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Ecopop - The next contraversial Vote made in Switzerland

this time not even the SVP would support the initiative (though the AUNS does - the AUNS pretty much being to the SVP being what the Tea Party is to the GOP), so chances are small that this gets through, but even so it looks like a sizeable chunk of the population will vote in favour of it :/
Well, this is democracy. Bear with it.

As for me, I think it would be wise to limit invasion of foreigners into Switzerland's proper.
Why would Switzerland join?

Because they would get at least some influence in decisions that affect them. In the current situation Switzerland has to implement most of the EU regulations anyway if it wants to trade with anybody.

In my opinion, Switzerland would ultimately benefit from joining. It is just the incompatible politics that will prevent it for a long time.
In the current situation Switzerland has to implement most of the EU regulations anyway if it wants to trade with anybody.

I agree. And, incidentally, it's a good argument against the UK leaving the EU.

(Though good arguments probably aren't going to affect the result of any in-out referendum.)
It seems to me that this whole system you guys have set up of popular referendums on various topics is what is going to in the end be a major roadblock when it comes time to join the EU. I mean, I know that's not in the plans or anything, but at some point it might be. But then how do you prevent people voting for ideas that are incompatible with EU charters and regulations or whatever?

Well, I imagine that would work the same way it works now with cantonal and federal votes...cantons can vote on anything that isn't specifically regulated on the federal level, etc.

of course, my hope would be that not just Switzerland will adapt to the EU but the other way around as well. Some more direct democratic elements couldn't hurt them either, but I'm realistic...that's not happening.

Or I suppose your system could be changed to accommodate all that? It seems that certain things wouldn't be allowed to be voted on during referendums - for example a reinstitution of slavery. That would go against human rights, so it'd be superseded by another article in the constitution or another one of your laws. Right? Or are there no checks in places like that either?

well, initiatives that violate international law are not allowed and will be rejected by parliament before they come to a vote. So slavery's out, sorry ;)

Well, this is democracy. Bear with it.

As for me, I think it would be wise to limit invasion of foreigners into Switzerland's proper.

of course I'll bear it (not that I expect that I'll have to, the initiative will most llikely be rejected anyway.
what the hell is that? :crazyeye:

The first one is propaganda courtesy of the Young Nationalists and the second one is propaganda (and an obvious cooption of the former) of Anti-D antifascists.
The latter of course (or some of them anyway) didn't just do this for the mockery of the former but actually believe in this idependently: You know, that hideous nature as a vain luxury of the elites standing in the way of more steel mills, nuclear power plants, plattenbauten and other blessings of righteous socialism.


Of course there is a significant ammount of defeatism relevant to the motivation of the former: If nobody wants to give you steel mills because you are a hick, useless bunch you may as well embrace nature. At least you'll get that.
:lol: No thanks :p
You have to pretend to be interested.
KG in his Low Rhenian naivite doesn't know that the misguided Low Rhenians are next in line. ;)
You have to pretend to be interested.
KG in his Low Rhenian naivite doesn't know that the misguided Low Rhenians are next in line. ;)

At least we are no longer seditious republicans, if we ever truly were!
The first one is propaganda courtesy of the Young Nationalists and the second one is propaganda (and an obvious cooption of the former) of Anti-D antifascists.
The latter of course (or some of them anyway) didn't just do this for the mockery of the former but actually believe in this idependently: You know, that hideous nature as a vain luxury of the elites standing in the way of more steel mills, nuclear power plants, plattenbauten and other blessings of righteous socialism.

ah, extremists, always there to amuse us :)

You have to pretend to be interested.
KG in his Low Rhenian naivite doesn't know that the misguided Low Rhenians are next in line. ;)

nah, this time around we're going the other direction: Grossschweiz

I gain more and more respect for Switzerland every time I read about their initiatives. They are like the opposite of Sweden/UK. Marvelous.

You should try to read about Sakoku and North Sentinel Island. These people really knew/know what to do.
You'd think that people would have noticed something was deeply wrong with that country when they officially recognized the concept of plant rights.

I'm not making a crude joke. They literally did so.
You'd think that people would have noticed something was deeply wrong with that country when they officially recognized the concept of plant rights.

I'm not making a crude joke. They literally did so.

Are you referring to the decision of the ethics commission (a few years back)? If so, I can't really see anything wrong with that decision.

Considering the Alps, Switzerland does not need walls.
except that the vast majority of the Swiss live in front of these 'walls', not behind ;)
Are you referring to the decision of the ethics commission (a few years back)? If so, I can't really see anything wrong with that decision.

Other than displaying the depths of lunacy the animal-rights movement has descended into? Or the threat of bringing flower-stompers to The Hague?
Other than displaying the depths of lunacy the animal-rights movement has descended into? Or the threat of bringing flower-stompers to The Hague?
way to blow the whole thing out of proportion, or strawmanning the decision. The constitution article where "Würde der Kreatur" (dignity of the creature) is mentioned deals exclusively with gene technology.
way to blow the whole thing out of proportion, or strawmanning the decision. The constitution article where "Würde der Kreatur" (dignity of the creature) is mentioned deals exclusively with gene technology.

And so why is it immoral to tamper with a sunflower's DNA?
And so why is it immoral to tamper with a sunflower's DNA?

Looks like you haven't bothered to read the whole conclusion of the ethics commision, eh? It found that tampering with the DNA is not immoral...so basically your whole point becomes moot. It's a bit like all those funny lists floating around the net citing 'stupid' laws around the world....
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