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Comings, Goings, and New Arrivals VI

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You know you're lurikng lurking too much when the forum header greets you with this message:

"Hello dot, it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks. Why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution, or participate in a discussion in any one of our forums?"

Pah! ;)
Hello my dear Miss Lucy. Is this the chatroom nowadays?
This is my final post before I'm off to "spy" camp, folks. I'll see you next Saturday afternoon!
No, he's with the VCIF. I've seen him on a few of our black ops, but I can't say any more. It's all very hush hush.
*this post will self-destruct within thirty seconds*
VCIF (Virginia Central Intelligence Fanatics) Our main foreign training camp is located on Cape Verarde Verde. If you're interested in signing up, all you have to do is move to Virginia and apply there.
Remember, you have to say you want to take *airquote*drumming lessons*airquote*. That's the codeword.
Tip: When you hear those loud drumbeats in the distance, keep an eye out for smoke. When you see it, you'll know what really happened. But you'll never know the identity of who made it happen.
I was last here in March. Oh wow how things have changed. Two forums now?!?!

In any case.. Hi everyone (for those who remember little ol' me)! *waves*
VCIF training camp is almost complete. Our assassins peacekeepers have all been performing excellently. :D
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