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New Version - September 12th (9/12)

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God bless you G. On turn 152 (epic pace) Japan declared war on me. I have missed these early wars. And around turn 200 I met Venice who was at war with France and had took two of his cities. No more "too peaceful" games and I love it.
God bless you G. On turn 152 (epic pace) Japan declared war on me. I have missed these early wars. And around turn 200 I met Venice who was at war with France and had took two of his cities. No more "too peaceful" games and I love it.


What is t152 in epic? early classical?
Spies can now setup 'heists' in non-capital, major-owned cities:
When moving spies to these cities, you are presented with the option of stealing techs or great works
Using the same system as techs, your spies will build up turns until they can steal great works
The great works that can be stolen are only those in cities in which you have a spy/spies (so GWs in the capital are always safe, and the more spies you have in an empire, the more GWs you can pull from)
Type (Art/Music/Lit) randomly selected, but all possible to steal!
AI trained how to use system as well!
Interesting.. how would this work with GameEvents.EspionageResult.Add(function(iPlayer, iSpy, iResult, iCityX, iCityY) end)?
Thanks for the new version.
Some of the event choices are not balanced though.
The one that gives free great person, the other choices are totally not worth compared to that.
Another on is the Harbor event, which lets you build one only for 400G+-, early in the game(I play on epic). This thing has a huge impact, and the other choices are worthless compared to the harbor.
Thanks for the new version.
Some of the event choices are not balanced though.
The one that gives free great person, the other choices are totally not worth compared to that.
Another on is the Harbor event, which lets you build one only for 400G+-, early in the game(I play on epic). This thing has a huge impact, and the other choices are worthless compared to the harbor.

I agree, many events are pretty unbalanced.

I always take +1Faith per shrine instead of +2C in capital, +1C per monument (why take +1Faith or +1Gold instead? Maybe if they were fused into one, so +1C vs +1F+1G, then I'd consider)

I disagree about free person, this one has two choices - free GP or +1 Happiness per city. I play on Large and typically wide while tall with Authority, so +1 Happiness is great. I often can delay Courthouses as much as I want and use the +25% production from Imperialism thanks to that. If you have 10 cites, that's a permanent 10 happiness, if 15, 15, etc. -3Gold per Baths sucks a bit but won't be relevant by the end of Medieval, esp if most of your cities aren't on rivers
+1 Culture per Aqueduct is a bad joke though, especially at this point in the game.

Also Harbour. If I have money, I get the Harbour or do nothing (IIRC one option is 75 gold for a CHANCE of some pitiful food, another is 150 for... +2 Food per Boat for a handful of turns, which will mean you get less food from this one total than the first unless you get 3 or more Fishing Boats in the city range. Awful)
I think the free person is a problem in the early game. so many civs enhanced their relegion only after a few turns they found them. And when you are unlucky and don't get this event, you might not found a relegion.
I finally got the chance to start a new game with this patch last night and I’ve played 150+ turns so far without a CTD. Thanks G & Crew (not to be confused with GQ or J Crew) for all the hard work that you do :)
I'm really enjoying the AI balances in this latest patch!

I play on Large maps at King difficulty with Events turned off, and in my first game I had Assyria DoW neighboring Russia (I was playing as England) on turn 56 (=~ 28 at Standard speed). Assyria was able to take Russia's first non-capital city with just spearmen and archers, but then couldn't take Moscow. I played until around turn 250 and Assryia and Russia had still yet to make peace, and my scouting had revealed that Persia had been at war with Rome for some time (Persia completely conquered Rome somewhere between turn 100-150). The Aztecs and Austrians had also been at war for some time by the time I found them in the late Classical era (Austria only had two cities left after Monte had conquered/razed the rest).

So all in all the AI definitely appears to be much more aggressive at a much earlier stage in this patch. Since I was playing as England I was able to steal the research that Assyria got from beating up on Russia, and after stealing their Gold and Beakers for a couple millennia they're finally turning their war machines towards me. I'm looking forward to teaming up with Russia and seeing how this new war pans out this evening!
I've put spies in a couple city states to rig elections. Yet the influence isn't shifting at all, it's still on neutral. Anyone else have this issue?
i like a new warmonger penalty, which come much more earlier but its weird i get it with civs which had no idea about existence of conquered civ. also im noticing some kind of movement bug(?), where i dont pay movement penalty for crossing river to city without road or bridge.
Can someone throw a screenshot of the new Events UI and the spy system?? I've just no time to test for few days!!
I agree, many events are pretty unbalanced.

I always take +1Faith per shrine instead of +2C in capital, +1C per monument (why take +1Faith or +1Gold instead? Maybe if they were fused into one, so +1C vs +1F+1G, then I'd consider)

I'll get faith from monuments if i'm gunning for a religion (and usually this event shows up early enough where I don't have one yet but still qualify) or I managed to get an early one and want to aggressively spread it. On rare occasions when I'm warmongering heavily in the early game and have a big gold deficit I'll take the +1G from monuments to help me get out of the hole, but in most circumstances I agree 1G < 1C/1F.

-3Gold per Baths sucks a bit but won't be relevant by the end of Medieval, esp if most of your cities aren't on rivers
+1 Culture per Aqueduct is a bad joke though, especially at this point in the game.

The baths I've mentioned before, the happiness choice was nerfed but at that stage in the game 1 happiness increasing your gold output by 1% is usually more than the 3 gold maintenance cost, not to mention the other benefits you get from the increased happiness... even if it puts you in excess happiness you can sell a few luxes that you don't need anymore to make your money back (and then some). Really all but the tallest empires (like 2 or 3 cities) benefit from that extra happiness. And the biggest issue is cities give the happiness bonus without having the baths actually built... so you can just not take the maintenance hit ever. My suggestion would be to bump up the maintenance even more, to 5 or 6...

Also Harbour. If I have money, I get the Harbour or do nothing (IIRC one option is 75 gold for a CHANCE of some pitiful food, another is 150 for... +2 Food per Boat for a handful of turns, which will mean you get less food from this one total than the first unless you get 3 or more Fishing Boats in the city range. Awful)

Definitely agree about harbor, it's a huge boon for coastal cities and the event shows up a lot before the harbor's even researched, definitely a must pick since the gold cost of buying it through the event is less than investing (and you get it instantly instead of only half). The food I'll usually do if I can spare the gold, even if it's a questionable chance I prioritize growth in my cities and value it over flat gold. I think having the harbor able to be built before it can be researched doesn't make much sense though and the choice should be locked until compass.
Definitely agree about harbor, it's a huge boon for coastal cities and the event shows up a lot before the harbor's even researched, definitely a must pick since the gold cost of buying it through the event is less than investing (and you get it instantly instead of only half). The food I'll usually do if I can spare the gold, even if it's a questionable chance I prioritize growth in my cities and value it over flat gold. I think having the harbor able to be built before it can be researched doesn't make much sense though and the choice should be locked until compass.

I too agree that harbor event is too good. It's such a sweet deal and comes very early in the game. In one of my games I had 6 coastal cities and 5 of them got the free harbor and I only had to actually build it in 1
CivilizationV 2016-09-13 21-49-11-28.jpg

Is it correct, that I need so much culture for the next policy? (standard speed, three cities, progress)
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