All Things Star Trek

I completely forgot Discovery was a thing. The new season just started. I watched the first episode and it is certainly pretty. However, I noticed the hard turn into nostalgia pandering. And despite that hard turn, they're still maintaining their previous commitment to the "rule of cool" for visuals and scenes, so the essence of Star Trek takes a backseat to what is essentially an action movie.

Spoiler :
So we get references to self-sealing stembolts, jumja sticks, and Soong androids, but we still get stuck with Michael doing somersaults in space and spaceships doing synchronized swimming headfirst into a planet.
I completely forgot Discovery was a thing. The new season just started. I watched the first episode and it is certainly pretty. However, I noticed the hard turn into nostalgia pandering. And despite that hard turn, they're still maintaining their previous commitment to the "rule of cool" for visuals and scenes, so the essence of Star Trek takes a backseat to what is essentially an action movie.

Spoiler :
So we get references to self-sealing stembolts, jumja sticks, and Soong androids, but we still get stuck with Michael doing somersaults in space and spaceships doing synchronized swimming headfirst into a planet.
And this thing is still pretending to be a TOS PREQUEL? Given that some of what's mentioned doesn't come along until a century AFTER the TOS movies?

And people wonder why I despise this show? (there are many reasons, but you've just given me another one)
And this thing is still pretending to be a TOS PREQUEL? Given that some of what's mentioned doesn't come along until a century AFTER the TOS movies?

And people wonder why I despise this show? (there are many reasons, but you've just given me another one)

It hasn't been a prequel since the season 2 finale, IIRC. Since then, they've been 900+ years in the future (or however far away the 32nd century is). I'm not spoilering that since it's a key part of their public marketing now.
So much for "seamlessly meshing" with TOS, then, as the showrunners bragged when it started. :lol:
The Star Trek store will beginning selling Star Trek themed coffee in May -- including raktajino.
Presumably this is legit, and not a scam like that jerk tried with Axanar? (as per that tens of thousands of comments-long thread at TrekBBS in the fan film subforum)
Presumably this is legit, and not a scam like that jerk tried with Axanar? (as per that tens of thousands of comments-long thread at TrekBBS in the fan film subforum)
Yep. It's from the actual store. I was hunting for Strange New Worlds stuff, but all of it appears to be missing La'an...
That's the cartoon one?
One of them. Although the other one got canceled too. Heh.

It's the one with the Cerritos, comedy. Universally well received. It got canceled by executives because "long-term shows don't bring in new streaming subscribers." Riveting thought process that won't backfire on them in any way.

It's a little funny too because they just did the live-action crossover episode with Strange New Worlds and everyone loved it. Now's the time to lean into it. But, uh. No. I guess not.
Long-term doesn't bring new subscribers?

That's stupid. Not that I have any plans to reactivate my subscription to CTV SciFi (or whatever they call it now), but there are many shows that I joined the fandom late and took a deep dive and love them now.

You want long-term bringing in new people (or bringing back old people)? CBC Gem started up Downton Abbey again. It was on for awhile, then dropped, and now it's back. That show went 6 seasons, several Christmas specials, 2 movies, and a Downton Abbey/Star Wars charity crossover video that's on YouTube. Obviously CBC doesn't mind long-term.

(if only they'd show The Beachcombers... I'd probably be glued to the website for weeks and never come up except for food, bathroom, and taking care of Maddy)
I cannot fathom canceling LD. Its fan energy is HUGE.
Q: What must I do to convince you [that I'm mortal]?
Worf: Die.
Q: Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?

I cannot fathom canceling LD. Its fan energy is HUGE.
I can see it; it is still getting a 5th season and a solid 5 season run is nothing to sneeze at. Especially as they are starting to run up against the limits of the central concept by promoting all of the characters out of "lower decks".
I learned the other day that Lower Decks was sneakily canceled. :(

I don't really get this move.. Surely it's gotta be a fairly cheap one to produce? It's also been super popular.. I thought.. edit: The long-term shows don't bring in new viewers argument.. SURE maybe, but cancelling shows that people are into surely makes people think: "Do it ONE MORE TIME and I'm gonna cancel". Personally I love shows that last multiple seasons, and hate streaming services that cancel shows early. If there was a streaming service out there that had the motto "All of our shows last 5 seasons plus", I would sub to that one.

I watched the latest Discovery episode just now and it was boooooring. But I was a fan of the time travel episode.. and I usually hate those

I also thought Prodigy is coming back for another season, after a fan revolt/campaign
I can see it; it is still getting a 5th season and a solid 5 season run is nothing to sneeze at. Especially as they are starting to run up against the limits of the central concept by promoting all of the characters out of "lower decks".

That latter point I can see, but why not let the show evolve instead of ending it? Sure, some people will say it's not really LD anymore, but people like the CHARACTERS at this point, not just the premise.
That latter point I can see, but why not let the show evolve instead of ending it? Sure, some people will say it's not really LD anymore, but people like the CHARACTERS at this point, not just the premise.
I dunno; nothing wrong with 5 seasons.
TOS got 3, TNG got 8, DS9 got 7, Voyager got 7, and ENT got 4.
TNG got seven, plus four films. Five is still a good run and the same as Discovery.
TNG got seven, plus four films. Five is still a good run and the same as Discovery.
TBH Disco feels like three separate shows with a common cast.
That's fair. The 31st Century stuff is very different to what went on before.
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