Conservatives: Why do you support Bush?

while i would not consider myself a "conservative" in the truest of senses, i do most certainly identify myself w/ the Republican party.

now, am i blindly towing the party line and supporting everything the Bush Admin has put forward? no way. there's a few things that i could probably rattle off that could have been done differently. that is all hind-sight though.

what really gets my goat is how the christian right/baptists have hijacked my beloved party. it sucks really...b/c religion + politics is always a recipe for disaster whether it's a republican democracy or an islamic theocracy. the 2 entities (religion & politics) are like oil and water imo.
Oh man here we go again...

Blame the Christians.
Havent posted to this thread yet, but here goes.

I support Bush. I do not agree with him on all issues however.

Why I support Bush (in no particular order):

1. The man is loyal to a fault to his friends.
2. I have never heard him speak ill directly of any of his opponents.
3. I do in fact believe him to be sincere in the decisions he makes.
4. I believe leadership is not necessarily winning the popularity contest, but n doing what you think right. I think this is precisely how Bush views things.
5. I share a majority of his values...not all, but a good majority.
6. I am incredibly turned off by the opposition, who continue to lie and label him in any way possible in order to discredit the man.

What I dont agree with Bush on:

1. Spending. The guys spends like a liberal democrat and is one of the things people point out when saying he is not a true conservative.
2. Immigration. I believe him to be too soft on an issue that is directly impacting a huge number of Americans.

Thats just off the top of my head.
I put my response in bold below:

MobBoss said:
Why I support Bush (in no particular order):

1. The man is loyal to a fault to his friends. See, now I expect him to be loyal to the whole country and get rid of incompetant employees/appointees.
2. I have never heard him speak ill directly of any of his opponents. Yes but indirectly suggesting that anyone who dissagrees is unamerican is the height of arrogance to me.
3. I do in fact believe him to be sincere in the decisions he makes. Me too, I just find very very few I agree with.
4. I believe leadership is not necessarily winning the popularity contest, but n doing what you think right. I think this is precisely how Bush views things. Sorry, I think Bush plays to his base, which are primarily christian conservatives and big business. If he thinks that doing the right thing is to benefit this constituancy at the expence of all other, that is scary to me.
5. I share a majority of his values...not all, but a good majority. I'd like to see him articulate those values. All of the ones he espoused as a candidate he has only paid lip service to.
6. I am incredibly turned off by the opposition, who continue to lie and label him in any way possible in order to discredit the man. Let's discuss this. What common lies about Bush do the opposition repeat?
IglooDude said:
George Bush is socially liberal? His administration has a conservative position on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, the death penalty, and the war on drugs.
Bush has basically no positions on those issues. He gives a few speeches against abortion and same-sex "marriage" on election year when he needs blind conservative votes, but he has done absolutely nothing in his five years of presidency to address any of the issues you are mentioning. The man who turned the federal government into an absolutely omnipotent behemoth is suddenly a supporter of "state's rights" on important social issues which many Americans would like to see resolved. Indifference is not the "conservative" position at all.
Phlegmak said:
Good lord. It seems like you've never read a single news article pointing out flaws in his policies. It's like you get your news from Fox, Hannity, and O'Reilly only.

And it seems like you've never read a single news article pointing out why his policies are good. I certainly don't get my news from Al Jazeera.

Mr. Do said:
Just two things:
1) If support for Bush is so widespread (and so justified!), why is his approval rating so pathetic?
It's not. Polls lie, because they're run by liberal media.

2) If you'd be the first person to criticise Bush for doing anything wrong, and you've never had a single bad thing to say about the man, does that mean he has never done anything wrong in his role as the president?

If you're suggesting that I blindly follow his policies, you're wrong. I always listen to his argument and the arguments from the Democrats whose knee-jerk reaction is to oppose him. I always listen to both sides of the story before deciding that the Democrats are wrong.
Ha, good joke, but whoever it is that decided to make a fake Republican account to make right-wingers look like idiots, you can stop now. No-one who reads that last post of yours is going to accept you seriously believe that.
So you can't come up with a counter-argument, therefore you accuse me of being an idiot? The whole world isn't liberal you know.
Inqvisitor said:
Bush has basically no positions on those issues. He gives a few speeches against abortion and same-sex "marriage" on election year when he needs blind conservative votes, but he has done absolutely nothing in his five years of presidency to address any of the issues you are mentioning. The man who turned the federal government into an absolutely omnipotent behemoth is suddenly a supporter of "state's rights" on important social issues which many Americans would like to see resolved. Indifference is not the "conservative" position at all.

So "Hands Free" (I can't spell lazzei-fare) capitalism, which is inherently conservative, is not indifferent. Let the country work its way out is convervative. I'm pretty sure action, like FDR's new deal, is ultimately liberal

Didn't he ban gay marriage?

State's rights are the way to go, but we have abandoned that. Our country is based on federalismm, an equal balance of state and federal. That was abandoned with FDR, and we will never go back, but at least Bush is trying.
Mr. Do said:
Ha, good joke, but whoever it is that decided to make a fake Republican account to make right-wingers look like idiots, you can stop now. No-one who reads that last post of yours is going to accept you seriously believe that.

I'm completely serious when I say this.

I have been thinking the exact same thing about Red Stranger since I first started reading his posts. Everything he says is perfectly word for word from Hannity and Fox News. It's quite amazing. The liberal media thing is just hilarious. It's like reading the words from a religious fanatic, but in this case, the fanaticism is being a Republican. Everything Red Stranger posts is so perfectly ultraconservative and ultraRepublican that I find it hard to accept that he really believes it.
sealboy6 said:
Didn't he ban gay marriage?
No, it is legal in several states at this very moment.
Phlegmak said:
Everything he says is perfectly word for word from Hannity and Fox News.
Did they get accepted to Harvard too? :p

I hope he doesn't believe what he says. But then, if that is the case, I hope he gets banned for being an annoyance. Since it really doean't matter, I'll just assume he believes it. And that I disagree with almost everything he has ever said on this board.
Rather than tell you the things I do like, it's easier to point out the things I don't like. Here's the rundown:

[1.] The "road map to peace." It was more of America's hypocracy towards Israel: you negotiate with your terrorists, but we'll bomb ours into the stone age. I could have pinned this on Carter, but Bush didn't stop it, he only enabled it.

[2.] Out-of-control spending. We're spending like there's no tomorrow, and at the rate we are spending, there won't be. This is one of the few times that Clinton and Bush alike are right: give them the line-item veto already, and let's muzzle that stupid Supreme Court so they can't dink around with it again. They should have made it part of the Constitution; I'm sure Newt could have gone out there and gained enough public support for it.

[3.] Iraq. Shock and awe was neither awe-inspiring or shocking; I was extremely disappointed. We're pussyfooting around in Iraq and Iran is taking notice. Quite frankly, we won't do anything because our hands are tied by this ridiculous "hearts and minds" policy. If someone's not on our side and they are dangerous, they should be shot, it's as simple as that.

Those are the three thorns in the side, although the roadmap is roadkill, it was just one of those things that projected how unwilling we really are to fight terrorism at home or abroad.
Bah, I don't consider Bush or a lot of Senate "Republicans" Conservatives.

They're far too authoritarian and try to implement Christianity as a state religion. The founding fathers would turn in their graves. If I remember correctly, the Republican party was to stand for personal freedom, limited (Or if you will, small) Government, and personal responsibility.

So far, all they follow is the latter...but barely. "Compassionate Conservative?" **** you.

A true conservative would not try to add an amendment to the constitution to block something they do not like or they see to be against their religious beliefs. A true Republican would not expand the Government to the to the size the Republican Government and Bush have done so far. I really dislike Bush, especially since Bush cannot seem to unwrap his lips from Vincente Fox's (The Mexican President) penis. it disgusts me to know our President does not give a damn and supports illegal immigration. Foreign Work Card or whatever the hell he called it?!

I hope to see a true Republican in '08. But truth is, ther only way I'd vote Democrat is if Rick Santorum somehow won the nomination. Scary thing that would be, eh?
Immortal Ace said:
I hope to see a true Republican in '08. But truth is, ther only way I'd vote Democrat is if Rick Santorum somehow won the nomination. Scary thing that would be, eh?
Why don't you vote libertarian? Sounds like your kind of party.
kingjoshi said:
Why don't you vote libertarian? Sounds like your kind of party.

Far too liberal for me. Some of their policies (Example: Drugs) scare the hell outta me. That and they have absolutely no chance of winning...
Immortal Ace said:
Far too liberal for me. Some of their policies (Example: Drugs) scare the hell outta me. That and they have absolutely no chance of winning...
The first part of you reasoning I can understand. But the latter part... Sometimes people need to vote with their conviction even if to just rock the boat. The electoral college and two party system in the US needs a major overhaul. I absolutely hate the voting system.
Kayak said:
I put my response in bold below:

And in a thread that asks why I support Bush, why would you feel the need to respond to my reasons?:p

Anyway. Here is my reply to your reply.

See, now I expect him to be loyal to the whole country and get rid of incompetant employees/appointees.

I believe he is loyal to the whole country, but he certainly realizes he cant make everyone happy.

Yes but indirectly suggesting that anyone who dissagrees is unamerican is the height of arrogance to me.

So, you think indirect suggestion is worse than flat out calling the man a liar, a terrorist, a murderer, etc. etc.? Compared to his opponents in this area, the man is a saint.

Me too, I just find very very few I agree with.

Meh, as I posted I happen to agree with most. Shrug.

Sorry, I think Bush plays to his base, which are primarily christian conservatives and big business. If he thinks that doing the right thing is to benefit this constituancy at the expence of all other, that is scary to me.

He didnt win the election by just "playing to his base". I for one, am a middle income american and I sure as hell got a tax cut and its certainly not just christian conservatives and big business types getting jobs.

I'd like to see him articulate those values. All of the ones he espoused as a candidate he has only paid lip service to.

I can only disagree with you here. He has articulated those values time after time.

Let's discuss this. What common lies about Bush do the opposition repeat?

Oh, like he was AWOL, he went to war for oil, he is a liar, he is a murderer, he rigged the elections, etc, etc, etc,.
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