Altered Maps XVIII: Continuing Curious Cartography

This is a middle school presentation, right? Right?
pretty sure that was the font last time ı wrote stuff on the laptop . Is this a boomer joke ?
I can tell you the person who made this doesn't speak Greek. The translation for Pontus is particularly funny :)
Actually, Pontic Greek does that kind of thing.
I came across these and thought they were interesting, but I am a bit lost in what they are saying.



like do not support satirical maps drawn by the foes of Democracy and stuff . This one by the French:

while this one shows brilliant diplomacy . Everybody is a dog except one:


can't offend the Russians at a critical time . So , in addition to the Bear and not a dog , you also get the steamroller with the Tsar . And all the neutrals are also little humans , except the Scandanavia who were already not Vikings at the time and not to be invited to fight the Hun . 4mb plus , the legend should be readable .
I came across these and thought they were interesting, but I am a bit lost in what they are saying.



They are: ‘Map of Europe in 1870 by a French caricaturist’, ‘Humorous map of Europe in the year 1870’ and ‘Map of Europe in the year 1914’ respectively.
Τον Πόντο is accusative case.
Read this article in Pontic Greek. To wit: ‘Alors, c'est la guerre’.
Read this article in Pontic Greek.
I don't see the relevant part. If I would hazard a guess, it was the "τη Πόντονος", which while weird, is still not nominative (it's genitive) in the actual sentence :) It's anyway not tied to the map I posted where you have "τον Πόντον", clearly not pontic dialect at all.
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The Pontiacs also call Greece Την Ελλάδαν.
It is? This map is only about legal rights on paper rather than how (well) they're enforced.
turns out ı can't interpret half of this one . Europe in 1871 .

the problem is mostly Spain and Italy . No idea on Ireland and Iceland , the British might be paying compensation for the CSS Alabama , Scandinavia ain't no Vikings even then . Prussia is happy with the victory , having gained Alsace and Lorraine . They might or might not have killed the Commune in France which is also suffering in Africa it seems . Some dictator in Portugal puppetmastering the King by the looks of it . Czechs want to turn the Austria-Hungary into one of triple crowns instead of double , there is the Polish issue and this Russia has no sympathy unlike the previous two . A boyar or whatever or some crazy czar . Those little ones are probably the serfs released in the previous decade . Ottomans are almost funny , being archaic and having a scarecrow for an army to protect the European side of the straits . Balkans are reliably the Balkans . No idea on what the Greek is doing though . Did they topple the pope ? What's with the Swiss ? We do not have alligators or crocociles around these parts , will doubt it was any different 150 years ago .
This is not an amazing altered map, but it IS an altered map or rather altered mapS

My Taiwan trip planning continues. Points of interest are blue, restaurants are red, bars/pubs/clubs are black, tea houses are green, and worthy hiking trails are yellow.
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There are so many markers that none of the teahouses or drinking establishments actually show up. So let's zoom in on Taipei, the capital
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No tea houses show up still, but technically there is a bubble tea shop there has been mislabeled

I will not visit all of these places, I will probably end up at like 10-20% of them. The idea is to basically wake up, slap myself awake & get ready in the morning, look at the map, pick some cluster of markers and walk around/to that general part of town. When I'm ready to see something that's been previously identified as potentially interesting I can look at my map and see what's nearby. Same with restaurants. I went through multiple lists and multiple guides, plus added tips from 2 locals who live there, blogs, random research, etc. and that's where all this data came from. It's basically done, but I will probably add a bunch more stuff to it over the next week.
:lol: Good luck with that ambitious itinerary! It should be fun.
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