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I downlaoded this scenario, and played it a bit.... the idea is excellent but the concept is too weak. How are we supposed to fight the aliens? with caravel and war chariots? and how could we build city improvments that took us ages to build and b able to confront our enemies, especially this enemy. if u could at least say that some human cities wernt totally destroyed and were able to rebuild some of them bak. just an idea. but its really a great idea. and good work.
Guys, this thread is 2 yrs old and he (the creator) hasn't been active since April.
I was going to let this thread die, but it keeps getting bumped up, so....

This scenario was made a long time ago for a version of vanilla Civ 3 (don't remember which version now). This is before PTW was released. So if you try to play this scenario using the latest version of vanilla Civ 3, or Conquests, it isn't going to work right.

Back when this was made the editor was far less powerful than it is now. There was no way to place cities or units. It was basically a glorified map editor. I have no intention of doing an updated version.

This scenario was not inspired by Alien Legacy, though it does appear that there are some similarities between them. I did use many of Blue-O's excellent sci-fi units, which Alien Legacy uses as well.
Only on Civ 3, huh? Hmm... any plans for a PTW or Conquests version? It sounds like a pretty good mod.
Wow bumped after 5 months - you should be more carefull next time ... some people would get angry if you weren't a n00b ;)
i agree its great:goodjob:

(Oo) This is Rabbit. Copy Rabbit into your signature
(><) and help Rabbit to World dominance.The Rabbit has done a lot for you lately. It is not your place to question the Rabbit
I demand pics.
You can play this without Conquests, am I correct? Cool.
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