Ank09 - DI1 Redux - 3CC AW

Quick question: Am I allowed to offer gpt in a trade if I meet someone?
Don't bother with the previous post, I'm done.

So I have a decision to make. Either I run min research for a few more turns, then jack it up, or I nudge it up a bit now. I opt for a few more turns at max. Fix Bugsy’s :smoke:, changing tile to fish, so I can finish the worker.

2900 bc (2) – Beijing archer -> archer.

2800 bc (4) – When I move our worker, I see a Russian warrior on a mountain. Move out one of the archers.

2750 bc (5) – Beijing archer -> archer. Russian warrior is skirting our borders.

2710 bc (6) – Vet archer wins flawless vs warrior on a hill.

2670 bc (7) – Shanghai worker -> archer.

2630 bc (8) – Beijing archer -> spear. With 76 in the bank, I decide to kick up research, no getting IW in 17 at 0gpt.

Nothing much else happens, except I realize that this is a PTW game. :rolleyes:

Well, let’s see if anything chages, eh?

Well, some things did change. The warrior went for Shanghai instead, and died to a vet archer when I blocked his access. Mostly the same thing, though worker moves ended being slightly different. Sorry for the :smoke:, but I blame Bugs, he must have infected the game!
And some pics for city placement discussion. We could probably build the last settler next set.

The East:

And the West:
I like that hill on the west side of the river delta for our last city. We can get some great food out of it and that would mke all three cities not requiring an aqueduct.

We should get an barracks in Shanghai.
I also like the hill next to the Delta for our third city. Hopefully we can get the Spices from that, too. Four lux so close to our capital; it's a near-miracle!
Good turns, both. :goodjob:

I agree with Cuivienen, it's absolutely amazing to have 4 lux's so near the capitol.

The saves should perhaps be named "ank09_year&ad/bc_ptw.sav" to lessen those mistakes. :)

I think the hill NW of the game at the river could be a nice spot for the third city... what do you guys think? :)

Sir Bugsy
Bede - UP!
Cuivienen - on deck

REMEMBER: 24h to post a "got it", total 42 to post turnlog and save.
Looks like it's the hill NW of the game and the river. Trout and grouse and salmon and woodcock. Maudie, get me the flyrod and the 20ga. See you on the banks and in the woods.

Got it. Will play as soon as I find that box of shells and those flies....and where's that dadgum dogbell?
20ga, check, flyrod, check, shells, check, flies, check, dogbell, check. Now where's the dog?

With 79g in the bank and nowhere to spend cash run science to 100% for Iron Working in 10 which will bring the treasury down to 69g, more than enough to finance a tech buy should a body meet a body drinking in the rye.

Beijing builds Spearchucker and starts another. Rename troops (using MASH and Catch 22 and The Long Goodbye for inspiration).

Lew bags 25g from the barbarian village.
Lew finds a Circassian camp
Lew disperses the Circassian camp.
Remaining Circassian attacks Lew who gets a promotion. Lew heads back to Beijing for a little trout fishing.
Learn Iron Working and discover iron in the mountains next to Beijing. Research set to Alphabet at minimum.

Beijing has the settler due in 1 for Bede's Huntin', Shootin' and Fishing' camp.

The Russian Expeditionary force can launch any time now. Two spears, and three archers or a spear and four archers will leave a garrison in Beijing and a warrior due in 2 or so.

Hungry Joe the warrior is running a spiral search pattern in the north looking for Russkies and Lew the 'Leet Archer is on his way back to Beijing, angle him west by north to intercept the REF on its way towards where I think the Russkies are. BTW, where are the Russkies? :confused:

I wouldn't hurry to hook up the iron. We know where it is and accumulating gold and warriors for upgrade would be nice.

It's lonely down here

Nice job Bede. :)

Sir Bugsy
Cuivienen - UP!
Ankka - on deck

REMEMBER: 24h to post a "got it", total 42 to post turnlog and save.
I'm not so sure about researching Alphabet right now... Shouldn't we be going for The Wheel first? Whatever, it shouldn't make a huge difference.

2110 - Settler completes. Starts Archer. Warrior -> Warrior in Shanghai.

2070 - Lew kills a barb. We find more ocean directly to our north. We may be on a long peninsula. (Which would explain why we've met only Russia.)

1990 - Archer -> Archer in Beijing.

1950 - Hungry Joe kills a barb. Lew climbs a Mountain and sees Orange borders to the east! Looks like the Ottomans, but we haven't formally met them yet.

1910 - Warrior -> Warrior in Shanghai. Canton founded, starts Barracks.

1870 - Archer -> Archer in Beijing.

1830 - A Russian Warrior comes out of the fog in the west. Hungry Joe attacks, but dies :(

1750 - Archer -> Archer in Beijing, Warrior -> Warrior in Shanghai.

Taskforce: Ottomans is moving towards what I presume is the Ottoman capital. We still haven't met the Ottomans, and hopefully we can sneak up on them without having to declare war until we reach their borders. The Russians have been pretty quiet, but we did lose a Warrior to them on my watch, sorry about that. They may make forays towards Shanghai during the next player's turns.


  • Ank09_ 1750BC_PTW.jpg
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OK we have our three cities. We'll need to garrison Canton quite strongly since it has the potential to be a front line city.
Good playing, and man this is moving fast! :wow:

I'll hopefully get to this tomorrow.
1750BC [Preturn]: Check to see where we are going. Looks fine.

MM Beijing to produce one more comerce.

IBT: Forest harvested, Shanghai produces warrior > warrior.

1725BC [1]: The archer stack moves towards Ottomania.

1700BC [2]: Two turns and we are at the borders of Ottomania..

IBT: Beijing archer > archer.
Shanghai warrior > warrior.

1675BC [3]: Troops are almost there... no Ottoman units in sight, luckily.

IBT: Ottoman worker moves into sight, and Ottomans build Bursa only 4 tiles from Canton!

1650BC [4]: Stack moves to Ottoman border.

Lew spots a little bay (I think) North of the Ottoman lands, and a pink border across it!

IBT: Osman comes to talk, and offers Ceremonial burial for Iron working + 20 gold. Quite expensive... but I take it.

Declare war after that.

Shanghai warrior > warrior.

1625BC [5]: Gah, we are at the Gates of Istanbul, but it's across a river so we must move one more time before attacking.

IBT: Beijing archer > archer.
Canton rax > warrior.

1600BC [6]: Bursa is on a hill, but only defended by a warrior...

Archer stack moves over the river, attack coming next turn.

IBT: A warrior appears from the fog near Shanghai.

Shanghai warrior > warrior.

1575BC [7]: Siege of Istanbul:

Vet archer kills reg spear, losing one hp.
Vet archer loses to reg spear, taking 1hp, spear promotes.
Vet archer kills 3-hp vet spear.
Vet archer kills reg unfortified spear, and:

IBT: barb warrior attacks, but our warrior kills it flawlessly.

1550BC [8]: Two archers are at Bursa:
Vet archer kills reg warrior and raze the city. Easy battle.

IBT: Beijing archer > warrior. We hav enough archers, swords are the word of the day.
Shanghai warrior > warrior.
Canton warrior > warrior.

1525BC [9]: Ottoman worker starts to build road towards the Glorious Peoples Republic of China.

1500BC [10]: Troops move... archer mpves to guard worker which is threatened by a barb.

Notes: I think time has come for the upgrade to swords. Once a worker is free, connect iron and upgrade the warriors.

I also thikn Canton and Shanghai should build a temple, to get the whole city radius' best tiles to use.
Sorry for all those typos. :blush:

Sir Bugsy - UP!
SesnOfWthr - on deck

REMEMBER: 24h to post a "got it", total 42 to post turnlog and save.
Well done. Take it to 'em early and often.
Ankka - I will be away until Wed afternoon, EST. When Bugsy finishes, just count me as an automatic "got it", and I'll play it then.

If the delay is a nuisance, I'll catch it next time round. :)
Bugsy is running late... 24h passed.

I'll give him extra time though, he has had a hard tme changing avatars... ;)

Seriously, the first round went so well we are in no hurry... but if he hasn't reported anything when another 24h has passed, Bede will be up, then Sesn.
Ahhh! Sorry! Got it. I'll have it posted in the next 6 hours or so.
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