A Kingdom United (UK 2010)

Robert Can't

Dec 7, 2007
The Barricade
One day or another everyone finds themselves asking the question: What if?
This question can have many different meanings when applied to different situations. But today I apply it to only one (yet). That is to say I ask the question: What if? In relation to a specific situation, specifically the 2010 elections in the UK.

What if?
What if people hadn't voted Tory (because Tories are just Tories) and they hadn't voted Labour (because it isn't really Labour any more) and the hadn't voted Lib Dem (because some one came back from the future and told them what a Lying, backstabbing, treacherous Quislings Nick Clegg is.).

Well, the answer is this:

And so begins My Story for you today. Using "Barbarian King's" Earth 2010 Scenario (Link) I shal show how events would have unfolded.

If you haven't already guessed I will be playing as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is the first time I have played this Scenario with the intent of Playing more than a few turns so don't expect any heroics.

Without further Ado, Let us begin:

Ah, The loading of the Scenario: It reminds me of Thursdays...

In the Elections earlier this year the 3 main parties had a fall from power leaving a power vacuum waiting to be filled. 3 New Parties rose to prevalence: The Pleasure Party (Led by Mr. Owen Shakelton), The Neo-Greenist Party (Led by Hannah Charman) and the Liberal Left Revolutionary Party (Led By Robert Findlay).

During a very close hung parliament the "Monster Raving Loony party" and the "Scottish Socialist Party" decided to form a coalition with the "Liberal Left Revolutionary Party" thus just tipping the balance for the Lefties.

With the new Government firmly established it quickly finishes its Political Manifesto.
Spoiler Political Manifesto :

and reviews it's standing in the world. (Almost unbelievably even Mexico is ahead of it)
Spoiler :

It also commissions an Awesome Satellite known as the Prospero 2 (named after the only successful British satellite) to get look at the Nation.
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What a lovely nation:)

It also allows us to get a good look at what is going on with matters such as the Economy:
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and Reaserch:
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It also showed that the country wasn't accentually building anything:(. This will have to be rectified soon.

Surely this is a truly amazing satellite!
London: The capital of our Illustrious empire and the centre of the SE.
Spoiler :

A city stuffed with bourgeois opportunists like Allan Sugar.

A city which also happens to be home to the BBC.
In fact, earlier that very year the BBC was conspiring with the RSC and Ripley St. Thomas to put on a performance of "Guys And Dolls" and it is rumoured that there musical in 2011 will be the "Pirates of Penzance". (Unfortunately the BBC wasn't too helpful as it provides Films not Musicals)

In other London News a new government policy has been adopted. It is known as the "BURN THATCHER" policy and is based around the destruction of all Statues and monuments of the great oppressor of the past. However the Real Thatcher remains very much alive however is suffering from Delusions. She is terrified of all the large men that she sees and claims they are "Miners coming to kill me" and she continues to publicly denounce anyone she considers to be a "Miner".

The Real Miners are quite alarmed by this as it may prove to be a problem when they eventually come to kill Thatcher. Especially since their plan of building a secret aqueduct all the way from Wales was so near completion
As I sad in the First post it is "Barbarian King's" Earth 2010 Scenario (Link)
This sounds interesting. Keep it up
Great Britain, Northern Ireland and other territories of the UK.

So, After realizing that British cities were producing nothing the new government has a look over the constituent parts of our Kingdom.


In the North lies one of the most awesome cities in the world Edinburgh. This city is smaller than London and slightly less rich however it has allot of cultural heritage and although containing no wonders or anything it will be a key part in the future of our nation.

A new policy introduced in the Liberal Left Revolutionary Party's manifesto was the "Modernisation of the Seas" a policy by which we are looking to increase our fishing infrastructure in a way to increase food production but not do damage the fish population.


London is a prosperous city and even though our Party is acclaimed for its Leftism we still are operation an Environmentalist style economy and so we still have to cope with the demands of independent corporations such as BP. In fact BP recently requested some effort to be put into expansion into Belfast. Since all of these rival corporations will one day end up bought by the government we can console ourselves in the knowledge that all this will do will be to increase national infrastructure in Ireland.


Ireland, ahh, Ireland.

The RoI recently collapsed due to Internal economic matters and so has been enveloped into British culture. We have decided also to increase our Fishing infrastructure here, too.

The Falklands

All that is left of our once vast overseas empire are the Falklands. Although we only still have controll of them due to the actions of Thatcher She who will not be named, the Government still sees the Thatcher Isles Falklands as a useful area.

Unfortunately as we speak starvation is running rampant through the Islands and so we have commissioned the building of a new lighthouse to guide the food convoys safely to Stanley.
Its only a slightly eddited version of the 18civs map Its not that big.

Meet the EU, a group representing the other nations of the EU such as Spain, Sweden and Poland.
We trade BBC productions for Copper wire

Meet Germany, a Federal Republic ruled by the much loved Angela Merkel.
We trade BBC productions for pork.

Spoiler :

In which we vote for the Lama Farmer

There are some odd territorial changes with the French claiming a bit of southern England. Our people are enraged at this, leading to the murder of 8 French people living there. It has not yet been determined who the murderer was but due to the presence of a poison widely used by MI5 in the blood stream of the victims it is suspected the the government may be involved, naturally the case is proceeding very slowly through court due to numerous obstacles.

Also we make contact with...
Spoiler :

Sadly due to technical issues the contiunation of the story will be delayed by around 1 week. To make you all feel better here is a quote from the Hugo:

Don't be shameless, Mr Blair. Don't be immoral, Mr Blair. You are one of those who have no morals. You are not one who has the right to criticise anyone about the rules of the international community.

You are an imperialist pawn who attempts to curry favour with Danger Bush-Hitler, the number one mass murderer and assassin there is on the planet.

Go straight to hell, Mr Blair.
Despite how long its been I now make a bold return into the world of 2010.
And we're still on turn one!

The needs of the many...

The other week a photlograph appeared on the front cover of the Times Newspaper. This photograph was of a man that had been, to an extent, pushed under the carpet of the media and it is believed that this is partialy due to the friendship and mutual trust between him and our leader from not long ago Mr. Blair.
Reent findings have proven this man to be oppressing his peoples more and more and it came to the attention of the global community (Thanks to a one Julian Assange) that he is dealing with protesters through the use of violence and military intervention.
Yes, I mean the one and only Colonel Gaddafi

British intelligence has also received rumors that he is not only in control of the government in Libya but also neighboring Provinces such as Tunisia and Morocco.

But this man is not the only threat to British Supremacy, in fact their are other dictators that are to be equally feared by us.

Such as this man who has recently issued the statement "Now I have a Paratrooper. Ho-Ho-Ho"

Also their seems to be no information on keyboard shortcuts in the national archives:

This is of great concern to the British Government.​
More Diplomatic Niceties...​

Prime Minister Robert Findlay was quite happy with the UK's place in the world. Then he found like the most epic thing ever... There was a crazy looking woman in charge of Argentina. Now when I say crazy I don't mean just a bit odd, I mean full on insane type crazy. This instantly made the Prime Minister think that she must be one of the best leaders in the world and he instantly fell for that charming smile of hers:

This of course lead to the strange idea of his that the world would be considerably better off if the UK were to help out Argentina by sending them some much needed resources in the form of some epic Dr. Who DVDs from the Tom Baker days:

The Prime Minister received exactly the response he was looking for in the form of a nice smile from the woman. And of course as the Prospero 2 satellite later reported - a nice 4+ relations bonus. However our best scientists are still trying to work out what this "Relations bonus" really means. Some of the information that comes from the Prospero Satellite is often quite hard to decipher, especially some of the figures such as Espionage Points, Beakers, Hammers and Some sort of bread-like icon. Yet we are still determined to work out the meaning of these strange symbols and their relevance to our nation.

Later in his diplomatic rounds the Prime Minister discovered someone that he had not thought he would ever see on this planet in fact he had been reliably informed by the official website that her date of Birth was the 4th April 2014. This could not be possible yet their she stood before him: Sister Miriam Godwinson...

As the Prime Minister considered her to be amongst the figures that had shaped his younger life (When all he did was play SMAC all day) and so he was quite pleased when she suggested that for some British Cheese and Beef she would provide them with the rights to perform The Complete Works of Miriam Godwinson arranged to Pachelbel's Canon in D in the West End theaters.

Another thing of great international import was the Greek Revolution.
During the past few yeas of economic turmoil the Greeks were becoming more and more dissatisfied and soon the would have no more of their previous Government. Thus began the Greek Civil war. On one side were the Greek loyalists and on the other were the Nationalist lead by a mysterious figure known only as Christos (although some sources cite the name as Christos2000).

Also the UK has decided to help the robotics industry in Venezuela to flourish, because that's what friends are for...
Spoiler :

Also, on the 10th October 2010 Friendship is Magic Part 1 aired. A date that would go on to be celebrated globally the next year.


Great story! A lot has changed since you left. For example, I became Supreme Epic King of S&T, and Tambien became #1 Most Wanted Criminal, for the crime of rebelling against my epicness. :D
As colonel of your armies,I beg for his release. As a citizen, I wonder aloud who made you king.
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