Indian Unit Line Workshop

Shiro: The page loads very slowly because of multiple full size images. Could you replace them with thumbnails? I know some of the more talented people won't even bother to look at a thread that takes too long to load.

I'm working on more line suggestions, but slowly atm due to pain in wrists & elbows. Still hope to have the 18th/19th & Vedic done in short order.
@ Blue Monkey I don't know how to make thumbnails, so I just moved all the images to my request thread.
Harappa (Before 1300 BC)
Maurya Empire (322 BC–185 BC) & Satavahana Empire 200 BC - 250AD)
Kushan Empire (100-375AD)
Gupta Empire (320-600sAD)
Delhi Sultanate (1206–1527) & Their contemporaries, Medieval Rajput states (1100s - 1500s)
Moghuls (1526–1858)
Later Mughals

@ Sandris, what do the numbers represent? In my mod they would be something like:

1. Bronze Age
2. Iron Age
3. Classical Age
4. Dark Age

5. Early Medieval
6. High Medieval
7. Renaissance (16 - 17th centuries)

8. 18th century
9. early 19th century
10. late 19th century.

Is that anything similar to yours? I really just need to know the start middle and finishing point to rework the concept art for this and for the Mongols.
Based on previous packs, mostly with a European time line as reference

1. Early bronze age
2. Late bronze age
3. Early iron age
4. Late iron age
5. Dark ages
6. Early medieval
7. High medieval
8. Late medieval
9. Renaissance
10. 17th century
11. Early 18th century
12. Mid 18th century
13. Late 18th century
14. Napoleonic wars

But I think these are just guidelines. Like if a civ did not really change between two eras, they can be merged.
I think for most of the non-Western world 10 - 14 is going to be quite hard.
Also after checking Sandris' previous packs, I don't think there is an early bronze and later bronze (Which is going to be hard for most civs outside of the Middle East)your own mod, often uses the stone age for early bronze... except for Japan which uses stone age for both bronze ages ;)
It doesn't exist for every pack.
But you can find something roughly equivalent for China, Egypt, Greece.

And there will probably be one for Mesopotamia (ex: early Assyrian, late Assyrian, Early Persian, Late Persian).

It's not possible to have a name that fits well for every civ, it's just guidelines. More like "4 eras in BC".

And for 10-14, as I said, it can be merged for some civs.
ok. Unfortuneatly, the Harappans/Indus River Valley people were one of the oldest civs, but they did not leave behind a lot of detailed art like the Egyptians, and they are not thought of as a war-like people due to the lack of bronze weaponry left behind. Also the Indians do not seem to have a clear-cut evolutionary line like some other civs. Here is my idea for an outline.

2. Harappas
3. Verdic
4. Maurya
5. Kushans
6. Gupta
7. Medival Hindu Kingdoms
8. Delhi Sultanate/Rajaput States
9. Early Mughals
13. Later Mughals
14. British Raj
What about

1. Harappas
2. Vedic
3. Maurya
4. Kushans
5. Gupta
6. Early Hindu Kingdoms
7. Late Hindu Kingdoms
8. Delhi sultanate
9. Early Mughals
11. Maratha empire
12.Maratha empire
13.Sikh empire
14. Sikh empire
15. British raj
What about

1. Harappas
2. Vedic
3. Maurya
4. Kushans
5. Gupta
6. Early Hindu Kingdoms
7. Late Hindu Kingdoms
8. Delhi sultanate
9. Early Mughals
11. Maratha empire
12.Maratha empire
13.Sikh empire
14. Sikh empire
15. British raj
Sounds good
I think it'll be a shame to cut out the Greco-Bactrians/Indo-Greeks and even Indo-Scythians.

They have such an interesting history. :)

Bactrian and Indo-Greek units:

Spoiler :

EB sources.

Bactrian/Iranian Javelinman

Bactrian or Indo-Greek Pikeman.

Indo-Greek Swordsman.

Arachosian Horse Javelinman.

Bactrian or Indo-Scythian Heavy Horseman.

The problem is the Bactrians is they existed the same time as the native Indian Mauryan Empire, and their armor is thoroughly Greek or Scythian in my opinion are unnecessary since we will see similar units at this time by the Greeks, Egyptians, and probably the Mesopotamians (You could just add units from those packs really). The Decision is totally up to Sandris of course, but I prefer native units if possible.

I did read about Indian kingdoms hiring Shaka as mercenaries, but I forget which one.
I take it you won't be including the Hephtalites/White Huns there, will you?
The problem is the Bactrians is they existed the same time as the native Indian Mauryan Empire, ...
The same problem is true for most of the suggested list. For example Hindu kingdoms outlasted the Mughals. Civs are not eras. It's possible to put together a list based on weapons developments and clothing styles. There are more than half a dozen distinct sword types, for example. All that's needed is time. ;)
The same problem is true for most of the suggested list. For example Hindu kingdoms outlasted the Mughals. Civs are not eras. It's possible to put together a list based on weapons developments and clothing styles. There are more than half a dozen distinct sword types, for example. All that's needed is time. ;)
Them existing at the same time wasn't really my main concern (Since India was never really unified), although they really existed at nearly the exact same time plus or minus 50 years or so. The main problem was the armor being thoroughly Greek (Which I feel we have enough of).
But if Sandris can do what I am doing in my Korean pack and combine both Greek and native Mauryan units at the same era instead of giving the Greeks the same era I think that would be better. But I hope he can make enough Indian units for that period so that some of us don't have to use the Bactrians.
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