What TV Shows Are You Watching? The 9th Is - Excuse Me - A Damn Fine Cup Of Coffee

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Well episode 5 was a little bit better. It did advance the main case which was what was keeping me watching. But I didn't like they way they ended it at all in the final episode. There's also weird continuity errors throughout the season. Like the the giant snowstorm in the final episode that magically turns into a clear nighttime sky after a minute.

Spoiler :
So it was really the cleaning ladies who did it. And all the supernatural spooky stuff is just...in peoples heads I guess? It seems like the writers wanted to pull a 'The Usual Suspects' twist where the culprit wasn't who you thought all along. Except in The Usual Suspects the culprit was central to the story whereas the cleaning ladies in True Detective, well I had forgotten all about them they were so superfluous. Not a satisfying twist at all. It might as well have been one of the extras in the laundromat, or the mine, or any other random place in the show.

Also, instead of dealing with the moral dilemma about what to do with with a group of killers who murdered another group of killers, the writers just skipped right over it preferring to pass it off as a girl boss moment because the lone shred of evidence they had wasn't enough for an arrest. So officially 'nobody' did it. Sigh.

Also also, the lone piece of evidence was a hand-print? You mean a group of women invade the research station, round up all the scientists at gunpoint, and that's all the evidence they leave? Come on. Not a whole lot of detecting going on in this True Detective show.
I loved a lot of it, but the writer(s) set themselves up by creating too many interesting characters, side plots and breadcrumbs. By the end of episode 5, there was simply no way to craft a satisfying resolution. The writers dug themselves into a hole, ironically, with amazing worldbuilding and too many interesting characters. The dangling threads are almost too numerous to list. This could have been an ongoing, 100+ episode series, but I don't think that was ever their mandate. If this had been a half-season, mid-season replacement show that was supposed to set up story arcs and character relationships for the next 6 years' worth of episodes, but then got canceled, I'd be shaking my fist at the myopic corporate suits for killing yet another promising series. But that wasn't the case here. The writers were - I assume - given 6 episodes to tell a single, coherent story, and they didn't do that. :dunno:
wtf happened to Bones at the end of season 6? Are they kidding? I started the next episode, and there are Seeley and Temperance, living together and she's pregnant. At first, I figured it was some kind of dream sequence, so I just sat back and rolled with it, curious whose dream sequence it was (I was anticipating the curveball: that Bones would be the one fantasizing about domestic tranquility with Booth, and not the other way around). But then it moved on to the case of the week, with nobody waking up or 'snapping out of it.' I swear to God, I thought I'd accidentally watched the first 15 minutes of Season 8 and had massively spoiled the entirety of Season 7 for myself. I'm not kidding, I was actually kind of furious with myself. Turns out, no, the writers of this show really did it that way. After 6 seasons of the usual "will they or won't they?" storyline, we get the worst payoff I've ever seen (and I've seen a bunch of these shows, I'm kind of an accidental connoisseur of this crap :lol: ). Up to then, this series had been the horniest network show I'd seen since House M.D. I wasn't expecting to see an actual love scene or anything, but holy [crap] what a let-down. There wasn't even a good kiss (I was thinking about Freema Agyeman and Ryan Eggold in the 3rd-season finale of New Amsterdam). I'm not sure I even want to bother watching it anymore.


Also finished my rewatch of Mindhunter. I remembered almost nothing of season 2. It was better than I remembered, but not quite as compelling as season 1. I couldn't really tell you why. I guess I was really into watching interviews with serial killers? It was a novel approach to the "detectives investigating serial killers" story, to have them talking to guys who'd already been caught. It was a really interesting look at a real "Rogues' Gallery", to borrow a comic-book term. Of course Cameron Britton's performance as Ed Kemper was the highlight, but the guys who played Jerry Brudos and Richard Speck were also outstanding. Season 2 was more run-of-the-mill, in that respect, where they're actually investigating a string of murders as they happen. Maybe that's why it was less memorable. Still good, though. I'd also forgotten that the "ADT Serviceman" preludes were in every episode (I won't spoil who that is, for anyone who hasn't watched the series yet).
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wtf happened to Bones at the end of season 6? Are they kidding? I started the next episode, and there are Seeley and Temperance, living together and she's pregnant. At first, I figured it was some kind of dream sequence, so I just sat back and rolled with it, curious whose dream sequence it was (I was anticipating the curveball: that Bones would be the one fantasizing about domestic tranquility with Booth, and not the other way around). But then it moved on to the case of the week, with nobody waking up or 'snapping out of it.' I swear to God, I thought I'd accidentally watched the first 15 minutes of Season 8 and had massively spoiled the entirety of Season 7 for myself. I'm not kidding, I was actually kind of furious with myself. Turns out, no, the writers of this show really did it that way. After 6 seasons of the usual "will they or won't they?" storyline, we get the worst payoff I've ever seen (and I've seen a bunch of these shows, I'm kind of an accidental connoisseur of this crap :lol: ). Up to then, this series had been the horniest network show I'd seen since House M.D. I wasn't expecting to see an actual love scene or anything, but holy [crap] what a let-down. There wasn't even a good kiss (I was thinking about Freema Agyeman and Ryan Eggold in the 3rd-season finale of New Amsterdam). I'm not sure I even want to bother watching it anymore.
It gets so much worse. :lol: Enjoy. ;)
Got to the end of Star Trek: Picard. Some thoughts, in no particular order...

* Thank god it's over.

* That wasn't a shark that was jumped, it was each and every individual shark on Earth jumped individually.

* I hope to hell they finally let these characters die already, or at least retire to the quietest and most forgotten corner of the galaxy.

* Clearly this show was written as fan service. 1st season of Picard was at least a little interesting, but was mostly made because fans still love Picard. This season was just about bringing back, at least in cameos, as many living old characters that they could find an excuse for. Just so the fans could see them one last time. There was even a cameo by Walter Koenig, who's character in the original is long dead.

* Are we done yet? Can we be done now?

* Seriously, can we be done now?
I haven't felt any urge to watch Picard, which surprises me a little, given how much I was into TNG back in the day. Maybe I watched the first episode? Can't remember. I watched Discovery a lot longer than it really deserved, kind of desperate to like something Star Trek. It never really rewarded my devotion. I think I watched partway into season 3 without ever knowing the names of most of the bridge crew. I do like Strange New Worlds, though, which more than scratches the itch. I was also into The Orville for a bit, which isn't technically a Star Trek show, but is a Star Trek show. That one hasn't been formally canceled, but I think it's done.
* Clearly this show was written as fan service.
* Are we done yet? Can we be done now?
* Seriously, can we be done now?
It's the same principle as the Star Wars films made by Disney. Jump over the star sharks.

The only recent revival I've liked is the Law and Order one.


The popular fascination with Japan's Sengoku period never really got its hooks into me. I mean, it's fine. I've seen some samurai movies I liked. Shogun appears to be getting good reviews, though, and Hulu is one of the services I'm already paying for.

It's probably not fair to Burke and Grainger, but I judge Strike poorly due to who wrote the books.
It's probably not fair to Burke and Grainger, but I judge Strike poorly due to who wrote the books.
Yeah, I struggle with that too. She has nothing to do with making the show, and I've never had any urge to read the novels anyway; but surely she's making royalties off the show, and it must serve as promotion for the books, even if I never buy one. It's a question I've never had a good answer for. On the one hand, if I had kids, I don't know if I'd want to show them The Cosby Show, even though it was one of the most important shows of my childhood. otoh, do I boycott every movie Harvey Weinstein had a hand in? I think part of the difference for me is that Cosby is onscreen and Weinstein & Rowling aren't.
It's probably not fair to Burke and Grainger, but I judge Strike poorly due to who wrote the books.
It’s a great show. I’ve seen all of it. But don’t know much about the author.

Edit: what!!! I did not know they were Rowlings’!

The chemistry between Burke and Grainger is just too good though. I don’t believe I really knew it was based on books. As much as I enjoy detective stuff, it is not my typical read

The first Shogun series was a huge event
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She wrote them under a pseudonym to start with, but then her pseudonym was revealed and now it's just an open secret.
Is the new Law and Order SVU any good?
The old one was decent :)
There's a Law and Order set in Toronto that seems to be getting fairly decent reviews. i.e. 4 out of 5 or 7.7 out of 10
Is the new Law and Order SVU any good?
The old one was decent :)
What do you mean by a new Law and Order SVU? It's still the same show, twenty-odd seasons later.
Has anyone seen the new series yet?
Nah, I just branched out into a certain website where they'd uploaded all the Gaang comics published in the 2020s.
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