• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
i already have the Brazilian capital. please claim something else.

Looking at a real map, I think the capital may be the western province next to your claim; can you see the circle in that province? That's probably the capital.
Domination, you should pick Somalia. They're fairly in line with your principles of limited government. :mischief: :lol:
The United States of India recognizes this new nation, and immediately denounces its barbaric government.

Just for the record, I won't run a moderate government in the game, because an extremist fundamentalist government is far more fun. I support far more moderate policies in real life (A conservative libertarian in real life, please do not debate whether I'm a fascist, I'm just letting you know my views in game are different then real life.)

My claim.

Dommy, care to actually highlight on the map what you want?

You might face some stiff competition, as Math recently claimed areas in Brazil, with the express purpose of becoming...Brazilian Byzantium.

Show me how to do please (Anyone.)

We recognize the Christan States of America as the only true country in Brazil.

(P.S. Brasilia is the true capitol, but you want Rio, which is the second capitol in Brazil's history. It's the New Orleans of South America :cool:)

Give me Rio then, that's fine.

Whatever color is also fine (Pink or Purple only if there's no other choices though, purple before pink, but any will do.)
Please anyone in competition, please let me have my land. I don't want to fight yet, but if that's the only way I can get in the game, I will.

Are you the person who claimed Brazil. If so, can I please have it (I'll pay game cash if I have to.

Now that I have time, my govt.

Ruler- I am the Dictator.

Economics- Unregulated Capitalism.

Law- Old Testament law. Anyone who speaks against me or God dies (Just for the record, this is a fundamentalist extremism position, as with other things I'm gonna do, and strongly oppose my government in the real world.

Social- Abortion, being gay, smoking marijuana (Even though I'd favor legalizing it in real life) smoking tobacco, or reading less than an hour of scripture every day (The last one really just for fun) is met with execution. Untraditional lifestyles illegal.

Religion- Not only is Christianity the only religion, atheism, agnosticism, Old Earth Creationism, Theistic Evolution, exc are met with execution if believed.

[Just so you all know, OECs and Theistic Evolutionists are Christians in the real world (Well, they may not be because of other beliefs or failure of repentence, but not because of OEC or theistic evolution)] however, in the game in the FCSA they are apostates.

Fiscal Policy- Taxes are low, except on people we conquer.

Foreign- Our "Official stance" and the one we give to the public, is that anyone who disagrees with us is an imp of Satan and should be dominated, however, in reality, we usually negotiate and go to war no more often than anyone else. Pretty much the only thing we'll go to war for is in self defense, to get Brazil (Though we will compromise or compensate first, so long as we do get the land) and if someone far weaker is doing something we strongly dislike.

Population- Apporximately 30 Million. (This can be adjusted if its ridiculous, but I have a tight population urban centered.)

Military- We don't really have a normal military. All males aged 15-50 are required to own a firearm and be ready to be deployed at 24 hour notice (Or less at my discretion) wherever I see fit.

Navy- A standing navy exists. 2 Aircraft Carriers, 6 battleships, 30 subs, and 20 transports (Can be adjusted if unrealistic.) Adult males rotate two year terms serving in navy. Everyone serves two years in navy in their life (Except the aristocracy)

Air Force- 45 Fighters, and 10 Bombers (Can be changed if unrealistic.)

Equality/Aristocracy- Well, we pretend priests are the highest. My official title is "High Priest" even though I have no priestly functions and am really more of a mix between Hitler and Stalin (I don't kill on race like Hitler, but I'm capitalist unlike Stalin) I kill those who disagree with me though.

Anyone who follows the faith and works hard has a chance to get rich, but only the central oligarchy I choose can have political and religious power.

Economic Development- Militarily first world. Otherwise, still partially agrarian, and closer to first world than third, but the central oligarchy has most of the wealth.

Central Oligarchy= People who work for me.

To math, I don't understand the rules completely yet, but I am willing to negotiate with you (Despite what I tell my citizens) but I want my civ to rise. Its like Rhye's and fall, except I'll pay for the land in some way if I have to, but if I must I will fight.
Looking at a real map, I think the capital may be the western province next to your claim; can you see the circle in that province? That's probably the capital.

that map is outdated. i have the capital region and the surrounding province.
Wrong. You can contest his claim in the UN if the map hasn't been updated to include it yet. I'll back you up if that happens.
Can't you read? He changed his capitol to Rio de Janerio.

Also, President Omega requests a free plane ticket for Rio for giving Dictator Dommy the idea of Rio.

yeah, well, he wants it. and i know how dangerous you fundamentalist Christians can be. from personal experience.

i cannot find a suitable location, so i scrap every ship i have except 9. (the Enterprise and 8 Destroyers.) and set up a government on-board that ship.

i give up my Brazilian Claims.
Social- Abortion, being gay, smoking marijuana (Even though I'd favor legalizing it in real life) smoking tobacco, or reading less than an hour of scripture every day (The last one really just for fun) is met with execution. Untraditional lifestyles illegal.

If Tanicius gets the territory from the Neo-Incans, you're going to have some trouble (although I'm not saying you have no trouble now).
Domination, you should pick Somalia. They're fairly in line with your principles of limited government. :mischief: :lol:

Just so you know, I am strongly against execution of all gay people in real life. I support passive, not active legislation, and states should be allowed to choose whether to allow gay marriage or not (However, full faith and credit should not be required of other states in that case.)

My in-game govt is even more extreme then the Old testament. You have to commit the acts to be executed in the Old Testament, I execute you even if I find out you have the desire (I am mostly taking the Bible to the extreme for fun.)

If Tanicius gets the territory from the Neo-Incans, you're going to have some trouble (although I'm not saying you have no trouble now).

I am not in belief of my govt principles in real life. I am taking to extremism just for the fun of it. I am roleplaying, ya know, for fun.

Can't you read? He changed his capitol to Rio de Janerio.

Also, President Omega requests a free plane ticket for Rio for giving Dictator Dommy the idea of Rio.


Mathalamus and Domination fighting over Brazil... this is going to be fun...

Luckily, he gave it up. I would have negotiated personally if necessary, but I would have refused to accept a UN ruling I didn't like. I work for God (Not being serious in real life) and so the UN has no power over me (Roleplaying.)

Also, can someone tell me how to update the map please!
Also, can someone tell me how to update the map please!

Copy the map in the second post and paste it on MS Paint or whatever program you prefer. Colour the territories you want and that you're allowed to claim that turn in either your own nations colour or another obvious colour (I use red to contrast my normal yellow).

Save map and upload the file using something like imageshack. Copy the direct link and paste it inside the tags. Hit 'submit reply.' Congratulations, you're an imperialist.
Copy the map in the second post and paste it on MS Paint or whatever program you prefer. Colour the territories you want and that you're allowed to claim that turn in either your own nations colour or another obvious colour (I use red to contrast my normal yellow).

Save map and upload the file using something like imageshack. Copy the direct link and paste it inside the tags. Hit 'submit reply.' Congratulations, you're an imperialist.

Hate to be a pain. I'm working on it, but I'm terrible with computers. In the mean time, can someone paint my capital in in black. I am still working on it, but it won't let me paint. Please, help needed (I'll keep trying, but please get me some help.)

Some details, when I am in Microsoft works, when I click paint, it doesn't let me paint the boxes. Please help! I really want to play this game!
Copy the map in the second post and paste it on MS Paint or whatever program you prefer. Colour the territories you want and that you're allowed to claim that turn in either your own nations colour or another obvious colour (I use red to contrast my normal yellow).

Save map and upload the file using something like imageshack. Copy the direct link and paste it inside the tags. Hit 'submit reply.' Congratulations, you're an imperialist.

Here's how I did it: I saved the picture, then opened up Paint, zoomed in and colored, then saved it and opened up Windows Picture Manager, cropped it to my region and resized it so the GM could see better. I use an attachment, because then only the GM has to open it up. Does Imageshack remove the image after a while?
Here's how I did it: I saved the picture, then opened up Paint, zoomed in and colored, then saved it and opened up Windows Picture Manager, cropped it to my region and resized it so the GM could see better. I use an attachment, because then only the GM has to open it up. Does Imageshack remove the image after a while?

I do the resizing and cropping too, but I didn't want to add too many details.

I think imageshack does remove the picture after a while, but this game will be finished long before then (my German AAR from 2006 still has most of its images intact, and that's using imageshack).

Domination: Paint is a seperate program from Works. Find it on your computer first :)
Mathalamus and Domination fighting over Brazil... this is going to be fun...

OOC: We don't know who to support... darn in-game and out-of-game biases... :undecide:


The Marian census reports 160 million people between the varying states, but this is just an estimate and may change as the Neo Incan territories develop. There is one tribune per 500,000 people(for a current total of 320 tribunes), but all states are guaranteed at least one; 26 of the tribunes are elected at-large nationwide, with the remaining 294 apportioned among the states.

The Marian Federation now has a total of 26 states, each with three Senators, and 3 special zones(Suez, Congo, Atlantic Islands), which contribute an additional 6 Senators and therefore there is a total of 84 Senators.

Clockwise from the upper left:

Iberia Region

1. Madrid
2. Castile y Leon
3. Castile La Mancha
4. Galicia
5. Marian Catalonia
6. Andalucia

Central Mediterranean Region

1. Rome
2. Yugoslavia
3. Great Dalmatia
4. Venezia
5. Milan
6. Savoy
7. Tuscany
8. Naples
9. Sardinia-Corsica
10. Tunis

Gran Colombia Region

1. Medellin
2. Bogota
3. Cauca
4. Inner Colombia
5. Ecuador(includes Galapagos)
6. Inner Venezuela

Peru Region

1. Amazon
2. Lima
3. Ancash
4. Cajamarca


Suez is not a state for security purposes, but is entitled to one Senator and one Tribune.


The Congo, like Suez, is not a state, but has one Senator and one Tribune. Again, this is for security purposes due to its small size and isolation from the homeland.

The Atlantic Islands

Madeira, Cape Verde, the Canaries, and the Azores are all considered part of the same territory. They are not a state due to their distance, but they each have local legislatures and a governor appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate. Each island is entitled to one tribune(except the Canaries, which has 4 tribunes) and one Senator.

30 of the 84 seats in the Senate are controlled by the Neo Incans. If that is not a fair amount of power given to them, we do not know what is.
Does Imageshack remove the image after a while?
I don't know if it does so intentionally, but over in ye olde DYOS we had some issues with corrupted images.

Like Kan' said, it'll last long enough to get the job done.
I do the resizing and cropping too, but I didn't want to add too many details.

I think imageshack does remove the picture after a while, but this game will be finished long before then (my German AAR from 2006 still has most of its images intact, and that's using imageshack).

Domination: Paint is a seperate program from Works. Find it on your computer first :)

I can't paste into it. I found it, its seperate, but I can't paste into it. Help please (And sorry to everyone I've caused pain too.)

OOC: We don't know who to support... darn in-game and out-of-game biases... :undecide:


The Marian census reports 160 million people between the varying states, but this is just an estimate and may change as the Neo Incan territories develop. There is one tribune per 500,000 people(for a current total of 320 tribunes), but all states are guaranteed at least one; 26 of the tribunes are elected at-large nationwide, with the remaining 294 apportioned among the states.

The Marian Federation now has a total of 26 states, each with three Senators, and 3 special zones(Suez, Congo, Atlantic Islands), which contribute an additional 6 Senators and therefore there is a total of 84 Senators.

Clockwise from the upper left:

Iberia Region

1. Madrid
2. Castile y Leon
3. Castile La Mancha
4. Galicia
5. Marian Catalonia
6. Andalucia

Central Mediterranean Region

1. Rome
2. Yugoslavia
3. Great Dalmatia
4. Venezia
5. Milan
6. Savoy
7. Tuscany
8. Naples
9. Sardinia-Corsica
10. Tunis

Gran Colombia Region

1. Medellin
2. Bogota
3. Cauca
4. Inner Colombia
5. Ecuador(includes Galapagos)
6. Inner Venezuela

Peru Region

1. Amazon
2. Lima
3. Ancash
4. Cajamarca


Suez is not a state for security purposes, but is entitled to one Senator and one Tribune.


The Congo, like Suez, is not a state, but has one Senator and one Tribune. Again, this is for security purposes due to its small size and isolation from the homeland.

The Atlantic Islands

Madeira, Cape Verde, the Canaries, and the Azores are all considered part of the same territory. They are not a state due to their distance, but they each have local legislatures and a governor appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate. Each island is entitled to one tribune(except the Canaries, which has 4 tribunes) and one Senator.

30 of the 84 seats in the Senate are controlled by the Neo Incans. If that is not a fair amount of power given to them, we do not know what is.

Well, I was given the land.

Anyway, unless required by game rules, I will not join the UN. My official stance toward it is neutral, it has no more binding word on me than another nation. If it gives good advice, I'll consider, but I don't need permission from the UN to do anything, and I'm not joining it.
You know, I never knew what OOC and IC meant. Somebody needs to add those to the Civ Acronyms page.
Domination, if you're running a Windows, you can find Paint by going to Start>Programs>Accessories>Paint. To find WPM, go to Start>Programs>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Tools>Windows Picture Manager.
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