Action Chatroom Development Thread: Now with only 10% added sugar!

Oh hey, I made one again

For anyone who's new, my games may have drifted a bit further apart from what you're used to these days - think a little more horror/survival and fairly void of the "game" parts in favor of world-building and story. You're not going to have stats, for example.
Well, I've got an idea for a game. Thing is, it's fandom. Specifically, The Dresden Files. For those of you who don't know what that is, think urban fantasy written by a geek, for geeks. There's already a FATE system book out there, so mechanics won't be a problem. Anyone interested?
Gonna be leaving on vacation in a few weeks, but with 3 games running right now I think you'll find it difficult to gather players seeing as most of us already have a commitment for 3/7 days of the week which is getting pretty near the group's highest capacity for games as people (Red isn't a person) also need to do real life.

Urban fantasy is a nice genre though, and people are familiar enough with FATE. Can't say I have much experience adapting something directly from a fandom though. Good luck with it.

Protip: Fish for players and interest in AChat as opposed to dev thread. You'll have more success, get answers back faster, and get clued into the types of games people are interested in. When in doubt, lurk more.
Much as I like the sound of a Dresden AC, Patchy is probably right about it being best to wait for at least Starlight to finish its slow descent into death. :p

A Calm in the Storm launched last night. Survival/horror, not stat-driven, uses an elaborate and hidden backstory instead of having a plot as one would traditionally think of it. Pretty serious attention paid to resources at your disposal (eg you're moved to another chatroom if you lose communication, you have to provide an inventory list in the signup, there's a consistent layout for the game area).
In a move that I hope ends better than my anxiety is telling me it will, I have finally launched my first AC, which will be using the FATE system. I have to work this morning, but I will be back in the afternoon.
New Patchy AC

With such raving reviews of my previous game like: "demtaqt: patchy games are about giving you only bad options and then telling you it was your fault for picking one"
How could you help but be interested?

Star Wars AC using FATE, if you were in Red's version you should know the drill.
I have made a mistake. What I mean to say is, I posted Assorted Adventures, the thread from which I shall run one-off ACs, along with the first adventure Trebia Trailblazers. Don't go there, it'll probably end badly.

Update the front page? :p

Hey guys, not sure if this forum has anybody anymore, but just wanted some feedback.

In a few weeks, I'm going to start a Stars Without Number campaign set in a double-sized sector. Stars Without Number is set in a galaxy where humans are recovering from an apocalyptic event that killed most of its psychics and destroyed interstellar trade 600 years ago. In this setting, there are competing political factions, dangerous cults dedicated long lost biotechnology, and dozens of worlds to explore, or not explore.

There are several paths this campaign can go down, and several places it can start.

If you're interested, let me know which of these general ideas you prefer most.

1. Adventure. This is your standard SWN sandbox campaign. At the end of session I will ask players what do they want to do next session. This type of campaign can easily change focuses at the drop of dime, from pure exploration and adventure to far trading and espionage.

2. Trade. This is like one, but with an emphasis on trade. No, it isn't just Excel Sheets for days. Far trading and system trading in Systems Without Number involves its own set of challenges, from dealing with local governments to rival traders. Worlds have different levels of technology, from humans struggling to maintain build swords and arrows for their feudal armies to worlds with spaceports and spike drives (which are used for FTL travel).

3. Espionage. Players will work for one of the shadowy agencies of the sector, either the intelligence service of a regional hegemonic power, the agency of an organization dedicated to securing, containing, and protecting dangerous technologies, or an independent intelligence agency.

4. Starfleet. This one is more restrictive than the above. In a typical adventure, the consequences of your actions may unfold over several sessions. If you kill the president of a world and move on to the next world at the end of the session, it may take a while before the news of the consequences reach you. In a starrfleet campaign, they will hit quickly. As a rating or officer on a ship, the functioning of the ship will falls on your and your comrades.

Great if you want to serve on a powerful ship you wouldn't typically get early in a normal adventure. Fight pirates, protect worlds, rise through the ranks. Not great if you don't like taking orders from brass.

5. Ground combat. Like above, except you're part of a dirtside military force. Despite the infinite worlds of the Milky Way, there is still an infinite number of reasons to kill people. Not great if you don't like taking orders from brass.

Or, you know, whatever idea you think would be cool. SWN is designed to accommodate a wide-range of playstyles and we could stay on one world or within one system the whole campaign and probably'll be fine.
This looks of intrigue.

Questions: how far had humanity spread before the collapse? Are we alone in the galaxy or are there xenos out there? How are robotics and A.I. in the setting?

Either way may be of intrigue indeed!
It is left pretty vague. I've read that humanity's frontiers were at least one year of "jump gates" away from Terra, or ten years by spike drive.
I concur with megs, Starfleet and Adventure backup
To answer a few questions.

1. AI/VI is a thing, and I'm currently leaning toward allowing AI/VI player characters.
2. There are aliens "out there", but with varying degrees of development. Some were less affected by the Scream, while some species that consisted entirely of psychics were wiped out almost entirely.
3. The sector for the game I'm rolling is fairly developed, as I'm adding to the population and technology roles. Trade between worlds is more developed, but still limited largely to compact, high-value goods.

It will be a few weeks before I have the sectors detailed enough to start, but things are starting to finalize.

1. Adventure: Everybody would start off on Cromer, a world in the northwestern section of the sector. This world is the capital of the Steward Confederation, a marginally high-tech confederation. Cromer itself is nominally a democracy, but intense corporate interests tend to be the deciding vote on many matters. Unlike other worlds, you're not likely to be shot if you walk down the street without armor.

2. Suns of Gold: This is a variant of the Adventure start, only that characters will start off in control of an independent trading vessel, and in debt to a corporation. This can be more dangerous than adventure because trading vessels are the favorite targets of interstellar outlaws, political demagogues, and warring parties. There's nothing stopping the players from engaging in piracy to pay off the debt, or even just running off with the ship beyond the reach of the corporation and government.

3. Darkness Visible: This one comes in three different possible variants. Either the party have started their own independent intelligence/criminal/whatever group, are working for a corporate or government intelligence service, or are working for [REDACTED]. Each has their pros and cons and chance of being kidnapped and shot.

4. Starfleet. This one has a few variants, and is still being fleshed out while I work out the Steward Confederation's border regions. At this time, the confederation is at peace, but that could change between now and start, and change over the course of the game. This means that instead of large fleet battles, the players will be on a frigate or cruiser type ship (depending on the danger) and will be patrolling star systems to protect trade and hunt down pirates while occasionally making planetfall for R&R. Of course, the more adventurous party may opt for a deep black ship, meaning going out to fringes of the empire and engaging in less-than-reputable state business.

5. Starvation Cheap: Like Starfleet, except ground combat. While the empire does not have a war going on at the moment, its troops are still needed to protect fragile peaces and engage in police actions. The variant of this is joining a corporation's security forces or even creating your own mercenary force.

Right now, I have 6 points to Starfleet and 4 points to Adventure. As I get closer to actually, you know, being done, I will see what type of campaign has the most interest and go from there.

Also some notes:

1. Blind HP. Instead of the vanilla system, I will be using a pretty heavily modified HP system that makes injuries more granular. You won't know what your character's health is like exactly unless you are or see a doctor, but you will be aware of when you're suffering a major wound, broken arm, or are generally in bad shape.

2. All new characters start with 0 XP, Level 1, even if your previous character was Level 9 or something. The good news is is that the amount of XP I give out will be based on the party's level as a whole, so lower leveled characters in powerful parties will level up faster. XP is not loot-based.

3. I will probably only allow humans and, at most, one AI/VI character.
So I am interested in running a short fifth edition dungeons and dragons game for you all on roll20. It will last around 4-5 sessions and will end with you all advancing to level 4. No experience necessary to play, as the first session would be character creation and me explaining the rules to you all. Don't worry, 5e is pretty simple. If you are interested let me know what times you are available. As it stands I cannot do tuesday-friday* or early sunday**.

*Unless you all can do morning/early afternoon times.
**Unless it is once every two weeks.
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I've managed to narrow down the time to Monday at 4 EST, starting next week. If you can't make the first session don't worry too much, it will only be going over character creation rules and some basic info on the system. That can be done separately if needed. Though if you all want to wait so that everybody can make session zero, I am fine with doing that as well.

And if you are interested and I haven't already talked to you, let me know! Ideally I'd like to have 4-5 people and if there's space you're more than welcome.
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