[GS] Gathering Storm Unique Infrastructure Elimination Thread

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14. Germany - Hansa [6] (9-3)In an average non-Germany game I might build 2-3 industrial zones max. I've never been in a situation where I didn't have enough production to win the space race (on Immortal or Diety depending on my mood), so while it's nice that the Hansa can give you so much more I think it's overkill.
15. Greece - Acropolis [36] (35+1) The lavra is probably better overall, but I'm not throwing a vote to something that overpowered. Few unique infrastructures synergize as well with a leader as the Acropolis does with Pericles.

20. Indonesia - Kampung [8]
24. Korea - Seowon [9]
26. Mali - Suguba [16]
38. Russia - Lavra [24]
14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [36]
20. Indonesia - Kampung [5] (8-3) I quite like it but as the last unique improvement it must now go. It had a good run.
24. Korea - Seowon [9]
26. Mali - Suguba [17] (16+1) I maintain the extra gold and discounts is amazing.
38. Russia - Lavra [24]
14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [36]
20. Indonesia - Kampung [2] (5 - 3) It's good, but not game-winning, unlike nearly all those remaining.
24. Korea - Seowon [9]
26. Mali - Suguba [17]
38. Russia - Lavra [25] (24 + 1) Singehandedly makes Russia excellent at a Culture victory.
14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [36]
20. Indonesia - Kampung [2]
24. Korea - Seowon [6] (9-3) It's not as dominant as it once was.
26. Mali - Suguba [17]
38. Russia - Lavra [26] (25+1) You could remove Peter's ability and the Cossack, and Russia would still be a great civ because of their civ ability and the lavra.
14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [36]
20. Indonesia - Kampung [3] 2+1 I like playing earth like maps which means like over half of the map will be water making this the one building which allows you to expand further than any other civ. This building deservers top 3 over easily over the hansa.
24. Korea - Seowon [6]
26. Mali - Suguba [14] The adjacency isn't that great as you don't have any building that get a bonus from it. The commercial district is missing a coal power plant. The Hansa allows you to get a +10 adjacency plug in the card to get a +20 adjacency and then build a coal power plant that gives +20 production for a total of +40.
The suguba can get a +8 adjacency. And that's it. You don't have any bonuses playing off it. The Hansa deservers a higher placing any day. Especially as the base game considers 1 Production to be worth 2 gold.

38. Russia - Lavra [26]
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14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37] (36+1) Long may this reign. This district makes me wish there were other ways to earn envoys for everyone else. They’re great because it reminds the player how much the CS game matters, and why it’s still a good investment when not playing Greece. If you’re going to have an easy-mode tier ability, at least it’s something you learn from.
20. Indonesia - Kampung [3]
24. Korea - Seowon [3] (6-3) I won’t make the argument it’s bad anymore. But the remaining contenders are better and they really encourage you to play differently.
26. Mali - Suguba [14]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [6]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
20. Indonesia - Kampung [Eliminated] = 3 - 3 Very cool at making big cities, but doesn't actually win you any games.
24. Korea - Seowon [4] = 3 + 1 I'm annoyed that I have to keep voting for this over and over, people have a crusade against this for some unknown reason. While I've had higher science victories with other civs (actually only one- Scotland), this is an amazing district. I get people don't want to vote for them because they are boring. You basically mash your head against the keyboard and you win. It's a boring district, but good at what it does, win games.
26. Mali - Suguba [14]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [3] (6-3) Even better than it was before but I don't think it's top 3 level.
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [5] (4+1) Difficult to add more to what has already been said here. It's just flat out consistent. Top 5 isn't bad but going out before a suguba or hansa?
26. Mali - Suguba [14]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [4] (3 + 1) Gonna take two to kill it.
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [2] (5 - 3) purely just because anyone who thinks science is the only way to play is very inexperienced with the game and close minded. I think the whole fast science gameplay is bad for the game and toxic.
26. Mali - Suguba [14]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [1] 4-3 It harder to get adjacent bonuses for it than a industrial district. Requires, commercial hub, aqueduct and a resource to get the most out of it. I have not build many commercial hubs lately.
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [3] 2+1 It adds one of the main yields needed to win the game. It adds science to nearby mines too.
26. Mali - Suguba [14]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
Gotta vote a bit earlier today
14. Germany - Hansa [1]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [4] 3+1 Half cost +4 Campus. Come on, people.
26. Mali - Suguba [11] Gold isn't as good overall as in R&F because of SV changes and Diplo Favor influx. Production and science are more important in most games.
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [1]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [4+1=5]
26. Mali - Suguba [11-3=8]
38. Russia - Lavra [26]

I have suddenly realized I actually prefer Seowon to Suguba. Yeah it requires special city planning but the potential benefit is more powerful than Suguba's.
14. Germany - Hansa [1]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [6] (5+1)
26. Mali - Suguba [5] (8-3) Have to agree, Seowon makes the greater impact. If not just for the player, then try to compare AI Korea vs. AI Mali.

38. Russia - Lavra [26]
14. Germany - Hansa [1]
15. Greece - Acropolis [37]
24. Korea - Seowon [7] [6+1] This should be top 3 because science win games, all games.
26. Mali - Suguba [2] [5-3] Great district, but being a CH it isn't available as fast compared to campus or holy site, and that gap is significant for production-penalty Mali
38. Russia - Lavra [26]
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14. Germany - Hansa 1.
15. Greece - Acropolis 37.
24. Korea - Seowon 7-3 = 4.
26. Mali - Suguba 2.
38. Russia - Lavra 26+1=27. This and the Acropolis deserve to be top 2. The others are too situational for my style.
14. Germany - Hansa [-2] It was between this and Suguba. I find Suguba more interesting. Plus, you can easily move Gold around to wherever it's needed. Not so easy with direct Production.
15. Greece - Acropolis[37]
24. Korea - Seowon [5] I hate voting for the same thing every time, but I truly don't understand why anyone is down-voting this one. A half-price Campus with +4 adjacency is amazing. The idea that you're going to replace this with reefs or whatever is ridiculous.
26. Mali - Suguba [2]
38. Russia - Lavra [27]
15. Greece - Acropolis[37]
24. Korea - Seowon [5]
26. Mali - Suguba [ELIMINATED] = 2 - 3. I feel like this should have gone before the Hansa. Yeah gold is "mobile production" but production gets you things like districts and wonders which are more difficult/impossible to get with gold.
38. Russia - Lavra [28] = 27 + 1. Getting all the GWAM is pretty busted on top of one of the first religions.
15. Greece - Acropolis[37]
24. Korea - Seowon [7] 6 + 1 Science beats Culture. You're never playing from behind in Science as Korea and it's a practical guarantee your Korean Seowon is better than your average Campus plus it adds science to adjacent mines so it's often netting more than just +4.
38. Russia - Lavra [25] 28 - 3 You're often forced to Feed the World and thus play from behind in the Culture game without Choral Music. You're investing in Lavras first so you're playing behind in the Science game too. To win Science or Culture you're compelled to build two districts instead of one as the above Civs. Even if you get Choral Music your GWAMs are useless if you don't follow up with Theater Squares to activate them and convert some Tourism.
15. Greece - Acropolis [38] (37+1) --- Choosing this over the Seowon.
24. Korea - Seowon [7]
38. Russia - Lavra [22] (25-3) --- This was (and is) a great district prior to the cav nerf as I could be a cultural warmonger and let science happen organically. Now I need to get to muskets and higher order units (like the GDR) allot faster and have no time to dilly dally around with culture or holy sites that yield culture secondarily via great people generation. That leaves me with a half priced holy site, which is great for religious victories or a religo-cultural hybrid victory (which works exceptionally well but this is the top 3).

RIP Hansa: Great for secondary science via hammers for research projects and gives you a discount on ALL your districts.
15. Greece - Acropolis [38]
24. Korea - Seowon [4] (7-3)
38. Russia - Lavra [23] (22+1) - to me, this makes the most difference - Lavra let's you get a lot of certain great people types sooner than any other civ - no one else can do this; maybe science is better but I do feel any civ can kill it in science with or without Seowon - it's nice but it's not huge. If you don't care about faith and you don't want to make holy sites, pick another civ. If you do, though, Lavras... so strong.
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