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What you HATE in DOC?


Jul 26, 2012
I remember there was a similar thread but since it is not on first page I will make it again.

So, what you absolutely dont like in DOC? With a reason and a solution please.

Myself I hate barbarians/seljuks and other hostile armies spawning inside my cultural border. Literally only way to counter this is to play extensively or know precisely when they will spawn so you can counter them. Solution: more checks and ifs on game code tobalance this out.
I HATE the way that Leo treated Persia/Iran. They are one of the least powerful civs while they fighted and sometimes even won the war with the ottomans and almost all wars with Rome.
I hate how I can't throw cannons against a one-tile-island city (i.e. Georgetown) to cause collateral damage. Makes things a whole lot harder. Of course the solution would be to allow siege units to attack from boat.
I hate how easily England/Dutch run away in tech in the late game. It's hard to catch up to them and act historically when they get Mech Infantry by 1900, or even to beat them in Wonder Building (I'm speaking for America here).
I hate how the AI likes to settle useless colonies in the middle of tundra and desert regions.
I think I speak for everyone when I say the current spawning mechanic.

That, and how irrational and buggy the new culture mechanic is. Also, kind of going with the spawning mechanic, I hate it how a city with 100 culture total from a new civ can overwhelm the culture of a city that is making 200 culture per turn.
Global Warming is stupid, because is creating only a desert (am I wrong?).

If so, the Global Warming should create also aditional resources (wheat in Sweden, for example), but also withdraw them from another areas (Morocco, etc.). And besides creating the deserts, a GW should also create swamps, grasslands, plains etc. on appropriate tiles.

It just something like movement of climate zones. But a couple of desert around Chicago or Warsaw are stupid, even if there is no nukes ever used, and it is 1960 AD !
I HATE the way that Leo treated Persia/Iran. They are one of the least powerful civs while they fighted and sometimes even won the war with the ottomans and almost all wars with Rome.

He told everyone to propose solutions about food situation there.
I hate how the AI likes to settle useless colonies in the middle of tundra and desert regions.

Depends what you call middle. Rules now allow only cities with access to water there. True Russians found those Arctic ports too often if not always on the expense of the rest of the Siberian land. Than can be addressed.
Depends what you call middle. Rules now allow only cities with access to water there. True Russians found those Arctic ports too often if not always on the expense of the rest of the Siberian land. Than can be addressed.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Along with numerous Dutch colonies in West Australia, and French and British colonies in the more barren areas of Canada.
The only part of that that really irks me is the Dutch spamming of Western Australia in the 17th and 18th centuries. Normally the tundra will only get settled in the 19th century, after all the decent spots have already filled- which is historical.
I hate how I can't throw cannons against a one-tile-island city (i.e. Georgetown) to cause collateral damage. Makes things a whole lot harder. Of course the solution would be to allow siege units to attack from boat.

Constant crashes. :crazyeye:

Also useless or downright self damaging civics like Agrarianism, though that might have been fixed by now.
The whole refuse congress = World War 1 as in everyone vs you (Ive used world builder to fire warning shot Nukes in the 1800's in order to peace everyone out)

There is no re spawn civ of India (eg. Marathas or modern India, despite there being code for it in the python) or a Northern American Native tribe (a civ north of the Aztecs before European colonization, would make America more interesting conquering this civ for Manifest Destiny)
There's a thread similar like this long ago.

Anyway, I hate that some part of CNM is not historical/appropriate for that age yet.
I think that most of the changes since 1.10 aren't that great.

Iran probably needs to flip Baghdad (and also probably Merv) and have a larger starting army (its initial stacklet is very weak).
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