We shall be conquering the world!

Can I do research? I have a computer, interwebs and I have wiki bookmarked. I can also do field research. And do telephone polls.

I will need a lab coat though.

I don't think this outfit has a research division. Yet.
I'll even look into the matter of nanominiaturization. I already have a hammer, just point towards whatever you want nanominiaturized.
You're going to need a bigger hammer.
I assume our global state will need a tabloid newspaper to focus attention on the enemy and away from the failings of our socialist/fascist state?
I could be the editor of that paper and make up all the headlines and newstories. It is like trolling and I'm good at it :p
Do we really need another Daily Mail? If we are going to have the Ministry of Truth putting out tabloids with sensationalist articles, lets at least pretend it isn't quite so bad.
I assume our global state will need a tabloid newspaper to focus attention on the enemy and away from the failings of our socialist/fascist state?
I could be the editor of that paper and make up all the headlines and newstories. It is like trolling and I'm good at it :p

That's the Ministry of Propaganda.
Apolyton, huh? We should start the war there. I suggest we sign a non-aggression pact with WePlayCiv where we secretly agree to divide up Apolyton's bandwidth between us.
That's the Ministry of Propaganda.


everything that has to do with the masses has to go through my sweet and awesome man o news net.

EDIT: Efter some rethinking I think we should call it Man o Fanatic news.
So, how shall we go about conquering the evil Apolytonites?
So should we start calling Sid Meyer Big Brother?

I want to be the guy who makes everything match what The Eternal President says. I called it.
I don't ask much for my support for this world conquest. It should be obvious which territory I'm gunning for...

triumph? an apolytoner is making civ5, dude
We'll have to purify civ5 then. Or, we can seize power and then purge the Party forum and do away with Apolytonesque revisionists.
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