• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Brave New Realpolitik

Our scouts have brought us ancient artifacts, inspiring a wave of culture unprecedented in our civilization! Many began weaving intricate designs into baskets, imitating those on the artifacts. Others used crushed up flowers and plants to paint pictures of them and their founding onto rock faces and cave walls. Still others, the more eccentric, began sculpting clay into figurines and other designs, though these all fell apart as we still have not perfected the art of pottery. These artifacts did more however then simply inspire a wave of artistic innovation, they brought with them a call for a fundamental change in our society. Looking to our great Shaman Secret Scribe, they seek guidance in this change. In which direction should our society, no, our civilization, go?

  • What shall we choose for our first Social Policy?
The National Technocratic Party of Brazil
Founder: Terran Emperor
Leader: Terran Emperor
Members: Terran Emperor, christos200
Platform: The National Technocratic Party of Brazil party believes in entrusting the leadership of our great nation of Brazil to the intellectuals and the learned. We believe that an elected council of Scientists (Economists fall under this category), Engineers, and Mathematicians should be the leaders of the Nation, as their guidance and intelligence can and will lead our nation into the future. We support preserving our tradition along with developing new ideas. We also support a strong military to protect Brazil from external enemies.
The National Technocratic Party of Brazil
Founder: Terran Emperor
Leader: Terran Emperor
Members: Terran Emperor, christos200
Platform: The National Technocratic Party of Brazil party believes in entrusting the leadership of our great nation of Brazil to the intellectuals and the learned. We believe that an elected council of Scientists (Economists fall under this category), Engineers, and Mathematicians should be the leaders of the Nation, as their guidance and intelligence can and will lead our nation into the future. We support preserving our tradition along with developing new ideas. We also support a strong military to protect Brazil from external enemies.

I confirm this Party unification, Thank you Christos for posting while I was working on my paper :D
So my computer tried to kill itself Monday, and I just got back. Apologies for missing anything of importance.

I have seen recently in our city that a cultural boom has taken place. With the exploration of these ruins of the ancients, who we aren't sure who really were. Perhaps these were some ancestors that tried to settle before. We should learn from their mistakes, but keep some of their traditions.

I'm sure Shaman Secret Scribe will choose the way that we are intended to go.

On the topics of the new styles of culture, it will certainly change the designs of the grand monument.
August Sonereal stands at the podium, before him a crowd of party members and curious bystanders who wish to hear him speak. Sonereal sighed, "So yeah, lets go tradition." It is unknown whether or not Sonereal removed his shades at this time.
These artefacts inspire many great artists, basket weavers, and sculptors. However, in these times of change we must not forget our Traditions that have led us to the point we are at today.
If I remember correctly, you just go to the group page, and if you've been invited you can hit 'join group' near the bottom of the page.
(OOC: Noob Question: How can I accept the social group invitation?)

Just go to the social group, and then it will ask you if you want to join or decline invitation. It appears very small in a red line either in the bottom or middle of the screen, I think.

EDIT: what Dot said
(OOC: Thanks! I know it was a dumb question. Also, dot, you should add the current administration to the front page.)

"The Brazilian Imperialist Party supports the opinion of Shaman Secret Scribe." Junior Member GreekAnalyzer announced in Rio De Janeiro.
Hey. I'm joining this because it is made of win, and I like getting win all over me.

edit: I have a number of ideas for a party platform, but few of which are coherent until later in the game (such as, when there is another city, or the idea of one.) If I join a party, it is with this in mind.
So, as a minor question dot, what would happen if the SDLB remained in power for multiple turns? There was talk at the beginning regarding large parties and organizations in the Realpolitik, but I would like clarify if you don't mind.
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