My suspicion is that complaints about inflation and inflation as an issue will fade, regardless of the realities of actual inflation. With Trump in the White House, conservative media will no longer push inflation as an issue and so the electorate will no longer see it as an issue.I personally dislike the framing that sees immigrants as valuable primarily because they provide cheap labor, but it will indeed be interesting to see the effect of deporting cheap labor on prices. The next four years may be a useful test case to determine how much "economic pain" is constructed by right-wing propaganda - if inflation stays the same or gets worse but fades as an issue, then the problem is less the state of the economy and more how do we bring mass extinction to the right-wing media ecosystem.
There is also the strong possibility/probability that, as is ironically, and repeatedly the case... the policies pursued by the Democratic administration, that got the country through the crisis caused by the prior Republican administration, have the long term effect of creating positive economic conditions, that the incoming Republican administration takes credit for, then promptly institutes policies that crash the economy, that Democrats are then called upon to fix... rinse, repeat...