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Dawn of Civilization - an RFC modmod by Leoreth

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I personally prefer Modernise because of the possibility of China, Japan, and the Mughals or Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey being the tech leaders over Britain, France, and Spain

I once played a game as Russia where I built the Porcelain Tower. Whoever ends up owning it (intended to be China) would lead the game, because I was at 80% research with it, with no cities building up wealth/research.
There is such a vast amount of replies so I don't know if any of these subjects are already discussed, but I have few requests:

1) I didn't see Mussolini in list of leaders. Is it something I have just missed or is he coming soon to the list. If not than he must. :p

2) Greenland actually holds (vast) resources of uranium, aluminium, gems, gold, copper, iron and coal. It is also a significant milestone for vikings to reach America. Could there be Vikings city spawn in Greenland around 1000AD and also some valuable resources be present (preferably uranium and aluminium)?

3) Russians had a settlement called Fort Elizabeth in Hawaii so could "the Pearl Harbor island" be also historical area for Russians (When I play RFC with Russians I always like to settle there).

4) Since I started playing RFC I always felt sad about Antarctica being completely left out. For example there is permanently inhabited Chilean settlement called Villa Las Estradas near the tip of the Antarctic peninsula that has even school and library. Others in same area include Grytviken (est. 1904) for the Swedes and King Edward Point for the Brits that saw military action during Falklands war, so it is a strategic point between Pacific and Atlantic ocean and could be a interesting implementation to DoC.

Thanks for considering!
I think there were graphical problems with Mussolini in the past, I can see if I get him to work now (there's a couple of leaders I plan to add soon anyway).
There is already Great depression event possible if you have free market civic. And it's not that interesting as annoying ;) always coming unexpected and uninvited and in wrong time :)

Oh I know about the random event with Free Market, I just wonder if a global event can trigger so all Free Market Civs get hit at the same time; while SP and Merc economies really don't?
Did anyone try and sucessfully complete the new Ethiopian UHV's? The new ones are nearly impossible to do, especially founding catholicism because the Greeks or Romans usually have founded it years before I even start.
I have not, but it's very possible once you start right. Build a stele and a library asap and work priest and scientists. Research Theology from start and stop when you are 1000 beakers away. Bulb it with a Great Prophet.

There's some tweak Leoreth did that would delay the autofounding of Catholicism when Ethiopia is a human player, and it's not that often the Romans and Greeks found it too early.

Edit: typos
Leoreth, unrelated to everything else here, but,
I'm undertaking an advertisement effort for your mod
by writing an AAR in the Civ4 Stories & Tales subforum.

Hopefully, it'll draw more attention to your modmod
and I'd suggest for frequenters to this forum to check out my AAR
as well if they'd be curious enough.

See my signature for the link.
thanks for the advice. I was able to found protestantism on a rare occasion before when the goal was just found one religion but i was unable to get catholicism.
2) Greenland actually holds (vast) resources of uranium, aluminium, gems, gold, copper, iron and coal. It is also a significant milestone for vikings to reach America. Could there be Vikings city spawn in Greenland around 1000AD and also some valuable resources be present (preferably uranium and aluminium)?


4) Since I started playing RFC I always felt sad about Antarctica being completely left out. For example there is permanently inhabited Chilean settlement called Villa Las Estradas near the tip of the Antarctic peninsula that has even school and library. Others in same area include Grytviken (est. 1904) for the Swedes and King Edward Point for the Brits that saw military action during Falklands war, so it is a strategic point between Pacific and Atlantic ocean and could be a interesting implementation to DoC.

The problem with both, however, is the lack of inhabitable tiles in Greenland and Antarctica. Turning the ice into tundra and adding some resources could encourage settlement on those areas.
Leoreth, unrelated to everything else here, but,
I'm undertaking an advertisement effort for your mod
by writing an AAR in the Civ4 Stories & Tales subforum.

Hopefully, it'll draw more attention to your modmod
and I'd suggest for frequenters to this forum to check out my AAR
as well if they'd be curious enough.

See my signature for the link.
Thanks, that'd be good. I'll see if I can follow it, too :)
Hi, 2 quick questions,

1. How exactly are tech costs modified? What factors are used to decide how much a particular technology costs?

2. Where can I find out in the code the details of how tech speeds/costs are modified?
Mainly civilization specific modifiers, you can find them in the DLL source file CvRhyes.cpp under "researchModifier". There are also scenario and era specific modifiers. You can look them up in CvInfos.cpp under CvHandicapInfos::getResearchPercentByID.

Follow up question, how does the logic in CvInfos.cpp work? I'm not great at understanding this language, is there any previous post where these mechanics are explained?

I ask because I'm trying to perform the earliest tech victory possible, I've gotten ~1900 as Germany, but have struggled to get earlier then that, aside from gameplay, I was looking to find out which Civs have the best modifiers.
Well, if you have no experience with reading programming languages (like C++ here), then there's no easy way to explain this in a few sentences.

In general, for getResearchPercentByID() it should be sufficient to know that everything in brackets (these {}) after an "if" keyword only takes effect if the condition after "if" is fulfilled. For example,
if (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)pl).getCurrentEra() < 2)
means that the effects coded afterwards only apply if the player's era is less than 2 (i.e. before the middle ages) etc. I think most of the conditions can be guessed at from their name. The "effect" in this case is most of the time a modification of research costs, i.e. iResearchPercent *= 2 would mean research costs are doubled.

I wouldn't worry too much about the stuff in getResearchPercentByID(), though, since most of it applies to all civs equally (greatest exception is China, they get gradually slower until the Industrial Era to avoid a snowball effect from their UP), so you should simply go with the modifiers listed in CvRhyes.cpp (they are percentual increases in tech costs, so less is better).

That said, the civs with the lowest modifiers here (Germany and America) don't have to necessarily be the best civs for teching. I think those would be which allow settling large areas without becoming unstable, because ultimately your economy is the deciding factor. An early start can also be a great asset, just look what people are able to pull off with China or India, despite their slow modifiers.
I can read C++ to a decent extent, and I'm not bad at reading script. I'm just unfamiliar with Civ IV coding.

Would I be correct in saying that techs are cheaper on a 600 AD start?

So far I tried Germany and got a 1906 space launch, China was my second try, but despite my best efforts I ended out finishing after 1900. I think the best candidate is indeed that with the earliest start, the largest/best stability area combined with the lowest tech cost modifier. It's tricky, as no pre-600 AD Civ is a great candidate, they either have too big a modifier, or too small a stability map. I might try an egypt -> Arabia game. Egypt to secure good wonders and cities for the later Arabian Spawn, the Arabians being good because they have a big stability area, good wonders, and their tech modifier is decent.
Yes, they're a little cheaper in the 600 AD scenario, I think because you have less trading opportunities (advanced Rome and Greece are usually alive in 600 AD, for example).

Arabia is a good idea, imo. Japan's another, they have a decent tech modifier and can take over China without fear of collapse.
The game crashed when I tried to play on the 3000 B.C Map
by the way I appreciate your balanced socialist civics
3.19, it won't work without it. And make sure you download it directly from the internet, e.g. the CFC database, because the ingame update mode is likely to cause problems.
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