World Wonder Elimination Thread

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Big Ben - 30
Casa de Contratacion - 27
Colosseum – 38 (37+1) My vote for top Wonder.
Cristo Redentor - 4 (7-3) Lets make this one number 10.

Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City – 39
Oracle - 30
Oxford University - 17
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22

Down to top ten.
Big Ben - 31 (30+1) More Gold is good in R&F. Properly "prepared" -- it's amazing. Triggers an empire wide Units updates & a lot more for me.
Casa de Contratacion - 27
Colosseum - 38
Cristo Redentor - 4
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36 (39-3) That SINGLE free wildcard policy slot is just overrated. Many other things are more (instantly) advantageous.. even some of that best stuff isn't listed here anymore.
Oracle - 30
Oxford University - 17
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22
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Big Ben - 31
Casa de Contratacion - 27
Colosseum - 38
Cristo Redentor - 4-3=1 - It's certainly nice to have, but it just comes late.
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 30+1=31 - I really like this early great people points bonus that will last through the whole game.
Oxford University - 17
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28 (31-3) - tied with the Oracle when it comes way later and gives gold rather than crazy GPP? The economic slots nice but saving your gold up for a moonshot all game is limiting in other ways. One trick horse. I would rather spend gold when I need to and increase my income.
Casa de Contratacion - 27
Colosseum - 38
Cristo Redentor - 1
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 32 (31+1) hard to beat the loads of great people this will help you get, especially if you've got faith to buy them with.
Oxford University - 17
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28
Casa de Contratacion - 27
Colosseum - 38+1=39 At minimum, this can affect 4 cities - that's +8 culture and +8 amenities for the price of a few Magnus-chops. Also, the AI never builds it.
Cristo Redentor - 1-3 ELIMINATED Sorry Cristo, but the game should already be won if you can build this expensive wonder.
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 17
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28
Casa de Contratacion - 27 + 1 = 28 (I'll sometimes build it just for the 3 governor promotions, but especially good when your cities get buffed)
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 17 - 3 = 14 (Mediocre at best - I wouldn't have it in the top 10 even if you got to choose the techs)
Pyramids - 36
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28
Casa de Contratacion - 28
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 19
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 14 -3 = 11 Comes too late, benefits so so.
Pyramids - 36 + 1 = 37 For me the choice is between the pyramids and the colosseum. They are both early and provide long term benefits. I think the pyramids are a little better only because it comes earlier.
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28
Casa de Contratacion - 28
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 19 - 3 = 16 (Too narrow an effect to be this high.)
Forbidden City - 36
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 11
Pyramids - 37 + 1 = 38 (Builder charges always useful!)
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 28
Casa de Contratacion - 28
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 16
Forbidden City - 33 (36 -3) Most of the remaining wonders (and many of the eliminated ones) have effects that are stronger than comparable policy cards. The Forbidden city does have a real advantage in terms of flexibility, but it also has a real disadvantage in that you'd already be running your highest priority policy cards without it.
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 12 (11 +1) I wasn't a fan of this in vanilla, but R&F seems to have shifted the balance between science and production enough to make it appealing.
Pyramids - 38
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 29 (28+1) - For me, this is the best wonder in the game. The gold bonus is ridiculous in its own right, and the extra economic slot is for me a de-facto wildcard slot, because it is extremely rare that I will not use at least one of my wildcard slots for an economic policy at the time this wonder comes online. Sadly, AI seems to have realized how good this wonder is in RnF, I haven't managed to get it in more than one game since RnF.
Casa de Contratacion - 25 (28-3) - I gotta have to downvote this, I don't really find I need the governor promotions that much, in fact I often find it hard to decide what to do with them. The bonus for separate continents seems to erratic to get great benefits from in most games.
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 16
Forbidden City - 33
Oracle - 32
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 38
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 29
Casa de Contratacion - 25

Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 16-3=13. A great wonder to be sure. But if the real benefit is to help you win a CV by boosting tourism output from resorts, isn't that really just shaving off 10 turns from your win time? Not as impactful as the rest of this list.
Forbidden City - 33
Oracle - 32+1=33. Impacts the game from Classical forward and provides a means to many different ends.
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 38
Temple of Artemis - 22
Edit: fixed scores for above vote

Big Ben - 29
Casa de Contratacion - 25
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 30 (33-3) with the only benefit the policy slot, it's not top three
Oracle - 33
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 39 (38+1) Good the whole game
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 30 =29+1 (Often Decisive, especially if you hit an emergency. Economic slot is also good for finishing things off
Casa de Contratacion - 22 = 25-3 I never seem to find time for this, and continents are sometimes oddly divided.

Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 30
Oracle - 33
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 39
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 30
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 30
Oracle - 33-3=30 The +2 GP only applies on GPs which your districts in that city are already generating, instead of +2 overall, making it actually not useful. -25% Faith GP purchase only useful when you have Goddess of Harvest, or when the game already goes for a while. You'd better capture this wonder instead of build it since 1: it is costly 2: it is not useful in early game.
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 40=39+1 Better build this one.
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 30
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 30
Oracle - 30 + 1 = 31 (The right set of great people in the early ages can create runaway)
Oxford University - 12
Pyramids - 40 - 3 = 37 (I think we're overvaluing the builds. You can wait to improve your tiles till Liang or Serfdom)
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 31 (30+1) We are finally deciding among the best of the best, this definitely has to be in the top3
Casa de Contratacion - 22
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 30
Oracle - 31
Oxford University - 9 (12-3) It is never difficult for me to stay ahead of Science.
Pyramids - 37
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 31
Casa de Contratacion - 22
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 31 (30 + 1) - An extra policy never hurts
Oracle - 31
Oxford University - 6 (9 - 3) - Indeed by the time this comes up the two extra techs are not that big deal. Also can't build on a useless tundra or desert tile.
Pyramids - 37
Temple of Artemis - 22
Big Ben - 31
Casa de Contratacion - 22 - 3 = 19 Undermined by inconsistent continent mapping.
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 31
Oracle - 31
Oxford University - 6
Pyramids - 37
Temple of Artemis - 22 + 1 = 23 VERY impactful when you actually manage to build it.

Edit: fixed
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Big Ben - 32 (31+1) - Each of its effects would make a great wonder in themself, the combination makes it the best wonder.
Casa de Contratacion - 16 (19-3) - Along with Eiffel Towar, seems the least beneficial of the remaining. Deduct from this because it is the higher.
Colosseum - 39
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 31
Oracle - 31
Oxford University - 6
Pyramids - 37
Temple of Artemis - 25
Artemis should only be 23 (Weraptor gave it +3).

Big Ben - 33 (32+1) - all the money! So satisfying. Plus, economic policies are the best.
Casa de Contratacion - 16
Colosseum - 36 (39-3) - personally I never have a problem with amenities. It's nice and I can often build it but I prefer the others remaining.
Eiffel Tower - 13
Forbidden City - 31
Oracle - 31
Oxford University - 6
Pyramids - 37
Temple of Artemis - 23
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