Asian Xwedodah
its definitely Russia. theres a Stalin in the game trailer on the website, so it has to be russia.
Shaka leads Africa insted of Zululand, althogh I don't see that logic.
I think Zulu's (Because they rule)if they were to change to a real African civ, the likelihood I see of as near impossible, there are really only three decent choices in my opinion:
- Zululand - because its a Civ tradition
- Mali/Songhai - because they were real nations and economic powers
- Ethiopia - because its an ancient civilization that has interacted with Europe (Western bias, hint hint) quite often, and is well known otherwise for its assosiation with Monotheistic Religions
Other not-so-great possibilites would be Nubia, or Congo.
Where did you see this one???
Yeah. I just saw the trailer. It has to be Stalin for two reasons.
1. He's in the trailer
2. He's the most well-known of the three that were in Civ Iv because he's the most recent to rule
It actually has to Catherine because she's already been confirmed by Barry Caudill in PolyCast.
if so... i wonder if she has her awesome Civ3 style or her not-so-awesome Civ4 style... (oh, wait, other way around)
Africa civilization? Did firaxis go nuts or something? Might as well put in Europe...
1. Rome - Caesar;
2. Mongolia - Genghis Khan;
3. US - Lincoln;
4. Egypt - Cleo???;
5. India - Gandhi;
6. Aztecs - Montezuma;
7. Africans - Shaka Zulu (that's new!!!);
8. Spain - Isabel!!!;
9. Germany - Bismark?;
10. Greece - Alexander!!!;
11. Arabs - Saladin???;
12. France - Napoleon!!!;
Well that remains 4 civ's, and still I didn't see:
13. England - Elizabeth? ;
14. Japan;
15. China;
16. (and this one will be triky...) Babylon, Persia, Portugal, Scandinavia?
RUSSIA!!! I forgot Russia!!!
Hanging Gardens;