Altered Maps ΙΓ: To make a map larger than what it maps.

I didn't know that only Persia is Shia (by and large). Why did it not spread to its east, at least in Pakistan?

(and more importantly: where is the blob in Germany? :mischief: ).
Islam is more complicated than you think.


I didn't know that only Persia is Shia (by and large). Why did it not spread to its east, at least in Pakistan?

(and more importantly: where is the blob in Germany? :mischief: ).

Historically there has been several Shia states. Iran is not the only Shia state. Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain all have Shia majorities as far as I remember. There's also significant minorities in several countries, as the map also shows.

edit: as to your specific question. Islam had spread to Pakistan long before Iran became predominantly Shia with the Safavid dynasty.
But Shia Persia never really had control of Pakistan, and as you mentioned there were the Mughals.

Besides according to wikipedia, Shia make up 25% of the population in Pakistan, so it's not like they aren't there.
It's a remake, I saw the original posted on reddit.
Yea the original usually gets reposted once every month in the maps subreddit. Guess they have a new one to repost now.

Can't be arsed to find a higher res version:
Spoiler :
What's so bad about Colchester? :)
What's so bad about Colchester? :)

I don't recall much of it, apart from being the cradle of tesco (near the university).
The town seemed boring. I suppose it is a smallish town anyway (iirc around 150K population back in my uni years a decade ago) and all the anglo-romans are dead by now. :devil:
I went to university in Wales and the Greeks there were the ones who had all the illicit copies of games and CDs. One Greek girl in particular enjoyed herself very noisily, usually with the windows open. :)
Curious that everyone's moving south. Are they in the hunt for warmer temperatures or running away from men in kilts?

I am not British-ish, but I'd guess as a consequence of first world de-industrialization people who were previously employed in Manchester, Liverpool and other industrial centers started migrating south as the factories closed to work in the service industry or get white collar jobs. Somethingsomethingsomething Thatcher somethingsomethingsomething labor unions.
So, if you’re living in in Tennessee or Lousiana and you’re not a creationist, I guess the answer is to find a strictly non-religious school.
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