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What you HATE in DOC?

Is there a way to make England and Netherlands less strong? I hate how fast they go in tech. They get to mech infantry in 1900s :rolleyes:
I plan to do something about that, although I think it isn't as bad anymore in current SVN revisions due to a general tech speed decrease in the late game.
It's impossible to catch on, even in lower difficulty levels... I tried a game as the germans and the jap, there's no way they can complete the tech tree first. Germans might have to invade England, which would be logical, except they are fortified with mech infantry.

India is full of mecha by 1915.
I don't hate anything about this game, it's bloody great.

Three minor quibbles: Babylon never ever gets destroyed. Always irks me to see a modern Babylon - I know it's not exactly where Baghdad is, but it's so close I think it should just get a name change when Arabia takes it. Or at least flip to something like Najaf or Ramadi.

The second one: I haven't played a game yet where Italy has been established. I get that it doesn't declare independence unless there is an independent city on the peninsula, but there never IS an independent city there... France or Spain always storm through it as soon they come about. I'd make it an always-spawn but not flip anything south of the Florence tile - keep the Kingdom of Two Sicilies as controlled by a major power (as it historically was Spain). I really want to see Italy as an AI civ in a game, I think it would add a nice influence in the late game to the massive Mediterranean powers.

Final one: really small point, but I think AI Ethiopia is too powerful - often expands over all of East Africa and then proves very hard to budge, even to European colonists. Quelimane's flip helps this to some extent but the fact that's as far down as Mozambique speaks volumes. Maybe increase natives in Rift Valley area? Even close it off with jungle? No idea what you could do. Just often inhibits English expansion in Africa.
yeah plus:
- in the 600 & 1700 AD scenarios Babylon is indeed replaced by Baghdad
- Italy seems to always spawn in my games (though they never do well, but I guess thats by design)
- Ethiopia always expands a lot and then collapses around 700AD because they overextended.

so honestly, I dont see any problems with either of those
Ethiopia collapsing has also been my general experience.
Italy's weak initial stacklet and small 2-city-challenge spawn area are no match for European armies. I noticed that in my personal modmod, they were eliminated very soon. Now, in my modmod the AI builds more units, so in actual official RFC the effect is going to be less pronounced, but it's still there.
The only thing that I really think is a problem is that Baghdad never, ever appears on a 3000 BC start, since Babylon is rarely razed (and even when it is, Arabia still doesn't settle Baghdad).
"Civ X has fielded an army to conquer your civilization!"

Trying to win as Persia, this is giving me fits. It's especially bad when Rome gets it and suddenly I have Praets on my doorstep :mad:
"Civ X has fielded an army to conquer your civilization!"

Trying to win as Persia, this is giving me fits. It's especially bad when Rome gets it and suddenly I have Praets on my doorstep :mad:

I wouldn't try to win with Persia currently. A too-strong Babylon, heavy barbarian pressure, weak land, and Greek and Roman conquerors all mean Persia is one of the hardest civs to play IMO. I believe Leoreth has stated his intention to give them some much needed attention in the future.
I wouldn't try to win with Persia currently. A too-strong Babylon, heavy barbarian pressure, weak land, and Greek and Roman conquerors all mean Persia is one of the hardest civs to play IMO. I believe Leoreth has stated his intention to give them some much needed attention in the future.
Yes, this will be the next thing I work on right after I'm done with my current project and have dealt with the small things and bug reports in my backlog.
There are only two emotions, hate and pity, which of course is only a toned down version of hate.
Yes, this will be the next thing I work on right after I'm done with my current project and have dealt with the small things and bug reports in my backlog.

Did people act upon your request to show how to add more food in Persia, without adding more resources?
Not really, unfortunately. I have some ideas though, not sure if they will be enough. I hope I can get to implementing them soon.
I plan to do something about that, although I think it isn't as bad anymore in current SVN revisions due to a general tech speed decrease in the late game.

I played a Prussian game until the 1960s (game crashed), and I had no real problems with tech diffusion - quite the opposite. Most civs did not have infantry yet, and some even lacked rifles (in 1960!). Me wiping out the most progressive civilizations (Russia, England, France, the Netherlands) might have to do with that though.
If you wanted to increase the amount of food the Persians can get without changing resources, you could move the oasis near Isfahan 1S. If you want to force them to settle Gwadar, the clams could be moved 1 SE.

I think one of the major problems with Persia is you pretty much have to settle Sirajis.
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