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Imperium Offtopicum VI

I prefered the old rules. :mischief: :OOC

Carthage votes for the Caliphate in their dispute with Burgundy. The area has long been in their Sphere of Influence, and should not be contested so late in procedings.

Carthaginian :)
@Canada - Seeing as I'm feeling generous, I'll offer you this before I get nukes: withdraw NOW and I won't hold it against you. NOW. You might even talk me into letting you keep Newfoundland. Hell, I never really wanted it anyway. If you'd bothered to open your mouth before your armories, you might have gotten it in exchange for some minor concession and we'd have been spared all this pointless bloodshed.

@USFCNP - Again, seeing as how I'm feeling generous, I'll give you one last chance. Status Quo Ante Bellum peace or I'm done negotiating.

@The World - I thank everyone who has supplied me with aid - might I impose upon you to send as much more as possible? I must retake New York City!

OOC: Not to sound boorish, but as a comment I think we need some "commonsense" rules about combat . . . I.E. how'd he get Pennsylvania and New York both if NJ fell? Doesn't seem realistic to me. At this rate I'll just be running around through the whole of New England tamping down one territory at a time while he jumps ahead one at a time.

And I liked the old rules too - though by your definition I have some trades made last turn to appraise you of;) :OOC

Eralatuk votes for the the Caliphate
Siberia votes for The Caliphate
the Mathalamus Empire Abstains from voting on the territorial dispute.
Klein Venedig selects the Caliphate, because SoIs are the laaaaww.

In other news, Klein Venedig's program to create an efficient and stealthy missile cruiser has resulted in the christening of the KVS Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, the flagship of the class of the same name. It was immediately put to work patrolling the Pacific coast, where small-time bandits had been spotted on boats harassing fishermen. Overkill? Yes, but those bandits won't be terrorizing our fisheries again. :)
The NCR votes for The Caliphate

In other news, the NCR has begun work on there own Nuclear Program to construct nuclear missiles as a form of nuclear deterrent.
Denmark vote for the Caliphate

@ New England: we want you destroyed

Good thing Denmark knows to stay directly out of North American business, eh?

The desired balance of power is being disrupted by foreigners. For now, the Caribbean Sun demands aid stop being sent to the UFNSCP, New England, and Canada and let the parties work it out. We're looking at you Denmark.
Mathalamus news

the Mathalis Council has voted to support new England, if only indirectly at the moment. the Council will deliberate how to send support.

@Carribean Sun: i want New England to Survive, and they are outnumbered 2 to one.
The Caribbean Sun demands that Mongolia and Denmark withdraw support from the UFNSCP and the UFNSCP withdraw to its pre-war borders.


Its worst than that. UFNSCP has at least 15 LP this turn, Canada 10 LP. New England at most 10.

At this rate, the war WILL go nuclear because no nation will allow itself to be backed in a corner and ~25 LP versus 10 LP sounds like a pretty dark corner.

We won't intervene against Canada because Canada had a cause for war. UFNSCP started an aggressive war for no reason but to take land from is rightfully New England's.
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