the usual propaganda.... this is the best mod ever, and vanilla civ4 can't even reach it's heels...
as for feedback...
i played a small game as the ljosafar with the version 0.11b and found a few problems...which i haven's seen in the bugboards
i wasn't able to build elven immortal at all
i figured quite late / turned runes of kilmorph to spread religion/ that i can't build their priest... turned out the map only contained one set of gems... you might want to add to that handy map application that makes sure there are at least 3 of iron, mithril, gunpowder etc....
also the ai for the workers was horrible, a lot of unused land, set to fully automated and they would just sit on their butts in the cities...
as for the elven archer.. when playing as the ljosafar you get two of them... one as the religion fellowship of leaves and one as the civilization unit... but one of them starts with the woodsman 2 promotion and the other has garison promotion available, yet you can't choose which one you want to build...
btw. great models for elves, the archers with their capes rule... my respect to sezereth
as for the vampire thing, i also believe some balancing is in place, but not by decreasing its strength...
vampires have always been powerful but you always needed a specialized tactic against them...
i suggest them having a -50, 75, 100% whatever reduction for amphibious attack... they are afraid of water, so you should probably protect tiles on both sides of the city so that they can't simply attack from there. that would probably also allow for them conquering cities early on a bit less
also, i would recommend a negative bonus for attacking disciple units, since religious units usually are focused at conquering the undead, using specific methods...
also the ability that allows you to consume population for exp should be nerfed so that it can only be used once a turn... i built a vampire in a size 15 city, reduced to size 7 and had a fresh vampire with 92 exp ready for promoting...
...just finished reading Bram Stoker's Dracula...
also, from your description of units i understand that you wanted to make a vampire gain the immortal promotion for one turn each time they kill a living unit... so far they gain it permanently-until killed, but can't get it again later...
possibly make the vampires undead/ immune to disease
is a utility possible, like saving a build list in the cities that would allow you to set order for workers to build mana node types? coz automated, they usually build the same nodes multiple times / build nodes for which you have mana from wonders/palaces...
once again a fantastic mod everyone