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Imperium Offtopicum VI

number two is not clear. is it permanently dismantle or temporarily dismantle?
While we support the USFNSCP, we know the American powers will not seriously consider this.

EDIT: @Mathalamus- Whatever the length of time it was for USFCNP in Sonereal's Treaty, its the same, it just applies to Lighthearter too.
Neither side will take responsibility for the war. We will state that wars happen, and while better avoided, are not necessarily either sides fault.
This is a joke. The UFNSCP didn't even give a cause for declaring war; it's entirely their fault.

Otherwise, the treaty seems acceptable.
Carthage endorses peace, and feels that a return to the prewar borders is the best possible outcome. Whilst we feel the beijing treaty is more likely to be signed, the general carthaginian population feel that the war was started by the desire of the USFCNP's desire to expand. As such it would be their fault.

Carthaginian :)
The Caribbean Sun does not accept the first and second terms of the proposed Beijing Treaty since the UFNSCP started an aggressive war and New England has yet to show its aggressive nature, yet New England is to be punished? We're willing to let the first term slide but New England shouldn't have to dismantle their nuclear program if they have yet to ever have violent overtures to its neighbors.

The UFNSCP, on the other hand, has shown itself an aggressor and our treaty isn't even demanding the UFNSCP to never have nukes. Our treaty doesn't have the UFNSCP doing any permanent (which would be pretty messed up).

Edit: Dommy did point out something I forgot to mention. We ask that New England return to its pre-war borders as well.
This is a joke. The UFNSCP didn't even give a cause for declaring war; it's entirely their fault.

Otherwise, the treaty seems acceptable.

Please do remember how Germany was treated after World War I, and what that led too.

Would you like to do that again?

THAT was why the extremist Fuhrer Hitler came to power, because England and France tried to punish their country. WWII was THEIR fault, not Hitler's. (Yes, this is an in-character post referencing history to prove an in-character point. It's not IRL.)

If we, on the other hand, do not throw blame around and allow the Union of Flying Ninja Pirates to live in peace and without tons of guilt on their heads, perhaps another war can be avoided.

Also, a case could be made that DC DID have a reason, to deal with a Fundamentalist Christian nation which could be dangerous to North American Security.

The Caribbean Sun does not accept the first and second terms of the proposed Beijing Treaty since the UFNSCP started an aggressive war and New England has yet to show its aggressive nature, yet New England is to be punished? We're willing to let the first term slide but New England shouldn't have to dismantle their nuclear program if they have yet to ever have violent overtures to its neighbors.

The UFNSCP, on the other hand, has shown itself an aggressor and our treaty isn't even demanding the UFNSCP to never have nukes. Our treaty doesn't have the UFNSCP doing any permanent (which would be pretty messed up).

Edit: Dommy did point out something I forgot to mention. We ask that New England return to its pre-war borders as well.

The UFNSCP came in to restore stability. Why should a fundie Christian nation be trusted with a Nuclear Program?

THIS. IS. THE 2100s! *Kicks someone down a pit*

But seriously, Chuck can't possibly be alive at this point.

Chuck Norris does not age, his birthday just adds another year to his existence!

This is a joke. The UFNSCP didn't even give a cause for declaring war; it's entirely their fault.

Otherwise, the treaty seems acceptable.

My reason is simple, they plopped down there nation of idiotic Christians in my FREAKING FRONT YARD!!! CHUCK NEEDS HIS ELBOW ROOM!!!
The UFNSCP came in to restore stability. Why should a fundie Christian nation be trusted with a Nuclear Program?

Stability? New England was, for the most part, isolationist and the UFNSCP never gave a reason for the war. We could ask the same about why a nation that declares wars "just because" should be trusted with nuclear weapons.

Or why Denmark or Mongolia should be trusted with nuclear weapons.
@DC- What is your opinion on the Beijing Treaty?\

@Sonereal- Mongolia does NOT CARE what other people think of its nuclear program (Which, BTW, is not yet complete.) But besides the fact, we have no intentions to use them, and the Khanate is a stable government. The fundamentalist Christians are a totalitarian regime who deny everyone their freedom of religion.
Why should anyone be trusted with Nuclear Technology, we all saw what it caused during the Cold War, massive debts and small proxy wars. They should be outlawed.
The NCR wishes to see stability in the East coast of the US.
Why should anyone be trusted with Nuclear Technology, we all saw what it caused during the Cold War, massive debts and small proxy wars. They should be outlawed.

Perhaps this is valid, but it isn't going to happen. Nukes already exist in some nations, Mongolia wants a piece of the pie, and we'll get one.

We are willing to eliminate term #2 of the Beijing Treaty and allow both nations to keep their programs if this is preferred.
Doesn't Mongolia notice that the Beijing Treaty is unfair? On the surface, it looks like both sides are getting the same deal but the reality is that the UFNSCP gains more from the treaty. They basically declared war without reason and are getting a slap on the wrist for it.

Again, the UFNSCP didn't give a reason. If they were seeking regime change, they've had two or three years now to make that goal clear. Instead, they made it a war of simple conquest. If it had been a stable democracy with the same isolationist policy on the UFNSCP's northern border, the democracy would've been invaded as well.

Not to mention the damage caused by UFNSCP troops which is why the UFNSCP, being the aggressor without a stated casus belli, should have to pay small reparations to New England.
@DC- What is your opinion on the Beijing Treaty?\

@Sonereal- Mongolia does NOT CARE what other people think of its nuclear program (Which, BTW, is not yet complete.) But besides the fact, we have no intentions to use them, and the Khanate is a stable government. The fundamentalist Christians are a totalitarian regime who deny everyone their freedom of religion.

New England are one of the most reliable Stable nations on earth. sure they limits freedom of religion, but who cares? i can limit Religious freedom, and no one would care...

..just try not to make them angry. or betray them. at all.
Denmark is very isolationist and oly goes to war when they must, we believe in a freedom that can not be attained an other way than by a Dictator

See people? If this insane dictatorship should be allowed to have nuclear weapons, why not the relatively more open, more stable New England?

After all, Denmark has pretty much disallowed any religions besides the cult of personality so why aren't they being attacked?
Doesn't Mongolia notice that the Beijing Treaty is unfair? On the surface, it looks like both sides are getting the same deal but the reality is that the UFNSCP gains more from the treaty. They basically declared war without reason and are getting a slap on the wrist for it.

We don't see it as unfair. We are simply allowing the people of the UFNSCP to move on with their lives. Wars happen, yes even for conquest. Get over it.

Again, the UFNSCP didn't give a reason. If they were seeking regime change, they've had two or three years now to make that goal clear. Instead, they made it a war of simple conquest. If it had been a stable democracy with the same isolationist policy on the UFNSCP's northern border, the democracy would've been invaded as well.

I find this unlikely.

Not to mention the damage caused by UFNSCP troops which is why the UFNSCP, being the aggressor without a stated casus belli, should have to pay small reparations to New England.

Why should we encourage this insane theocracy to stay an insane theocracy?

New England are one of the most reliable Stable nations on earth. sure they limits freedom of religion, but who cares? i can limit Religious freedom, and no one would care...

Limiting is fine, but in New England, it doesn't exist.

Also, Mongolian News from Beijing Times:

Elections have taken place in the provinces of Mongolia, where a new Great Khan, a Muslim named Omar Khai, has been elected. He has promised to keep freedom of religion, and has stated this belief about war.

"You know, there are times when there really, there really isn't much of a choice but to go to war. I mean, there are situations when its really ridiculous and you've just got to fight, and you've got to keep an army ready for those situations. But still, our ancestors, they've been fighting far too much. I mean, they threatened a war with Siberia for trying to sign an alliance, and that isn't right. And now, New England is being attacked. And this was done by our allies, because they felt there was, there was some kind of a problem to be dealt with, and you know that's fine, but its not our war. And so we suggest peace, but if peace isn't gonna happen, we will support our allies, but no Mongolian troops will die in this war."
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