IsrNES4: Novus Ordo Seclorum

JosefStalinator said:
Accursed non-order senders...
*also grumbles*

At least the Far East normally goes last.
And strangely enough, I'm not a Far East nation :( Oh well...

Israelite does have a busy schedule you know chaps :)
Sucks for them, then? ;)
but plenty in Europe! Build it and they will come...just keep updating, and people will notice that this nes is the place to be! :D
alex994 said:
And strangely enough, I'm not a Far East nation :( Oh well...

According to the law that we must have some minimal influence on each other, usually in the most annoying way possible :p
Symphony is also a Chinese nation :p To be frank, I left China for a reason ;)
Nan is rather out of the way, and for something a little, I don't know, different Tamna is a great choice (matriarchal, commercial, kind of Korean but also completely unique).
Israelite9191 said:
:cry: I have only one player in China!!!! :cry:

Kingdom of Han
Capital: Chang’an
Ruler/Player: King Xuanhui/ j_eps
Government: Monarchy (Mandate of Heaven)
Religion: Legalism 60%, Confucianism 30%, Taoism 10%
Economy: Good Enough, 2+2
Centralization: Unitary
Dependencies: None
Infantry (Training): 10 thousands (Good) 25 thousands (Semi-Rabble) 20 thousands (Rabble)
Cavalry (Training): 20 thousands (Semi-Rabble)
Navy (Training): 10 ships (Semi-Rabble)
Mercenaries (Training)(Duration of Employment): None
Military/Civilian Leadership: Competent/Good
Education: Ignorant
Age: Imperial Age
Culture: The west of China, Han is a young agricultural society with little trade and little militarism. Legalist as opposed to Taoist, Han society is very strict.
Confidence: Respecting
Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Projects: None
Nation Background: While the east of China waged war after civil war, the west was gradually united under the power of the Han. Numerous small powers fell before their hands and now the Han have reason to a place of prominence among their neighbours. However, they are still normally out of the field of vision in Chinese affairs as the eastern states care more about the seas than the land. Han has great potential, if only a strong leader was able to utilize it.

Just so you can stop your kvetching. I was only going to do 3, but 4 is still fine. I'll join after the update.

To Kingdoms of Bei, Nan, Zhong
From Han China

Will you sign a 3-turn NAP? We wish to have peace in China, not wars every few years.
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