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DR 01- The Greek Domination


Certified Band Geek
Feb 25, 2004
New Jersey
The might of Alexander shall be felt throughout the world! The hoplites shall conquer all! Victory is at hand!
Ok, Here are the Settings for this game
Version- C3C v.1.22
Map- Standard, Continents, 60% water.
Civ- Greece
Barbs- roaming
Climate- temperate, normal, 4 billion
Victory type- domination, conquest
Level- Monarch
Opponents- Random
OK, my first SG is running down, so I thought I'd start a new one. Anyone interested? I won't be a stickler on got its and plays, just try to do this fast to keep it moving, ok?
Formula51-just played
GhostBuster-on deck
I'll join. :wavey:

I'm a regular Monarch player, and a lurker on these forums, as I hadn't had the time for SG's until now.
I'll join, I am a regular regent player - but am looking for a nice challenge, I am not that great on monarch but I could give it a shot. I am rather fond of playing as Greece, they are my kinda playing style.

So count me in mate, just a note though, this would be my first SG; but I have always wanted to play one but, been to afraid to join one.

Can you post a starting position?
I tried, Ghost. the save's there, but I couldn't get the screenshot to work. which is weird since I just posted a huge one. :gripe: And welcome, Formula. [dance] :band: [dance]
Ah, there we go. Here's a shot of our start. I think it looks pretty good.


  • DR 01 Greek Conquest.bmp
    249.5 KB · Views: 402
Some thoughts on the start:

What are we going to research?

Since we start with alphabet, we could do a Writing-Philo-Lit Slingshot, or make a beeline to Monarchy, as we are going to be at war a lot.

Any suggestions?

Oh yeah, and i think a move is in order, as we are on a BG.
Indeed, a move should happen, I say if there are silks there, we should move SE, or we could go the other way towards tobacco.

We should NOT use a slingshot, as we will be i need of an early war I presume so, we should not go into REP we should find civs early and trade for CB then beeline to monarchy, we shouldnt slinghshot to LIT because we do not need TGL.

Post a playing order too, Dragon
Yeah, thats what I thought, just that we could use these techs as trading items for the req'd techs for monarchy, as the AI's don't put a very high research emphasis on the techs after writing, compared to the techs after CB or the military techs. :)

If it's fine, I'd like to go 2nd or 3rd (prefer not to start).

Also a move 1SE would be preferred, because the silks provide more $ than the tobacco, and would be easier to hook up.

EDIT: Aw screw it, I'll go first when we get enough people, if thats alright.
First things first, as above I mentioned this is my first SG, so how do I get the save to work? Every time I download the save and save it to my SAVE file and try to play it in civ, I get lots of errors

Errors like;

DataIO operation Systen Error: DATE
DataIO operation Systen Error:pLGI
DataIO operation Systen Error:CNSL
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\CivilizationIII\Conquests\Saves\DR01SG.SAV
Error Reading File

Can you guys tell me how to get the save to work?

Other news though; you should post this SG in the Succession Game Registry thread so we can get those other spots filled, and post an order on the top please.

Also I would like to go 3rd in the order if that would be possible

d/l the file directly into a folder on your computer, then open your C3C saves directory, and drag the .sav file into here from the folder that you d/l'ed the save to.

Here's a screenie:

Personally, I think we should use WinZip, as it is easy to use and unzips the file directly where you should have it (saves folder). Not to mention that it makes for an easier d/l.

PS: screenies are so much fun. :D
thanks pilot, I'll check and see if it works in a second

ps, call of duty, good game!

Aye, it's so true. :goodjob:

If you don't already have it, get CRP Mapstat from the utilities section on the CFC forum. It helps A LOT when you are brokering techs and are looking for trade opportunities. Also, it has a bunch of other helpful features, like a flip risk calculator, or domination tile calculator.
still doesnt seem to wanna work, get the same errors
Do i need like the same graphic mods he has (if he has any, maybge thats it)

also can you post the address for CRP mapstat, cant seem to find it
He has no mods, as I opened it in regular C3C.

I'll host the save as a zip, and put the address up for CRP in a sec.

EDIT: Here: CRP MapStat and SAVE

How do you attach stuff?
Do you have the patch- v. 1.22? That's required to play this game. You can download it off the forum. It fixes some bugs and eliminates the Radio tech. I know there are some other things it does, but I don't really know what.
I'll try reloading the save.
I'm not an extreme warmonger, but I figured I need practice, so that's why I only enabled Conquest and Domination as victory types. With silks (A lux) to the south, 1 SE so we get the 1 BG and a luxury sounds good to me. We can chop some of those forests for shields. Oh, and If we pop the hut without any military, we WILL NOT get barbs. It'll be something good. So, maybe use the worker to pop it if we don't get it before we build a warrior, as I assume that will be our first build.
Go ahead Formula, first for you is fine with me.
you guys ok with 5? I think we should start w/ five, but accept 6.
Formula- to upload stuff, go to advanced reply, hit manage attachments, hit browse, and find the file you want and then upload it. We don't necessarily have to have an AW game. We could even hold off teh war till we are out of despotism for our GA, as the hoplite has a very long life. Techs- WC,CB first I think. I'm not too choosy about what I pick first, but Iron Working is a priority, as we will want iron. As long as we have horses, though, I think we should be ok, since we can defend w/out iron.
Alright, so should I go pottery first, for granaries (faster expansion) and I'm guessing a early/mid MA war, so I should just expand, and only build MP units. Since I don't see any food bonuses (tobacco + silk = commerce) I think a granary is a good idea.

But, like I said before, it is well worth investing in techs after writing, or a philo free tech, so we have trading leverage for upgrading money and military techs. CB can be traded with a religious AI. Also, we can research IW right off the bat as BW is our other starting tech.

Whatever we do, those AI's are sure going to be in for a :hammer: .


EDIT: Got it. Post & Play after school.
One humble lurker's comment, why not go for the Republic slingshot? You can perfectly wage wars in a Republic, the only thing you need to make sure is that you get enough luxuries. Because the tech pace of Rep is a lot higher, you can outresearch the AI and with that come better, stronger units and thus shorter wars = less WW.

Greetz Jurimax
Are you still looking for another player? I'd like to join if I could. This would be my first succession game, though I'm a Civ veteran since the days of Civ 1.

I've never played a succession game (though I've read quite a number of reports so I get the basic idea), so I'd like to try one if you'll have me.
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