FfH2 0.11c Bugs:

I concour with "Corlindale" I have been unlucky twice where he has appeared nearby and wallopped me. I chalked it up to bad luck and started over. There was no way I could have survived. I think the one time I even had 3 warriors and a palicade built.

Also playing the Ljosafar like "upthorn" I have yet to see an ancient forest about 150 turns in. Finally I am assumeing that the elven scout does not have the elven trait because it would just be too fast for that early in the game?
On the other hand, I've seen half of the AI's forests gone Ancienct during the first ten turns after researching Fellowship. Pretty weird.
What's more I'd suggest making all religious units, not only the heroes, immune to the Dragon Cult promotion. It's just weird what a disciple of Leaves turns out to be a dragon cultist... How could he then spread religion he doesn't really believe in? Or maybe they could just spread the Dragon Cult instead of their normal religion. That would be pretty interesting. especially in the hand of the AI.

I rarely get a religion. Right now i was playing, and rushed to get the Leaves, and managed to get the religion tech, but the holy city turned to be an foreign city??????

Is this a bug, or thats how its supposed to be? How lame! I worldbuild'ed the holy city back to one of my cities, but left the game a few minutes later... i cant stand to play a game i just cheated. Still, thats not fair! I sacrificed alot to get a religion and someone else gets the holy city!
upthorn said:
The AI may have discovered the tech the same turn you did.

That is, unfortunately, true. I have more than once cursed the AI for researching certain tech a turn before I did. It has never happened that the AI got a holy city for a religion I founded, even if I played an Agnostic civ, though.

My latest game was quite bug-free. I noticed just two small things:

1.) Are you supposed to be able to build roads on water? If you have workers loaded on a ship and you select them, you can choose the "Build Road" button (and it works). Three turns later you have a nice road in the sea. It doesn't allow land units to walk on water, but it allows ships to travel twice or thrice as fast. That really made unit transport to my colonies a lot faster, but the road network on the water looks a bit weird.

2.) Also, summoned units seem to cost upkeep. Is this a feature, a display error or a real bug?
woodelf said:
If you have the barb trait you obviously are missing another one. Also, your scouts will never capture animals, you'll never get cheap xp by having goblins mindlessly attacking your fortified archers, and you'll never pick up free cities that the barbs own. I agree on raging barbs the AI might get an advantage in early settling, but they are missing out on some pretty nice bonuses as well.

I think it's balanced fine other than you should be able to attack animals without declaring war on the barbs. Silly, but I think it's a core issue. :crazyeye:

Thanks for your response. I think the advantages you mention come into play in later game stages - and, as it is very likely with you being the only one having to deal with barbarians (others wiped out), you will not be able to keep up and use these advantages. During a raging barbarian game, you are not able use the captured animals very much (busy with military rather than culture) and even capturing the animals become perilous once the barbs appear on the scene.

I agree that the number of goblins attacking can be insane, but once the Lizard Dudes, Axemen and Horsemen appear, it is a different story. Meanwhile good ole Sheelba is expanding its civ and moving on.

I encourage you to try a game with raging barbs at a high setting with an AI civ having the BAR trait and see how it goes. :) My point on the balance issue is that it would not be possible to win this game. I have never made it that far, but wouldn't the barbs just keep coming until you are dead and only the civ with the BAR trait remains? Despite having a different trait and those advantages you mentioned I just don't think they could help you win the game if you aren't around to compete.

My only suggestion to solve this, and it probably is not possible, is to suppress the BAR trait when raging barbs is selected. Or, just not allow one of the civs with the BAR trait to be selected if you are using raging barbs.

If anyone else who plays with raging barbs has a strategy to overcome this, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again woodelf for your reply.
Azragaul said:
I concour with "Corlindale" I have been unlucky twice where he has appeared nearby and wallopped me. I chalked it up to bad luck and started over. There was no way I could have survived. I think the one time I even had 3 warriors and a palicade built.

It's funny how it goes because in my last two games I had little trouble with Orthus.

In Game One he came later in the game with about 50 other barbs (playing raging barbs) after destroying two other civs. I was playing Hippus and had managed to get several Raider units. The funny thing was on three successive turns, he killed my Raiders, but rather than not attack and gain some health he attacked and was killed by a Warrior.

In Game Two he was 'born' just outside my limits and came straight for my capital. It is true that nothing in the mod browns your shorts more than this event. However, I was shocked when his first attack on my city resulted in his defeat by a lowly Warrior and the Axe being passed to me.

In a third game I never saw Orthus, but I noted the Axe changed hands many times away from my civ.
I can confirm the experience of one of the upthread posters--Ancient Forests no longer seem to appear when the player founds Fellowship of the Leaves. I'm 278 turns in, and I have no Ancient Forests at all. :( I've attached my most recent savegame.
crunch said:
Twisted Spire is not adding any money? I have Runes of Kilmorph as state religion and I definitely have built a bunch of kilmorph temples as well.

it will add money in the city where you built the religious building (like temple of kilmorph), not in the city where you built the wonder (unless you build a temple there too).
woodelf said:
If you have the barb trait you obviously are missing another one. Also, your scouts will never capture animals, you'll never get cheap xp by having goblins mindlessly attacking your fortified archers, and you'll never pick up free cities that the barbs own. I agree on raging barbs the AI might get an advantage in early settling, but they are missing out on some pretty nice bonuses as well.

I think it's balanced fine other than you should be able to attack animals without declaring war on the barbs. Silly, but I think it's a core issue. :crazyeye:

What if, instead of at 'peace' with the Barbs, the Barbarian traits gives something like a 25% chance that a defeated Barb will join your Civ in awe of your power.
@bebematos: Sounds like a T&L problem to me - those all display fine for me. What graphics card are you using?

Are you guys without ancient forests adopting Leaves as your state religion? That's the trigger, not founding it.
BeefontheBone said:
@bebematos: Sounds like a T&L problem to me - those all display fine for me. What graphics card are you using?

Are you guys without ancient forests adopting Leaves as your state religion? That's the trigger, not founding it.

I didn't say I founded leaves, I said I was following it.

Plus: You can't use the "guardian of nature" unless you adopt leaves.

Are ancient forests appearing properly for you? If so, what civ are you playing as?
I think they may have accidentally been disabled for elves.
BeefontheBone said:
@bebematos: Sounds like a T&L problem to me - those all display fine for me. What graphics card are you using?

Are you guys without ancient forests adopting Leaves as your state religion? That's the trigger, not founding it.

upthorn said:
I didn't say I founded leaves, I said I was following it.

Plus: You can't use the "guardian of nature" unless you adopt leaves.

Are ancient forests appearing properly for you? If so, what civ are you playing as?
I think they may have accidentally been disabled for elves.

Like upthorn, I was playing with Fellowship of Leaves as my state religion, Guardian of Nature civic, Ljosalfar.
@DMN - that's an interesting bug. :crazyeye:

@Sarisin - no problem. I don't think I could handle raging barbs though...
AndrewDJ said:
I can confirm the experience of one of the upthread posters--Ancient Forests no longer seem to appear when the player founds Fellowship of the Leaves. I'm 278 turns in, and I have no Ancient Forests at all. :( I've attached my most recent savegame.

Uuupps... Sorry that my error. Missed an Integer in the New code for ancient forest growth to be distributed over five turns....

For Kael: The right code should read like this:

iStartingPlot= CyGame().getGameTurn() % 5
for i in range ((CyMap().numPlots()-iStartingPlot) / 5 ):
                       pPlot = CyMap().plotByIndex([COLOR="Red"][B](5 * [/B][/COLOR]i [COLOR="red"][B])[/B][/COLOR]+ iStartingPlot)

Really stupid error... Right know only the first fifth of the map is cheked :(
I lost a hero with the immortal promotion in my last game without him being resurrected in the capital. I don't know how it happened because I didn't even notice it at first, but my guess would be that he was killed by a spell. Would it be possible to move the immortality-check from onCombatResult to onUnitLost?
Normally spells kill by combat two. I see only to possibilies to bypass onCombatResult.
1) changing your state religion
2) Plague

So on unit lost would trigger for state religions too... or on upgrade (ok seldom for heros, but possible for other immortal units (blood of the phoenix))
Python is a bugger to check with wordpad. There's no "Find" option.

I found that spot CHalid and I'll try it in about 6 hours. No time to test now unfortunately.
I noticed as well that founding and adapting Fellowship of the Leaves brought no ancient forests into my territory. My neighbour who converted, however, had soon enough plenty of ancient forest tiles. :ack:

The Priest of the Leaves' spell 'Bloom' does nothng more but play an animation and change the tile description to 'plains/new forrest'. Unless it's sipposed to take 20+ turns for the new forrest to appear.
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