FfH2 0.11c Bugs:

The Priest of the Leaves' spell 'Bloom' does nothng more but play an animation and change the tile description to 'plains/new forrest'. Unless it's sipposed to take 20+ turns for the new forrest to appear.

A forest appears, but there isn't any graphic for new forest in the game yet, so it is invisible at the moment. It still gives its production bonus.
Civlopedia Bugs


Adventurer ---- No Promotions?
Pit Beast
Guardian Vines
Hell Hound
Hippus Summoner
Host of the Einherjar
Hunting Demon
Infernal Lord
Iron Golem
Lanun Galley
All Lizardmen
Losha Valas
All Malakim
Mud Golem
Ogre, Ogre Warchief
Nullstone Golem
All Orcs except Archer
Pitch Wagon
Pyre Zombie
Rathus Denmora
Rhuin Archer
Sand Lion
Sect of Flies
Skull Catapult
Stoneskin ogre
The War Machine
Trojan Horse
Wind Knight
Witch Doctor
Worg Rider

History = TXT_KEY_UNIT_ + units name for all the above units.


Dwarf Cage
Dwarf Smithy
Elf Cage
Governors Manor ---- Placeholder is all it has in history
Human Cage
Large Animal Stables
Orc Cage
Wall of Stones

History = TXT_KEY_BUILDING_ + buildings for all the abovue building unless otherwise stated.

Fruit of Yaggdrasil has a TXT_KEY_ description

All the leaders except Os-Gabella, Alexis, Auric Uvin, Einion Logos, Perpentach, Tebryn Arbandi, Valledia The Even, Varn Gosam, have a TXT_KEY_ description.

Hidden, Scorched Earth, Summoner and Arcane Traits dont list what bonus the trait grant.
Can someone with missing Ancients forest try this one?

The file contained in the zip goes into the "Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 011\Assets\python\" folder of your FfH2 installment. It should solve the problem with not growing ancient forests and new forests. It does not invalidate any of your savegames.



God King is still not working as it's supposed to: it should give +50% prod, +50% commerce (not gold).

Sacrifice the weak is too weak to be a specific civic. It has huge penalties and the only real advantage is hurry production, but now many civics allow that...

Fend for themselves is also quite pointless now.
woodelf said:
I think Pact is what it's supposed to be. You're making a Pact and thus get some free Giants to kick ass with. :)

You are correct, it is supposed to be "Pact"
Chalid said:
Can someone with missing Ancients forest try this one?

The file contained in the zip goes into the "Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 011\Assets\python\" folder of your FfH2 installment. It should solve the problem with not growing ancient forests and new forests. It does not invalidate any of your savegames.

Ill check it out and get it included in a patch. Thanks Chalid.
Chalid said:
One issue... pleas load up the new SDK source as well... just to be sure. Oh and of cours for me to start coding again these days ;)

Will do Chalid, Im trying to get everything moved over onto my home machine right now (not the laptop with the dying hard drive).
The Pillar of Flames spell seems broken..if not, overpowered. Haha. It killed the target and did damage to the stack that looked like this:

Sisonpyh said:
The Pillar of Flames spell seems broken..if not, overpowered. Haha. It killed the target and did damage to the stack that looked like this:


Pillar of Flames is a rank 3 spell, meaning it should be as powerful as Meteor Swarm. Were you hitting t4 units with it? Were they demons/undead (if cast by an order high priest) or disciples (if cast by a veil high priest)?
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Cult of the Dragon holy city.

I laid siege to the Cult's holy city with some units that had the cult upgrade. It took a while but eventually one of them converted to the opposition. That was anticipated, what I didn't expect was that it converted straight back to my cause on the same turn. (I got a unit has deserted message followed immediately by a unit has joined your cause message) I think, only 95% sure, that it moved a square before rejoining me. Oddly enough it had the homeland promotion when it started the turn which it lost as soon as it moved. It was an elven horseman and so it would have had that promotion if it was in my elven territory. Curious no?

A few other things, the cult promotion only seemed to occur if the cult was the only religion in the city producing the unit. Once I spread the leaves to the city the units it produced stopped having that promotion. Is this by design?

Also elven villages in forests would grow to towns. I thought I read that they would only grow to villages not all the way to towns.

When they did grow to towns there was almost no space for trees on the tile so it became impossible to tell which towns were in forests and which weren't.

Furthermore cottages, hamlets, villages, towns etc. in forests next to a river didn't get the +1 for being next to a river and the ones outside forests did. Is this by design?

Hope this helps,
Chalid said:
Normally spells kill by combat two. I see only to possibilies to bypass onCombatResult.
1) changing your state religion
2) Plague

Hum, neither of the two applied for me. Well, I guess I'll never know what happened to her (Losha Valas).
Kael said:
Pillar of Flames is a rank 3 spell, meaning it should be as powerful as Meteor Swarm. Were you hitting t4 units with it? Were they demons/undead (if cast by an order high priest) or disciples (if cast by a veil high priest)?

Ah, think they were t3 units, at least most of them. About 1 t4 unit (druid) in the stack. They were Elves and it was an Order High Priest that casted it.
I know this has been in since FFHI, never really brought it up, but are work boats supposed be considered military units for purposes of switching to the Warfare Civic to build work boats with food much faster? I like it if so, but not sure if work boats should really classify under military units.
Kael said:
You are correct, it is supposed to be "Pact"

I thought it was "pack" as in "pack of wolves".

Except they are , you know, giants.

Anyway, a bug, I'm playing the khazad, I'm researching in this moment Dwarven studies (9 turns away) and I can build a dwarven soldier right now even if it say that I need Dw studies for it.
There are two Dwarven Soldiers, one a uniqie Khazad unit, and the other a religious Kilmorph unit.
phoulishwan said:
I know this has been in since FFHI, never really brought it up, but are work boats supposed be considered military units for purposes of switching to the Warfare Civic to build work boats with food much faster? I like it if so, but not sure if work boats should really classify under military units.

And is it intended that Bambur is NOT a military unit and thus isn't built with food?
M@ni@c said:
There are two Dwarven Soldiers, one a uniqie Khazad unit, and the other a religious Kilmorph unit.

Hes right. I ned to name them something different (and the elven archer) to get rid of the confusion.
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