Which Films have you seen lately? Certificate 18

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Æon Flux

Theron, again, as sort of goodie. Czokas, again, as sort of baddie. Decent premise, some good stuff early on and after half an hour I was wondering about the low IMDb rating. I wasn't expecting a good movie it seemed better than that until the it ran out of ideas & script and dig deep into the bottomless pit of scifi clichees. The middle part was meh and the final half an hour just painful and a huge contrast to the Upgrade for example.
Still better than Pandorum as this wasn't even trying to be good so it wasn't overly ambitious - honest crap if you like.


I haven't watched this. the 90s MTV animated series was cool.
Nowhere to Run. 6.5/10. I was worried I suddenly hated 90s action movies, but besides an iffy intro, this was an okay experience. Nothing special, but 90s action movies rarely are.
Nowhere to Run. 6.5/10. I was worried I suddenly hated 90s action movies, but besides an iffy intro, this was an okay experience. Nothing special, but 90s action movies rarely are.

A quick n' dirty Top '90s Action Movies
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Matrix
The Fifth Element
The Mummy
The Fugitive
Run Lola Run

I think I would put those 8 in my Top 10. Not sure about the last two. Depends on what qualifies as an 'action movie' (see below).

La Femme Nikita
The Peacemaker
Starship Troopers
Die Hard With a Vengeance
Independence Day
Point Break
The Crow
The Long Kiss Goodnight
John Carpenter's Vampires
El Mariachi

Kiss of the Dragon was 2001. Last of the '90s action movies, perhaps, in spirit if not literally.

Are these 'action movies'? If so, throw 'em on the list (and some of them would definitely make my Top 10, if they make the cut as action movies).

Jurassic Park
Galaxy Quest
Men in Black
The Hunt for Red October
Crimson Tide
In the Line of Fire
Saving Private Ryan

And that's not even counting the Hong Kong movies I was watching back then, which could be a whole other list.

Police Story 3: Supercop
Hard Boiled
Fist of Legend
Once Upon a Time in China
The Bride with White Hair
My Father is a Hero

EDIT: Ack! How could I forget New Dragon Gate Inn? That was one of my favorites.

There was also one about motorcyle street racers with Andy Lau. I think it was called Full Throttle. Not sure that one was fully an 'action movie', though, or a drama with some action scenes.

A Better Tomorrow was 1986?! Good grief.
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Yeah, it's sad to hear. I love Die Hard. I love Pulp Fiction. Twelve Monkeys. Unbreakable.

Thank you for giving us some unforgettable performances, Bruce.

12 monkeys likely was his (Willis') best film :)

All great movies, but no one here a fan of The Fifth Element? :D

Also I thought Looper was one of the better science fiction films made recently. Really sad about him getting that disease.

Just watched Death on the Nile, currently on Disney+, the second movie now starring Kenneth Brannagh as Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot. Quite liked it and forced my son (almost 13 now....) to watch it with me. First twenty minutes he was grumbling "I don't really like murder mysteries", midway into the movie I had to pause so he could get all his theories out without missing any of the dialogue. Oh, my son also really liked Fifth Element as well, so he is sad about Bruce Willis too.

A quick n' dirty Top '90s Action Movies
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Matrix
The Fifth Element
The Mummy
The Fugitive
Run Lola Run

I think I would put those 8 in my Top 10. Not sure about the last two. Depends on what qualifies as an 'action movie' (see below).

La Femme Nikita
The Peacemaker
Starship Troopers
Die Hard With a Vengeance
Independence Day
Point Break
The Crow
The Long Kiss Goodnight
John Carpenter's Vampires
El Mariachi

Kiss of the Dragon was 2001. Last of the '90s action movies, perhaps, in spirit if not literally.

Are these 'action movies'? If so, throw 'em on the list (and some of them would definitely make my Top 10, if they make the cut as action movies).

Jurassic Park
Galaxy Quest
Men in Black
The Hunt for Red October
Crimson Tide
In the Line of Fire
Saving Private Ryan

And that's not even counting the Hong Kong movies I was watching back then, which could be a whole other list.

Police Story 3: Supercop
Hard Boiled
Fist of Legend
Once Upon a Time in China
The Bride with White Hair
My Father is a Hero

A Better Tomorrow was 1986?! Good grief.

The Mummy is the bisexual manifesto, not a 90s action movie. :P
All great movies, but no one here a fan of The Fifth Element? :D

Also I thought Looper was one of the better science fiction films made recently. Really sad about him getting that disease.
Oh yes, The Fifth Element is amazing (forgot to include it). I'm a huge fan of the French Valerian and Laureline comics and this films feels like a straight up adaption of that World. Luc Besson actually made an official film adaption based off the comics recently, but The Fifth Element remains superior in every way.

Aren't they all? I mean, Starship Troopers...
... which was strangely enough misunderstood by some, as an endorsement of Fascist ideology and iconography, instead of a sarcastic ridicule of it intended by the writers/director. As if Verhoevens previous film Robocop wasn't an indication on his intentions and style. :lol:
Oh yes, The Fifth Element is amazing (forgot to include it). I'm a huge fan of the French Valerian and Laureline comics and this films feels like a straight up adaption of that World. Luc Besson actually made an official film adaption based off the comics recently, but The Fifth Element remains superior in every way.

... which was strangely enough misunderstood by some as, an endorsement of Fascist ideology and iconography, instead of a sarcastic ridicule on it intended by the writers/director. As if Verhoevens previous film Robocop wasn't an indication on his intentions and style. :lol:
If we want to say that 1990 is part of the '90s, then we should add Total Recall to the list.
While keeping wuxia out of the list there're still tons of good stuff form The East as a whole. Violent Cop, though made in '89 wasn't released outside Japan before 90s - here in mid-90s. More Japanese goodies are Sonatine & Hana-bi.
South Korean Nowhere to Hide is excellent in its uncut form.
Hard Target should've been great but... Hollywood producers :( while Face/Off still is good. I even like Con Air and The Rock is properly good. Leon should be on every top list and Gibson perfected his act in Paycheck. Comparison to Marvin in coolness isn't fair but he does a fair job.
Original French Taxi is good as well and this is part of the problem - can a comedy be a properly great as action? Lethal Weapon 1 & especially 2 as prime examples?

The second major problem comes with (lack of) time - good movies even from a single decade are too numerous to count and many of them having identity crisis with genre doesn't make it any easier.
the Girl in Spider's Web . Opened the TV after the credits , different people but it looked similar . For a while ı thought it was one of those Hollywood reshoots .
For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important one in your life.
But for me it was Tuesday.

Rip Raul Julia
I watched An American Pickle, which ended up being quite a downgrade over the last film I watched.

The premise is basically that Seth Rogen is a pickle version of Borat, minus all the profanity, nudity, and shock value. There's definitely a handful of worthwhile scenes, but overall it's as bad as it sounds.
Good Seth Rogen films I've watched:
-the one with Barbra Streisand of the Streisand effect
-Pineapple Express

(also, he voices some animated characters, right?)
Hard to Kill. 2/10. Witness Steven Seagal in his prime.
Oooof, please. I'd rather stare at a blank wall for the length of the film.
Oh yes, The Fifth Element is amazing (forgot to include it). I'm a huge fan of the French Valerian and Laureline comics and this films feels like a straight up adaption of that World. Luc Besson actually made an official film adaption based off the comics recently, but The Fifth Element remains superior in every way.
Actually Besson made The Fifth Element directly inspired on Valerian and Laureline and IIRC he couldn't get the rights to it. It's on TVTropes somewhere.
I saw X-Men: Days of Future Past again this evening, purely on a whim. Still a great film.
Saw Sonic the hedgehog 2 yesterday. Decent film. Human parts were weak but ones with Sonic, tails, knuckles was epic. The final battle was epic.
Outbreak. 9/10. Early 90s movie about a mutated, weaponized virus. Not realistic in any way, but good fun.
I know that some people disagree with my watching films this old, but I went ahead and watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) today anyway.
Nuthin' wrong with the oldies!
Let's see, quite a few since I last posted, and EgonSpengler has added at least as many to my watch list...

Escape Plan: Not as good as the classic '80s Arnold or Stallone films, but still a good action film. Glad to see they still make those and it's not all superhero films.
Jurassic Park: Great. Made me want to book a vacation to Isla Nublar, despite the certainty of velociraptor attacks.
I, Robot: I don't always watch Will Smith films, but when I do I prefer that they begin with I. Probably my favorite of the three, much more interesting than I am Legend and not so predictable and super-patriotic as Independence Day. Also, I don't fully trust robots.
Road to Perdition: A surprisingly wholesome-feeling movie about bank robbers, despite a lot of non-wholesome scenes. Recommended.
The Passion of the Christ: A well-made film, but not one that's easy to watch.
Sunshine: Another winner from Danny Boyle. 1000x better than 2001 IMO, there's a real story here, and a focus on the psychological aspects of a high-stakes and isolated-from-Earth space journey. If you like 28 Weeks Later, you'll like it.

Boyle is the new candidate for my favorite director. I like how his films (at least, the ones I've seen) have a focus on the psychological aspect to the experience shown in the film.

By contrast, one of my friends talked up Luc Besson so much that when I watched Valerian and The Fifth Dimension with him, they didn't live up to the very high expectations. Part of it is that he appreciates the visual effects in the films more than I do (see: liking the psychological aspect). But I'm also more likely to be impressed with something if the pitch is, "this is worth watching, knowing what you like, you'll like it" than if someone praises a film as the bee's knees. So, I liked The Fifth Dimension, and less so Valerian, but they aren't in my favorites list.
Saw Sunshine in the theatre when it was out back then. Great movie. (My - you might like it if you haven't seen it) Been meaning to watch it again (think it's on Hulu). Totally forgot it was a Boyle film He sure has some good ones. Only just recently saw Slumdog Millionaire.

(The Fifth Element)
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