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What would you do with $300 Billion and a mandate to make America more secure?


Cold War Veteran
Feb 10, 2002
Seasonal Residences
With 60% of Americans saying that things that are going poorly in Iraq, people are questioning whether the Iraq War has made America (and the world) safer.

Some of you might still be holding the line on Iraq, believing that we're making progress, and that we're close to realizing our goal of a stable democracy there. And once we get there, America and the world will be safer than in 2002. Some of you may even believe that we're already safer now that Saddam is out of power, and even the "sectarian violence" there now is better than what would have happened had he remained in power.

Others count yourself among the majority, who might believe that Iraq has caused us to take our eye off the ball for more pertinant security threats. Some may even believe that Iraq has led us to inflame the situation, empowering Iran, bolstering terrorist recruitment, and creating more antipathy towards the US and even Israel.

Either way... assume that it was 2003, there was just a War in Afghanistan that ousted the Taliban, who was responsible for the attacks on 9/11. The world still largely supports you for your actions after 9/11, but other political figures around the world are concerned about growing the rhetoric that Iraq is the next front in the war on terror, and disagree that a war in Iraq will make the world safer.

The American people are much more supportive, with only 25% worried that the War in Iraq is a bad idea. The media and congress will support whatever your plan is to make the world safer, so long as it has SOME kind of evidence and logic to back it up. You have 300 billion dollars to execute your plan.

Assume we know what we know about WMDs today, but that there's still those that argue that Saddam should be out of power for the sake of international security.

Assume you have America's best interest ahead of your own personal/political gain.

Do you spend it in Iraq?

Or do you do something else? If so, what?
Actually DH, I think youre short changing us. I think the amount wasted on Iraq so far is closer to one trillion.
EDIT: Forget what I typed before...

I'd reinstitute the Comanche helicopter program, the LOSAT (or whatever that newer version was), and other now cancelled high tech weapon platforms. Terrorism isn't the long term threat to our nation's existence. Commie governments in the PRC are, and we're going to need to maintain our technological edge over them, given their vast numerical superiority.
VRWCAgent said:
Re-institute the draft and turn the entire near and middle east into a protectorate of the United States, putting about 1 million troops on the ground throughout the region.

Costs more than 300 billion to do that, you say? Well, the PRC lies about their military budget, so I can too. ;)

You don't screw around!:eek:
Don't worry, Dawg, that initial post that you quoted was just my tongue-in-cheek answer. My edited response that now exists is my sincere answer. YOu can add fast tracking the CVX and DDX programs to that list as well.
Restarting the NATF program wouldn't be a bad either. Naval air superiority is a very important thing to maintain, especially when there isn't a friendly airfield in theatre.
Instead of buying all the high-tech expensive gadgetry, I'd just expand the army.
VRWCAgent said:
EDIT: Forget what I typed before...

I'd reinstitute the Comanche helicopter program

I believe that was canceled because our helicopters don't get shot down by radar guided weapons, and by the time helicopters are in the area, there are no more radar stations.
Left said:
I believe that was canceled because our helicopters don't get shot down by radar guided weapons, and by the time helicopters are in the area, there are no more radar stations.

Yea, don't indulge too much in the military R&D, they like to research expensive, semi-useless toys.
Pay off the people that made the mandate to look that other way and make a run for it, figure I'll have $299 billion left.
i would spend it on ad campains to insure the american public that they are safe. You're more likely to die from a stroke from worring about terrorism too much than actually be harmed in a terrorist act.
Well, in addition to the NATF, as president, I'd spend the $300 billion (or the trillion, or however much it really is) on a new high speed train network to link the major cities in the US, orbital bombardment technology, an immigrant integration program, R&D into harvesting resources from the ocean, minimum healthcare for those who have none, fast-tracking the Land Warrior system, and hiring a set of advisors to tell me how to be less polarizing. But that's just me...
Actually, I have the spending solution that America sorely needs: modernizing our superhighway network and energy grid.
Use it to buy a beachfront property in Italy. Make America safer and Italy more dangerous.
I would show the world that democracy works by not invading third-world countries, running legitimate elections, and not giving the terrorists what they want by destroying our freedoms under the guise of fighting anti-US terrorists.

I'm not just saying that out of an anti-Bush tyraid; that's actually what I'd do.
Pay off the debt, and keep a surplus, keep shrinking the size of the government, and after the debt is gone slash taxes.
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