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Bring back an extinct species to its habitat!

What contemporary environment could a dinosaur thrive in? Maybe a tropical rainforest (Brazil, Southeast Asia)?
Welsh dragons.

They're undeniably extinct. And wouldn't do anything but enliven a rather dull and drizzly Wales if they were brought back.
They're not dead yet!

We could bring back Pulmonoscorpius!

What contemporary environment could a dinosaur thrive in? Maybe a tropical rainforest (Brazil, Southeast Asia)?
Though they're one era earlier than the dinosaurs, Pulmonoscorpius used to live in what is today Scotland. Seeing as that's part of an island, I can't see much of a problem with releasing them there again. :)

The Scottish-looking girl next to it doesn't seem particularly bothered about it either, so I foresee no problems with the current local lifeforms in Scotland.
What contemporary environment could a dinosaur thrive in? Maybe a tropical rainforest (Brazil, Southeast Asia)?
IIRC, dinosaurs thrived across many different climate bands.

Link to video.

The last of those beasts died in Poland in 1627, but them damn Swedes stole its skull (and still haven't returned it!):


Already in the times of Herodotus (5th century BC) Aurochs had disappeared from southern Greece but remained still common in the area north and east of Echedorus river close to modern Thessaloniki.[39] Last reports of the species in the southern tip of the Balkans date to the 1st century BC when Varro reports that fierce wild oxen live in Dardania (southern Serbia) and Thrace.[40] By the 13th century AD, the aurochs' range was restricted to Poland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Transylvania and East Prussia. The right to hunt large animals on any land was restricted first to nobles and then, gradually, to only the royal households. As the population of aurochs declined, hunting ceased, and the royal court used gamekeepers to provide open fields for grazing for the aurochs. The gamekeepers were exempted from local taxes in exchange for their service. Poaching aurochs was punishable by death.

According to the royal survey in 1564, the gamekeepers knew of 38 animals. The last recorded live aurochs, a female, died in 1627 in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland, from natural causes. The causes of extinction were unrestricted hunting, a narrowing of habitat due to the development of farming, and diseases transmitted by domestic cattle.[9][41]


The last recorded live aurochs (or urus (Bos primigenius)), in Polish tur - the ancestor of domestic cattle, was a type of huge wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa), a female, died in 1627 in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland. The skull was later stolen by the Swedish Army during the Swedish invasion of Poland (1655–1660) and is now the property of Livrustkammaren in Stockholm.
Beat me to it.
In this country we need a some kind of animal species feeding on those pesky Canada Geese. Perhaps some kind of huge bird of prey?
Similarly need species feeding on:
Black Flies
and those nasty, long toothed, rabid beavers (heheheh)
Have to agree with the people who say Woolly Mammoth, those tundra forests have become complacent.
The last wooly mammoths died out due to human hunting. By that time, the species had been miniaturized to just about house pet size.

The Italian lion also died out in human times. I see no advantage in bringing them back.

The Caribbean Otter was an otter, and so way cool. It was also up to six feet long, which is even better. It gets my vote.
I'm having a hard time figuring out which one of wooly mammoths, dodos, or dinosaurs would be the most delicious.
Well, plainly dodos and dinosaurs would taste of chicken.

And mammoths most likely taste of elephant. I'm not sure what elephant tastes like though, but aren't they distantly related to whales?

But I'm not sure what whale meat tastes like, either. So that's no help.

Quick! Find me a Japanese person. Or an Inuit.
It isn't unusual for people to find frozen mammoth, thaw it, cook it, and eat it.

Personally, I am going for a two-fer by voting for the return of centrist Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats.
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