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Dawn of Civilization - an RFC modmod by Leoreth

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hmm, can't get your mod to work, it downloads fine, but when I try to load it from public maps I get error message, saying: "Mods\RFC Dawn of Civilization\ is an invalid mod directory, ignoring"
(quotations mine) sorry I can't get a screenshot, technical issues right now, but that is exactly what it says, any ideas for a fix?
Hard to diagnose just from that info. Have you tried loading the mod from the BtS main menu, i.e. Advanced -> Mods? Does it even show up there? Also, you could try to download the SVN version instead and see if that changes anything.
When I have completed my current set of planned features.
I am most intrigued about this one:
Represent some prominent independents with minor civs, such as Moors, Poland, Tamils, Tibet, Jurchen
but would also like to know if this one is materializing:
add post-colonial civs (Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Australia) as unplayable conditional spawns without UU, UB, UP and UHV.
Since I already know your'e implementing K-Mod last.
Kraizer's first quote basically goes into Jarkov's direction. These things take some time, though.
I've downloaded your mod but i can't play.

I place the file in Firaxis game => civ 4 => Beyond the Sword => mods. Then I run the mod from PublicMaps. But the game bug:

I hope you have a solution. Thanks.
En fait, ce mod n'est pas (encore ?) traduit en français. Il faut donc prendre son courage à deux mains, et jouer en anglais... Pense à changer les options avant de charger le mod !
My French is limited, but from what I gather NoShameD's advice is the first thing to try. Report back if the problem remains.
As a French, I tried to play this mod in french, but had such a screen. So I understood I had to play in English.
Btw, could I help to make this mod playable in french ? And how ?
There are parts of the game where text is hardcoded, but otherwise you can translate most of it in the XML. The files are in Assets\XML\Text\. Go through everything and add a <French></French> tag wherever one is missing. Also check old entries, because for example when I changed the Chinese UP I only changed the text for languages I speak (English and German, my Spanish isn't good enough), so you'd have to adapt these too.

If you're really serious about it, send me your changes and I'll do the hardcoded bits (which I haven't even for German although I easily could).
The code that sets them is in Python\DynamicCivs.py, the actual text is in Assets\XML\Text\ in various files with the names DynamicNames_[Civ].xml.
wow, haven't signed in a while here and guess I missed a little "tiff" on Italy. I stick by what I think is your original plan Leoreth, Italy is one of those regions which was divided for a long time, aside from the legacy Norman Kingdom of Siciliy and Rogerios Rex. On RFC-Europe you get a better Italy to play with because you have the room to play it. Can you imagine spawning Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, and Sicily all on that small spot?

I wouldn't worry about the Papal States, the Apolostic Palace pretty much fits that roll. Maybe make Rome unconquerable until a certain year if you want to experience the Papacy, electing leaders to "choose a pope" for the region. As for Ethiopia and the "Scramble for Africa" as it was called, comes in the age of new imperialism and in fact Bismarck of Germany was not in full support of this imperialism saying it "was only good for votes."

Besides, we're going for alternate history here right? Isn't that the goal?
Hello Leoreth,
Thanks for your great mod! In each version it becomes more and more interesting and challenging!
I played one game with Carthago: their 2nd UHV requires 4 dye resources, but in fact it can be achieved with 3. I don't know if it is a mistake...
Also, I played several games with Persia: now I found much more difficult, almost impossible. India is very strong, with lots of axemen who eat my poor immortals. Also Egypt and Greece are very strong too.
I hope this feedback will help you!
Gracias y un saludo!
Also, I played several games with Persia: now I found much more difficult, almost impossible. India is very strong, with lots of axemen who eat my poor immortals. Also Egypt and Greece are very strong too.
I hope this feedback will help you!
Gracias y un saludo!

That's why you should send your chariots there and pillage their iron mine asap.
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