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DR 01- The Greek Domination

Or a good idea wouild be to use sparta to pop a curragh, then get military going there, few shields. I agree with you on Athens, as it has quite a few BG's. Out of despotism, Thermopylae will be great for producing combat settlers for razing and replacing enemy cities.

I say taking the capital would be a good idea after math (catapults) as the AI's have a small unit bonus. Also, for future use, any stacks we make should consist of hoplite, sword/MDI, horse/knight, and cats/trebs. From reading a lot of SG's I've learned that combined arms absoutely gives you a big advantage for kill ratios.
sorry this is taking so long guys, I am having troubble uploading the save, just give me a bit, my computer is a piece of garbage so it takes FOREVER (running on 128 RAM)
OK, I am still having trouble posting up the SAVE or Screens, as my comp is such a piece of ****, every time I go to the upload screen, it just freezes up so, I am gonna have to ask one of you guys to give me your e-mail, then I will just send you the file through there maybe, or I dont know if this would work, but you could goi into the upload (file 8, named DR_SG.SAV) and post it yourselves because I simply cannot do this on my computer (sorry once again) I also uploaded a screen shot called greece.jpg, so I one of you guys could do either of these I would really appreciate it. But here my move timeline.

Pre-Turn 1-------> I agree in switching to chop forest for barracks, so I change the worker to that instead, also change Athens to Barrack.

Turn 1-----------> Settler goes W

Turn 2-----------> Found Sparta, I think after we get a warrior and worker we go for either a temple to get those whales in, or a military city. Warriors move SE

Turn 3----------->Move Warrior onto mountain to overlook Tiwanauka, send other warrior W of mountain

Turn 4-----------> Forest is choopped, begin roading silks, Barracks due in one

Turn 5-----------> Barracks built in Athens, begin Hoplite

Turn 6-----------> nada :sleep:

Turn 7-----------> Road to silks is complete, worker begins to mine BG, as we expand in one, Sparta builds warrior, begins worker

Turn 8-----------> Trade ALPHABET + 100 GP to Inca for WC, spearmen is made in Tiwaunaka

Turn 9-----------> Hoplite is built in Athens, move W. Begin Archer. Settler is built in TIWAUNAKA and moves S (****, I will have to attack to prevent further expansion on us)

Turn 10----------> DECLARE VS INCA. Attack Settler, destory warrior + gain two slaves (yay) Slaves go E. Hoplite goes SW. Warrior from sparta goes S.

Heres some startegy from next turns. We will have to finish off Tiwanauka, they only have 1 spearmen in there we have 1 hoplite, 3 warriors, and an archer being built, we should be able to take on one spearmen (VERY sure that they only have one spearmen in there). Then mostly fight a defensive war with Inca, I guarantee we will NOT lose a city, expecially if we take away their only iron deposits. Get the cows working for us in sparta, then start bulilding curraghs because that will be the only way we can come in contact with any other civs. Need more expansion as well

Inca have Maachu Picchu built as well, are up iron working, and I think one other tech too.

Sorry for the whole confusion with the saves and stuff but if someone else could do that for me that would be great, because my comp just cant do it.

Once again the files are located in the upload file 8, they are named DR-SG.SAV and greece.jpg

Hmm so on the preflight check, I see that we have 3 warriors to attack the spearman. I dialed up the combat calculator, and a regular warrior has a 12.6% chance to defeat a regular spearman fortified in a city. :twitch:

I think I'm going to change the hoplite to an archer, and maybe the worker in Sparta to a warrior and wait to attack until those get into play, but that risks Tiwanuwhatever whipping another spear.

Another annoying thing is that we're going to raze the city, which means we have to found it again. I'd also prefer not kicking off our golden age if we can help it, since we have 2 cities
Yeah, I know that we couldnt beat that spear, but we MUST attack before they pull another spear. The good thing is that they cant pop rush a spear once we declare.

regoarrarr said:
a regular warrior has a 12.6% chance to defeat a regular spearman fortified in a city

That is not a city its a town mate, so they dont have as high of a defense bonus as they would in a city. But even with out the defence3 bonus we could do it

regoarrarr said:
I think I'm going to change the hoplite to an archer

I already had a archer going in Athens didnt I?

Anyways, anyone got any strats for the future? I think that we should ask for peace after we raze Tiwanauka, as we need to hook up the iron that (may) be there. OR we could press onto their capital and make them pay for peace. We will need to get curraghs out Sparta to get quick contacts, then trade the techs we got from Inca (the onces we will get after making them pay for peace)
Sorry - the 12.6% was for the town (size 1).

I found another combat calculator that let you put in multiple units, and it gives 3 regular warriors about a 53% chance to take the town. 68% if I attack with the hoplite also (last, of course, only if the other 3 die)

If I wait for another warrior and archer, then it goes up to 89%, but if they get another spear in there, it's only 44%

I think I'm going to do it and hope for the best.

Once we do that, I'll hold out and get peace after a few turns. We don't have the units to push forward.
Preflight - this could get ugly. Say a few prayers to the pRNG gods. MM Athens from the BG to the forest to get the archer in 2. Decide to keep Sparta on worker. If these warriors fail, it's not going to matter that Sparta can get another warrior in 2 turns... Drop science to 10% - Writing still in 24

Really wish the BG west of athens had been roaded as that would cut 2 entire turns off getting units from Athens to the front. Will send those slave workers to do that. Press Space.

Turn 1 (2070 BC) Fortify the injured warrior so he can heal. Move other warriors into position.

Turn 2 (2030) Athens: Archer-> Archer (MM back to the BG for an extra food this turn), Sparta: Worker -> Warrior. I considered a Curragh but figured we might need another warrior. Might change this later. Worker to the cow, 3 warriors and hoplite to the tile SE of Tiwanaku so as to not attack across the river. Next turn we'll roll...

IBT Incans found Ollantayatambo and I think I saw them get another spear in Tiwanaku :-( Here goes nothing...

Turn 3 (1990). I first dial up Sapa just to check if I can wimp out. Of course he won't receive us. First warrior goes, dies without inflicting anything. Second warrior wins one, loses one, and then wins 2 more. Woohoo! Even better they only have the one spear and we raze the town. Will hold up here till the archer can make it from Athens and then see if I can go take Ollan. Hoplite stays back as I really don't want a golden age now. Worker irrigates cow and archer goes west.

Turn 4 (1950) Bob the lucky warrior fortifies to heal. Our other worker heads to the BG between Athens and Sparta. Athens Archer -> Settler. Also grows to size 4, MM so growth and settler both in 5. Probably have to send this to replace Tiwanaku. Decide to change Sparta to curragh.

Turn 5 (1910) Moving folks

IBT Inca dials us up - they want peace. They are doubtful for Ollan.., but will give either Wheel or Masonry (but not IW). They will give IW if we kick in 3 gold, which isn't bad. (They have no gold available). Combat calculator says that 2 warriors and an archer have a 78% chance to beat one spearman. I think I'm going to move on Ollan - send the hoplite over there too just in case.

Turn 6 (1870) Send the slaves west to build the road to the wines. ARcher west, worker roads to Sparta. Sapa will now take IW straight up

Turn 7 (1830) Cow irrigated - now he roads it. Slaves roading. Military moving westward ho

TUrn 8 (1810) Inca will now give Ollan but not Ollan and a tech. Or, IW and either Masonry or the Wheel. This is getting tempting... My only fear is the city flipping. Once Writing comes in in 17 turns, hopefully we can trade for some techs.

Turn 9 (1790) SOD moves to Ollantambayao - and it looks like it's empty!?!? No wonder they'd be willing to get rid of it! Here are the things I can get for peace:

Machu Pichu and Ollantambayao
Masonry, IW and the wheel.
Machu Picchu and 2 of the techs
Ollantambayao and 1 of the techs.

We have an average military compared to them.

Clearly we have to destroy them at this point. My only reason in wanting to take the cities is that every city that we take means one less settler we have to build. I think I'm going to raze Ollantambayo and then see if I can get M.P. and all 3 techs.

Turn 10 (1750) Ollantambayo is razed, and we see a Chasqui scout off in the distance. I dial up Sapa and he now has Mysticism. I kind of want to set off his golden age but don't. I can't get all 4 techs, so I decide to take Machu Picchu, Mysticism, Masonry, and Iron Working for peace. Don't know if MP will be worth holding or not, but I take it just to leave them wounded and with only 1 city. We should destroy them in 20 turns.

MP is to the W of their capital, and has whip-memory. I set it to warrior and have to hire a entertainer. Next leader can decide to keep it or not - there is a lot of land to the west of the Incas. We have iron on the hill right by Athens. MM Athens to take the silk since it only has 2 shields to go. Growth and settler next turn. Growth and curragh in Sparta - we should send it west to explore. There is a 5-unit choke that can be held, starting in the north with the ruins where the archer is - I'm sending the other units to finish it so we don't ahve to keep any more settler pairs out. Left a worker active - he can either mine the BG he's on, or go to road the iron.


Gotta go to bed - someone else post a screenie please
Great Job Reg! :goodjob: I seriously thought we were in serious trouble when I saw we were boxed in, but a good job on defeating the Inca. Now we can take Cuzco from both sides and we'll be good to go. Whole war took less than ten turns. nice :lol:
DragonRunner-on deck
Regoarrarr-just played
Okay - I've got a bit more time now this morning, and have given this game a bit of thought.

Obviously the Incas should die in 20 turns. They've only got 1 city now, so hopefully they won't be able to push out more than 1-2 settlers between now and then. I think Athens should keep pushing out archers. If you watch the micro-managing of Athens, it can do 3 turn arhcers. Put the final citizen on the BG for one turn (6 spt), and then after that, change to the river forest (7spt) for 6-7-7. Actually though once we mine that final BG, it can just stay on the BG the whole time. We should also kick out 1-2 settlers from Athens when we get a chance.

If we can set up the 5 person choke I mentioned in my last report, the first settler should go to the grassland cow, which should get a granary and become our settler factory, and the second one should go to replace Tiwanaku, or one tile SE.

Sparta can do some more curraghs, and maybe a worker or settler. Hopefully we can get mapmaking before 20 turns is up, since I think that's about the only way we'll get meaningful troops in M.P. I don't like building regular troops in MP, but we might have to build one. I didn't want to build a hoplite, since I think I'd rather lose that city than kick off our golden age now. Might make sense to build a curragh there too, since you can see another island off to the SW.

What does everyone think we should research after Writing comes in? My vote is for Philosophy at max, and then taking CoL to try and get to Republic ASAP.
Good Job Rego! :banana:

I got the save after school (5:00 EST).

Actually, republic could be a good idea, as we don't have to do AW.

Want me to finish the incas?
Formula51 said:
Want me to finish the incas?

Definitely not! I signed a peace deal with them, which locks us into peace for 20 turns. If we break that before the 20 turns is up, we'll stain our rep, which will make the game a lot harder than it needs to be. So keep building up the military with archers (and swordsmen if we hook up the iron) from Athens, while still finding time to pump out a settler or 2, and then Ghostbuster will declare war on his first turn and hopefully knock them out.
Ah, didn't read that you signed peace. I know our trading rep is good, so I won't unnecessarily damage our rep.
Preflight- move archer towards choke, put worker to mining BG. May abandon MP as it is probably going to be captured. Writing continues at min research. Press enter.

IBT - archer + chasqui scout move into choke. archer moves away from MP. Athens' settler completes, and I start another, as it will be at size 2 after the next settler. Sparta Grows and builds curragh. I find that athens, @ size five, can make 10 spt! :cool:

1700 BC - Worker finishes a road on sparta's cow and goes to mine the BG. I move the settler to one square SE of the ruins of Kinawaku(sp?). This place, after a temple and a granary, is a four turn settler factory! This will be very, very good for expansion. Sparta begins a worker. move military to choke to stop the chasqui from moving in. Slaves finish road, and begin one through a BG to the cow. Move curragh W.

IBT - See a barbie pop out of fog near tundra. :( chasqui scout moves into our lands, but it is no threat to us, so I close the choke behing him on my turn.

1675 BC - Close up chokepoint. Decide to veto sparta's worker for a warrior, as we need MP for that city.

IBT - chasqui moves into fog, hopefully barb busting for us. barb warrior moves next to unprotected settler. See a portuguese warrior. find, from mapstat, that they are up wheel and math, and have 202 gp. we definately want math ASAP.

1650 BC - fortify units on choke, curragh moves to reveal that we are on a peninsula with a possible 'canal' city spot. At least it'll be easy to defend. Found thermopylae. begins a temple as we need that cow going ASAP. It is going to be a damn powerhouse, pumpin' settlers. it is going to get pillaged, so I see what I can buy. Get the wheel from portugal for 115g & 2gpt.

IBT - barb is killed by chasqui. uh oh, it might attack thermopylae. curragh continues W.

1625 BC - close up choke a bit more, next turn we will be able to defend it with only 4 units. cross fingers and press enter.

IBT - chasqui moves away. :worship: thank you RNG. warrior completes out of sparta. begins worker to connect sparta and athens eventually.

1600 BC - warrior from athens moves into thermopylae for cover. athens will be empty until it gets a hoplite. DOH! barb horse kills slaves. :mad: archer moves into incan territory to scout capital. settler completes out of athens, starts hop. settler is moving to 1 square E of archer on ruins. worker finishes road near sparta, begins mine. worker near athens finishes BG mine, begins road on BG next to it for thermopylae to use.

IBT - chasqui kills horseman. a settler pair moves beside choke. curragh moves N up coast.

1575 BC - archer retreats from incan territory, as I am moving the choke back a square.

IBT - Incans found coriha...(can't remember the rest). Increasing number of military units near MP.

1550 BC - move choke back, continue to move settler to the spot I was talking about, will make a good frontline city.

IBT - I think we are going to be sneak attacked, as a spear and archer go beside MP, and the lost chasqui comes to a halt near thermopylae.

1525 BC - move settler closer to city site. sparta pops worker, begins roading a sparta-athens connection. cross fingers yet again.

IBT - they bug off! :worship: again RNG saves the day. warrior completes in MP, begins another. Athens hoplite>hoplite.

1500 BC - meet hittites, we are up on them myst and masonry. no gold though, so no trades. worker near thermo mines BG. settler ready to settle next turn.

IBT - Athens culture expands.

1475 BC - Find very fertile lands outside MP (2 cows). Found corinth, begins worker, can be changed. shuffle troops so that a hop is in corinth.



Build more units, as I had athens focused on building a settler instead of archers and such.
Hmmm you mentioned that the Chasqui was barb busting down south, did they trigger their GA? Because if they did that would be good and bad, Good: They wasted their GA for the long run BAD: When we go to war they WILL be in a GA, but whatever, shouldnt still be a problem

What do you guys think about strategies for next turn, I think we should set up the choke, secure it then prepare for war with archers. Simply, we need that choke, because we will be able to destory them quickly once we set it up
Winning against barbies = no GA.

And which choke are we talking about?
Ah yes I was just unsure about that whole GA vs barb things, as to the choke point thing, we should try and do both, completely block them in than just crush them. If we felt like it we could put a hoplite on where you put "choke city" to speed up the process of destroying them, once they are blocked in though, they will probably focus on just building defensive units (not sure about that, because I havent really figured out how the AI works in a situation like that) If we do want to trigger a GA is the question. I will play this soon though just gotta go grab a bite (remeber though I will need one of you guys to post the save and screen, screens will be saved as GREECE123456..... and the save will be DR.......) I will uplaod it though

To GA,
Or not to GA,
That is the question my friends,

No GA yet.

Despotic GA sucks. keep them away from our cities.
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