Britain: Age of Gunpowder part 1 (Feb 08, 2008)

Very good! I'll have to upgrade my mod again soon :goodjob:

A few remarks.

Your Napoleonic wars Grenadier is in fact a foot guard, and the guard is line infantry. A version with the specific English shako would have been nice to.

The colonial infantry is nice, but I think using white shoulder straps and helmet would be better than the yellow. I've also notice some "holes" in the baionet from the preview.
@SWOG : they would make nice units for Zululand.

Possible expansion:

A mid 18th grenadier (your grenadier looks a bit to much like the Russian one IMO).

A late 19th riflemen (same as the colonial one but with tan colours).

An early Royal marines.

And you need some highland infantry!

And don't forget that should you need reference pictures for an upcoming pack, send me an email, I've good chance to have something available
Did British grenadiers really wear such silly hats?

... (your grenadier looks a bit to much like the Russian one IMO).


My grenadier is actually referred to 1700 as it is seen on the pic above, but not to the later period of the 18th century. Almost all European powers at 1700 had grenadiers with that "silly hats", not only Russia and Britain. :lol:

P.S. I`ll be happy with every new image of the British Infantry since 1700, and not only British. :)
Yes, but if you compare the shape of the aht in your reference picture, your British grenadier and the picture I linked, you'll see that your hat is to "thick" at the bottom. It's not very easy to explain... but the bottom of the hat is just a "turn back" of the cloth

Here it looks like that

In yours it almost looks like if the hat was in two parts, a big cylinder and a small cone.

Also, yours is to "staright conical", I think you should try to make curved edges (a bit less pointy) it would look more lke a grenadier hat and less like Santa's assistant hat :santa2:
I think you should try to make curved edges (a bit less pointy) it would look more lke a grenadier hat and less like Santa's assistant hat :santa2:

I agree with Steph for the "silly hat" thing, but apart from that, these unit are another A M A Z I N G work"! :king:
Your units are very good, but I noticed that the Rifleman Pedia PCX was a little bit too pink for my taste.

I made a whiter version, hope you don't mind!


  • British
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  • BritishColonialRiflemanLarge.jpg
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Great units but all these British look a little English to me. How about doing some real fighting guys in kilts?

I like a lot all that is about Scotland and I plan to make lots of Scottish units too (from Ancient til Modern times). And you`re quite right, they are good fighters. ;)

I made a British_Rifleman whiter version, hope you don't mind!

Of course not. I like it. :p
Sandris, you are killing me here. Something like 5 Brits, plus a Serbian, Japanese and Huron shooters. Good golly man, I'm going to have an aneurism! :wow: :eek: :faint:
Finally my first post on CFC, if I did'nt make another mistake. I joined friday specificly to reply on this thread but had'nt sleeped in 46 houres and worked roughly 40 of them. I think I posted in the Quick Reply section but I'm not sure. I hope I get it right this time, I've been up for 52 houres this time and worked roughly 45 of them so i"m ready to crash and burn again. Oh forgive me, I tend to ramble when I'm this tired so on to the point.:crazyeye:

Fantastic units Sandris, I congratulate you.:beer: This time period has'nt seen any serious additions since Steph's American Conquest conversions. Since you are looking for ideas on a part two of this thread i felt the need to share mine. You could do a Zulu War colonial rifleman (with white helmet and gear), a Boer War colonial rifleman (dressed in all khaki), Scottish Musketmen and riflemen, and some guard units like the Coldstream Guards. I can also realy use a hole line of royal marines so I do'nt have to use some army units as a substitute, but those may be better left to their own thread. Anyhow these are my ideas and I eagerly look forward to when you post part two.:D

By the way, I am hoping that you have plans for some french, spanish, and german units. I do'nt mean to sound needy, I'll take whatever is in your intrest to make and not complain, but I thought I would suggest them. Ttanks for the wonderful units so far and I can't wait to see what you come up with.:drool:
Sandris, great units! As usual I say! Maybe I'm annoying you, but dont'forget harquebuse units! Also for my mod I need some units: I need two african musketeer, one for the ethiopian civ and one for malian civ; a chinese musketeer and a south asian one. For african units I have thinked (for ispiration) to Plotinus' units. For south asian musketeer I have see the Dom Pedro II's Hindu Spearman. Can you help me? Thanks
I'll add to the clamor for a recolored Colonial rifleman.

British said:
Uniform: The British regiments made an uncertain change into khaki uniforms in the years preceding the Boer War, with the topee helmet as tropical headgear. Highland regiments in Natal devised aprons to conceal coloured kilts and sporrans. By the end of the war the uniform of choice was a slouch hat, drab tunic and trousers; the danger of shiny buttons and too ostentatious emblems of rank emphasised in several engagements with disproportionately high officer casualties.


I was just thinking recently of requesting this. Thanx man.

[edit] I also think the grenadiers hat is the one other thing that could be improved upon. The tassle could be smaller and as Steph mentioned the cone could use some more curve to it perhaps a little more morph between that and the "cylinder". Otherwise, awesome stuff.
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