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Foreign Policy: UniversCiv

Few minor changes, mostly just language:
As you know yourself, WPC have no means to protect against Ot4e's CP's cavalries. We have a NAP with CP with clause to consult with them before giving military units to someone else, but if you feel this way, you can consider helping your long-time old friend WPC with some 10-15 rifles. Also, as you are the main pretender contender for future gains in WPC lands, you can also sponsor WPC a bit if they can get to Engineering, so at least they have something meaningful to whip to put against Ot4e's CP's cavalries.

1. Calling them "Ot4e's cavaries" makes it sound personal, like we are some wounded ex-girlfriend with personal vendetta, against Ot4e, instead of sound strategy against CP.

2. Calling them "pretenders" is an insult. It is like saying they are unworthy to have WPC lands, like a child pretending to be a Princess of the castle. We should say "contender" which is a person with legitimate claim and chances to win the title by fighting for it.

TBH I don't like this backstabbing talk with non-allies against our ally (or former ally depending on how you look at it). I think it makes us look unworthy as allies, like look how these snakes turn on their friends when they are through with their usefulness. I think we should just stay out of this. Who takes WPC wont decide the game.
Yes, sorry, it was short period, but I am in hurry, I wanted to send them something yesterday, but those are quite busy days.

1. Calling them "Ot4e's cavaries" makes it sound personal, like we are some wounded ex-girlfriend with personal vendetta, against Ot4e, instead of sound strategy against CP.

I had put Ot4e's name on purpose. I know he was molesting them to help against RB and he obviously went to extremes, because they had cut him with: "We dont like your tone, so we will stop talking with you", so I wanted to hit the live wound they still have about his ways.

2. Calling them "pretenders" is an insult. It is like saying they are unworthy to have WPC lands, like a child pretending to be a Princess of the castle. We should say "contender" which is a person with legitimate claim and chances to win the title by fighting for it.

Good point about pretender and contender. I should had used a dictionary. In Bulgarian they have somewhat exchanged meanings and sounding. Lets hope they give it to my poor English (which is the case in fact)

TBH I don't like this backstabbing talk with non-allies against our ally (or former ally depending on how you look at it).
For me (and for Ot4e too I am sure) it is the latter.

think it makes us look unworthy as allies, like look how these snakes turn on their friends when they are through with their usefulness.
This is good point. They might not know how things developed. Maybe we can clarify this in following message or chat somehow? :(
:) Like always, when one acts under pressure and in hurry, there are mistakes...

We even have a saying: "Quick job - shame for the master" :D
I think all went good after the mistakes in translation and dubious talks about ex-friends.

Lala Civilization

11:04 PM (9 hours ago)

to me
Hello team CFC,

We really appreciate that you share this information with us ! our spy could be in your land in 2 turns for the exchange.

For CP, it is really disturbing to learn about their will to invade WPC. What is their interest in your mind ? they don't have common borders with WPC and this land would be very vulnerable for them... besides, their power is low for the moment.

To speak honestly, we have a strange feeling about this and we hope that there is no trap under it...we have to discuss further this point between us but thx for the info. What are your plans with WPC ? we noticed that your power is slowly getting down. Is there a specific explanation for that ?


Zioun for UCIV
We received the Great Spy :woohoo:

Now we wait for the one from MZ and we let them play together and breed. Some 5-10 more GSpies will be of great use to us!
Settling GSpies (Scotland Yard) doesn't increase the :gp: points towards a GSpy. It just increases the :espionage: generated by a city. If that is what we are doing we should settle them and make a Scotland Yard in the city that we have Courthouse and can build a Jail Security bureau etc... Usually it is best to make capital, GW city, or Forbidden Palace city the Scotland Yard/settled Spies site.

Or we can save them for spybombing CivFr and stealing all their techs.
I read 2metra's post and had the same :confused: reaction. maybe you're talking about starting a golden age with them and increasing GP production? On the other hand, I've never had 2 GS at the same time. Maybe they DO make babies!
This is what I want to send to Uciv. Nothing specific, but we must start to speak.

Salut, team Uciv!

We thing it is time for us to to close further our positions. What are your thoughts or plans for the near future? Do you think we have a way to cooperate effectively soon?

Team CFC
Something like:

Salut, team Uciv!

We thing it is time for us to to close further our positions. What are your thoughts or plans for the near future? Do you think we have a way to cooperate effectively soon?

We hope that us telling you about our prognosis about the incoming attack from CP on WPC proved we do understand the geopolitics of the game well and that we are trying to build strong new ties between our teams according to the new realities. The ties we had with Team CP are quickly disappearing as their arrogance and uncooperativeness grows with each day. We are especially worried by their close ties with Team CivFR.

We know you are not happy with CP too, is this only a introvert quiet unpleasant feeling or are you ready and willing to do something about it? If the latter case, we can be of a particular help to each-other.

We also want to discuss with you something of big importance to us. As you may know we are quite behind in the techs and we would like to use espionage to acquire few technologies from you as more advanced nation and we thought about asking for permission first instead of go ahead and then having a bad taste left between us.

Hope all is fine with your team and your nation and we hear from you favorably with details soon.

Team CFC
I don't know, is there anyone else we can steal techs from? I feel like using their own Great Spy against them is not the best way to build a new alliance.
It turns out they are not so strongly opposed to us stealing techs from them. Exactly the opposite. I met Zioun in the game and we had some chat. They want from us list of techs we want to steal. I named from the top of my head Liberalism, Rep. Parts, Rifling and Economics. I think those are about 1 GSpy and a bit more worth.

He said that he must ask team, but most probably stealing from them wont be a problem, just we to write down our "demands" as he called them, but I think it was not burdened with bad feelings and just a word from non-native speaker.

He said they might ask from us small favors, to which I said we will be looking favorably for doing things for friends if we can. He mentioned that they will launch a GA soon and they hope that they dont get a GS, and if they do get a GS, he asked that we exchange GPs if we have some. We just got a GM btw.

Plus, we spoke about how CP are annoying a lot of people and Zioun told me their NAP is ending very soon.

He said too that they appreciate very much the way we treated them and the talks ended with "See you soon my friend!" from him.

Such is life, one door is closing and other is opening.
Sent this to Uciv:

Salut, team Uciv!

We thing it is time for us to to close further our positions. What are your thoughts or plans for the near future? Do you think we have a way to cooperate effectively soon?

We hope that us telling you about our prognosis about the incoming attack from CP on WPC proved we do understand the geopolitics of the game well and that we are trying to build strong new ties between our teams according to the new realities. The ties we had with Team CP are quickly disappearing as their arrogance and uncooperativeness grows with each day. We are especially worried by their close ties with Team CivFR.

We know you are not happy with CP too, is this only a introvert quiet unpleasant feeling or are you ready and willing to do something about it? If the latter case, we can be of a particular help to each-other.

We also want to discuss with you something of big importance to us. As you may know we are quite behind in the techs and we would like to use espionage to acquire few technologies from you as more advanced nation and we thought about asking for permission first instead of go ahead and then having a bad taste left between us. We would like to acquire Liberalism, Replaceable Parts and Rifling.

Hope all is fine with your team and your nation and we hear from you favorably with details soon.

Team CFC
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