Is "whatever downtown does" always an appropriate action?


isle of lucy
Apr 13, 2004
London, UK
I see that poll options often have something like "Whatever downtown does" as an answer. I feel that this is a good option in most cases, because downtown is basically always right. But in some cases, like the "do you leave your door open?" thread, there are situations where what downtown currently does is not necessarily what one ought to do in your specific situation. For example, downtown might leave his door shut, but if you have kids, you should leave it open in case they are sick or crying or something.

Perhaps a better answer, then, is not "whatever downtown does", but "whatever downtown would do, if he were in your situation". It's unreasonable for us to expect downtown to live a life that we can all live, simply because our situations are different. And, in any case, what makes downtown right is not simply what he does, but the person that he is, and the values he embodies. So this solution enables us to emulate downtown in a qualitative way, by imagining what downtown would do if he were in my situation.

And we can generalise this principle to deal with our interactions with other people. How many people here would hurt downtown? None. But how many people here hurt other people on a daily basis? Hell, we even hurt our loved ones! Perhaps, then, we should not only act more like downtown, but treat others as we expect downtown to be treated himself. And again, to account for differing circumstances, we need to generalise:
We ought to act as if everyone did whatever downtown would do in this situation.

I believe I have herein outlined a moral philosophy fit for all purposes, all times, and all people. To be clear, I do not claim to have invented this philosophy myself, but rather discovered the truth that downtown would have said, had he been in my situation, here, today.
I respond in whatever way downtown might respond to this given situation.
Rather than respond in the way downtown would, I would like to take this moment to offer people "What would downtown do?" wristbands for only 4 dollars!*

*Shipping and handling not included in price tag.
Purchase moisturizer?
Indeed - if downtown believed what you believe about tea, would he drink it? Yes, I think he would. As I said, we are not trying to live like downtown, but to live up to the values that downtown embodies.
Historians will view this thread with great interest when many years from now, inevitably and completely unjustifiably, the great downtown backlash occurs and you fickle people knock him from his pedestal (which this lovely guy never asked to be put on)to replace him with another who will also meet the same fate.
I believe I have herein outlined a moral philosophy fit for all purposes, all times, and all people. To be clear, I do not claim to have invented this philosophy myself, but rather discovered the truth that downtown would have said, had he been in my situation, here, today.

Well duh, WWDD dates back years. I suggest you study the original texts. :mad:
May I suggest the alternative of "whatever Leonel does, despite it being proven a bad idea time and time again"?
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