocolates/a present.

We watched Lady and the Tramp while I made her crêpes.

Later in the day she made dinner and we watched The Producers.

Lovely, ain't it?
Any true romantic would know that Lady and the Tramp is only romantic if you have spaghetti and meatballs and your lips/noses meet in a kiss because you're both slurping up opposite ends of the same strand of spaghetti...

Camikaze said:
To the very best woman in the whole wide world...something?
I am yours forever (there's a batch of posts that you should look up to get a crash course in deciphering Birdjaguar's acronyms :p).

To answer the OP: No, I did nothing romantic. I'm not a romance-minded person unless I happen to be reading/watching a favorite story. In RL, my philosophy of Valentine's Day is quite simple: Just bring chocolate. Then leave.

Apparently my philosophy is shared by a friend on the Cheezburger Network, as I received this today:


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Ironically , I managed to engage in casual sex with someone I only met on Valentines day . And at no point from meeting to parting were any Valentines day wishes exchanged .OTOH , I am very unlikely to see any action with my few VTDW recipients .There's a lesson somewhere there kids .

@VRWC Agent...

Wow , that's really creepy ( your song list) . I have the exact same songs on my "If heard with renewed regularity on the radio , prepare for the apocalypse" list.

Double post . Sorry (often just one is apology worthy)
I was home all day until 2:30, then I had a class from 3:30 till 5:30. The people I get a ride home from dropped me off at my road, and it turns that my dad was to pick me up when he came by.

Which was to be in 25 minutes.

Luckily I had my laptop with me, so I played Civ4 in the woods on someone's property until he came by, then I went home and threw together a Valentine's card for mom, then gave it to her after dinner.

I did not tell my friend how I feel. :sad:
:lol: That's cute. Did he realize he was mistaken?

I'm not sure, probably. It wasn't awkward or anything and when I thought about it later I realized that he did the professional thing by assuming that 2 people (of whatever gender) eating there on valentine's day might have been on a date.

Very non-discriminatory of him! We didn't mind.

What was funny was the fact that we totally forgot it was Valentine's day and what us eating there might have looked like to others.
Not a good V day for me, but yesterday made up for it mostly, so it's okay. I did write a long love letter and make a card. I bought colored pencils and made the card myself. I prefer writing my own stuff, I find I can be more personal that way. The problem with using other people's work, is their words don't really apply directly to my situation. So I prefer to make up my own stuff (whether it be poems, words, or pictures). Although I suck as an artist. :)
What's the point of this day? It seems to gain ground in Germany (we don't really have a Valentine's Day tradition) but I just don't get it.
I think you have to be in love to get it. :)

Seriously there is no point. You should be showing your love year round. But you could say the same about Christmas. You should be giving all year round, not just around Christmas.
At least Christmas has a cultural/religious tradition of some sort to fall back on.

If I were a priest that tends to a shrine of Saint Valentine, I would cry every February 14th at the exploitation of his patron saint's name.
Seriously there is no point. You should be showing your love year round. But you could say the same about Christmas. You should be giving all year round, not just around Christmas.

That's how I've always felt about it - plus I'm too tight to buy gifts! - whenever I've been with anyone over Valentine's day we might have gone out to dinner (in the best that Aldershot or Sennelager could provide...) but I've never made a big show and dance of it. Mind you, I've never been married, so perhaps I never had the spur of marital necessity.
If you are tight, you make your own gifts like I did. Any woman who complains about a hand made gift is not a woman you should be having. It shows they only care about monetary rewards, not the thought and act of giving love.

I'm pretty cheap, although not as cheap as I used to be. But I could never buy diamond rings and such things. Maybe I could for a wedding, that's about it. I have always considered jewelry pointless and worse, immoral (blood diamonds etc.)
What's the point of this day? It seems to gain ground in Germany (we don't really have a Valentine's Day tradition) but I just don't get it.
In the most basic sense - it is about showing other people that you love them.
In a more practical sense, it is like Christmas, but for couples instead of families.
What's the point of this day? It seems to gain ground in Germany (we don't really have a Valentine's Day tradition) but I just don't get it.
Now we have a'Lovers' Month' so we're all supposed to buy stuff. Just like the Coca-Cola designed Santa Claus, the point
At least Christmas has a cultural/religious tradition of some sort to fall back on.
Nope! Santa claus and all that crap was invented by Coca-Cola!
aronnax who is proud to be referenced in hating Singapore said:
If I were a priest that tends to a shrine of Saint Valentine, I would cry every February 14th at the exploitation of his patron saint's name.
Seriously there is no point. You should be showing your love year round. But you could say the same about Christmas. You should be giving all year round, not just around Christmas.
That's how I've always felt about it - plus I'm too tight to buy gifts! - whenever I've been with anyone over Valentine's day we might have gone out to dinner (in the best that Aldershot or Sennelager could provide...) but I've never made a big show and dance of it. Mind you, I've never been married, so perhaps I never had the spur of marital necessity.
If you're married you have to show your love everyd ay, you can't just love your spouse one day a year.
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