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What Book Are You Reading XV - The Pile Keeps Growing!

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Your keyboard seems to have sneezed violently when typing that place in Michigan! :eek:

It's a silly joke, the actual name of the place is Hamtramck. But even the Polish part of my brain thinks that's an unusual combination of consonants
It's a silly joke, the actual name of the place is Hamtramck. But even the Polish part of my brain thinks that's an unusual combination of consonants
It was rather obvious. One wonders if Arak was also making an obvious joke. Exponential function in jokes is tricky, since they aren't recursive.
Ended The Gendarme by Mark Mustian. Liked It.

Starting Collapse: how societies choose to fail ir succed. By Jared Diamond
Starting Collapse: how societies choose to fail ir succed. By Jared Diamond

Ooof...that's a bad one. Straight up ignoring historical and archaeological evidence in favour of trying to push a grand unified theory of society.
Nearing the end of Carr's novel, The Burning Court.
It gets worse as it goes. I wonder in what pitiful way the plot will be resolved.
I was about to write, "I enjoyed The Alienist, but Angel of Darkness couldn't hold my attention[...]", but I decided to Google The Burning Court first, 'cause I hadn't heard of that one. :lol:

Oh, jfc, The Alienist is almost 30 years old now. :old: :twitch:
I was about to write, "I enjoyed The Alienist, but Angel of Darkness couldn't hold my attention[...]", but I decided to Google The Burning Court first, 'cause I hadn't heard of that one. :lol:

Oh, jfc, The Alienist is almost 30 years old now. :old: :twitch:
I haven't read anything else by him, and now, 9/10 into this one, I am certain it will take a miracle for me to read anything else by him.
It's not the literary worth - that was clearly going to approach zero, from the first few pages. It's the plot. I will be amazed if the 40 something pages left make this avoid being a stupid farce of a plot :)
I spent a weekend in Hamtramcktdkhzp, Michigan for a friend's wedding and brought a new book with me to read on the train & other modes of transport. It's really good so far!

I'm reading The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu.

It's about a guy who's body gets taken over by an alien who has done the same to various historical and non-historical figures over the ages and helped them with various things.. The context in which this all happens makes more sense, but I don't really want to say too much, lest I spoil too much to anyone who might want to pick this up and give it a try. I'm about 120 pages in, the book is well written and thought out, the characterization is great, the dialogue is solid, the story is engaging so far. I'm glad I picked it up
Just put The Lives of Tao on hold at the library.
Is in the same line than guns, germs and steel or is it worse?

I'd say worse, although it has been a long time since I read them. From what I remember, GGS had some interesting points, but overexrapolated them beyond what any evidence supported in Diamond's seach for an overarching theory. Collapse just gets stuff wrong in a way that indicates either deliberate misrepresentation or embarasingly bad research skills for a historical authour - the chapter on Easter Island is particularly bad, with Diamond seemingly ignoring the (then) last 20-30 years of research in favour of outdated theories that conveniently blamed the inhabitants being stupid for the societal and population collapse instead of the real cause: diseases brought by Europeans.
Just put The Lives of Tao on hold at the library.
Looks like it's a series now:
  • The Lives of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2013)
  • The Deaths of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2014)
  • The Rebirths of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2015)
  • The Days of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2016)
It also sounds like the author's Io series of novels also takes place in the same universe (I think)

The Lives of Tao has just been so much fun so far, which is the main reason I like it. But also all the other reasons I mentioned. I just found out that this is the author's first ever novel.. which I'm impressed by
Anthony and Cleopatra by Colleen McCullough! Got it today.
Started on Slouching Toward Utopia. At first I was like wow this like everything I’ve been saying! Then I was like, well of course, who was in charge of my education in the first place :lol:

I had DeLong for the first 5 weeks of his macro class before switching late into “theories of late stage capitalism” with a heterodox, extremely well read Marxian scholar, who was my favorite prof and taught me 3 classes.

DeLong’s macro is awesome. But also he was the one who basically hired and went to bat for my other prof until two departments ran him out (mostly for being an interpersonal jackass let’s be honest).

My favorite econ-econ class was co-taught by one of the three praises on the back.

We will see how the book keeps up but it’s crazy so far to see my education in a book so cleanly.
Looks like it's a series now:
  • The Lives of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2013)
  • The Deaths of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2014)
  • The Rebirths of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2015)
  • The Days of Tao (Angry Robot Books, 2016)
It also sounds like the author's Io series of novels also takes place in the same universe (I think)

The Lives of Tao has just been so much fun so far, which is the main reason I like it. But also all the other reasons I mentioned. I just found out that this is the author's first ever novel.. which I'm impressed by
If I like it and it is a series, so much the better. :D
I’ll get the boot tonight but just let me tell you that I’m prowling through everything by Hamsun this summer (in my native tongue). It’s a treat and my hope is that you’ll also get a taste of this before you die.

Memento mori
Finished a PDF of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy after several months of smartphone reading. The Global Grey Ebook download had the Maude translation, which apparently took some liberties like turning a certain character's verbal tic into rhotacism and Anglicizing some names. This doorstopper of a novel certainly deserves its exalted place in Russian and world literature for its examination of history itself. Hundreds of pages are used to show the building blocks of history, individual characters who we see change over the course of years. The title shows the main division of the novel's chapters, between peaceful vignettes of Russian city and country life, and action-packed deployments of Russian fighting men to foreign engagements. As the novel approaches its crescendo with Napoleon invading Russia itself, the distinction between war and peace becomes blurred, and Tolstoy's thoughts on various themes get their place in the spotlight.

The author's main screed is on how ridiculous the Great Man Theory of History is. Entire chapters get devoted to debunking the notion, demonstrating how battle orders not only fail to achieve their aims, but often fail to be obeyed or even noticed at all. Great figures, advisors, or even ideas are not enough to understand the broad sweep of history; one must consider each and every single person that takes part in any event, from the lowest peasants to august emperors. Other more fundamental philosophical themes are examined through the lives of characters, such as how to live, will versus its representation, and how reason is in opposition to consciousness. More mundane topics include Russia's relationship with French culture, which understandably turns from emulation from aversion as French armies march deeper into the Rodina. This is paralleled by an increase in displays of Russian patriotism, which one day may be the cause for victory, and another day the cause of chaos.

Overall, it's a masterpiece with only a few flaws, such as ponderous character introductions that read almost like APBs and awkwardly-written action during the first battles covered. Don't know if it's a translation issue, but I still can't get over the sound of grapeshot being compared to spilled nuts.
About to finish The Last Republicans, on George H.W. and George W. Bush; halfway done with Off the Planet: Five Months on Mir, and about to start The Fight of his Life, on the Biden White House.
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