Quran Burning - Chaos Erupts In Afghanistan

It's an unwarranted sense of entitlement and self-importance. It's disgustingly malicious and pathetically childish.
They dont even have proof that these un workers where killed becuase of the pastures actions, most terrorism is from the suffuring of other muslims through out the world. For instance the evil 9/11 attacks. Witch was done becuase of the harsh treatment of palistinians. But here is a nice verse to make there actions look haram. "If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"
DefenderofIslam said:
For instance the evil 9/11 attacks.
That was terrorism by wealthy individuals, not a spur-of-the-moment thing.
"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

"You have heard it said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:38-39)
The man who burned a Quran is a douchebag. Especially as he knew full well what it could bring.

On the other hand, if a mob is so outraged by the idiotic act of some douchebag half a world away that they slaughter unrelated people who are actually working to improve their lives...
I don't know if it means the previous douchebag has somehow his point proven, but it certainly doesn't make me respect the latter murderous retards religion.
You really are a "basketcase" ... I'll get the men in white coats.
Genius is often mistaken for insanity by those who don't understand it.....

There is a big difference ... most of the mob who do the burning (the flag) are largely uneducated
So what? If a janitor with no college education burns a Nazi flag, is that a bad thing? No.

and fall under the spell of radicals, who they listen too, as many are so poor and will follow anything, for a bit of ... what ... I don't know ... camaraderie.
The world-view is different over there. Tehy has no internets. As we in the Free World are accused of overly-believing what we read in the news media, the common folk over there give too much credence to the radical nutcases--who, in a part of the world where people frequently can't read, are the local version of CNN or MSNBC or Fox News or whichever full-of-borderline-radical-nutcases news network you happen to watch.

We westerners ought to know better, given our long history lessons, of symbol burning.
In my opinion we've swung way too far in the other direction, giving the scumbags of the world far too much leeway. The scumbags are figuring that out, too, and using it to manipulate us. Por ejemplo, Qadaffi has been dangling the terror of an escalating war before us if we don't stop bombing his stuff. Ever since George Bush's stomping of Iraq and Afghanistan, most people all over the world are terrified of more wars, CFC being no exception--do you really think it's any surprise that Qadaffi, and Kim Il Jung, and the Chinese government, and all the other scum of the Earth just happen to be raising your very worst fear before your eyes??

Bad things need to be burned. Or bombed or shot.

Plus, why should we be so precious about our symbols, and use it's defacement as justification for burning theirs. We should have moved beyond that and become more enlightened.
Absolutely right. I boldfaced the important word there: WE. Meaning, everybody. ALL PEOPLE. Including Muslims. They need to realize that we think of our own holy symbols (such as the American Flag) the same way they think about their Koran.

Ok the question in my mind is.

So your saying Gen Petraues is wrong. I mean he only did write the counter insurrgency manual and saved Iraq but hey what dose he know. Why didnt it simply occur to him to simply take hostage a few thousand korans and threaten to burn them.Or maybe the issue isnt so easy as one would think.

But anyway lets hear it.
No, that wasn't the question I was expecting, which so far no one has asked. But the answer to yours is this. The idea of threatening to burn a bunch of Korans unless the insurgents surrender? Take note that you came up with that idea and I did not. So it should be no surprise General Petraeus didn't think of it. Though, now that you blabbed it (on the INTERNET, of all places) he's very likely to find out about it and give it a try...... :eek:

If you're warned, "doing X will cause violence" and you then do X, I think that rather clearly qualifies as inciting violence
Answer me something, contre (the question won't make sense to you until later, but I promise all will be made clear):

Do you support gay rights?
They need to realize that we think of our own holy symbols (such as the American Flag) the same way they think about their Koran.
So, a non-religious state symbol is holy to BC, that means that he has some rudimentary Caesaropapism in his worldview. That means he may eventually be turned to a Russian Byzantinophile Nationalist. Me like :evil:.
How can burning a book whatever be it a symbol of cause people to lose their sanity . In the end it is just a book.

It is all come to people taking their pack of lies (religion) way too seriously .

I seriously don't like religions which call upon people to kill blasphemers / unbelievers and call upon death of apostates .

Is your belief so weak that you cannot bear if someone says your belief is false . Or if someone who refuses to follow your belief after being born into it .

For arguments sake lets say there is a false religion and true religion . If the false religion commands people to kill whoever says it is false and whoever converts away from it . How will you kill/stop that false religion . And should your true religion also adopt the same measures . What is the difference ?.

In the end your religion lives or dies by its teaching and beliefs . Forcibly trying to make people respect it or convert into it or prevent people from leaving it means you are admitting your belief is weak / false and it cannot stand on its own .
(I'm defining religion here by the behavior of their followers which in the end is what really matters)
How can burning a book whatever be it a symbol of cause people to lose their sanity . In the end it is just a book.

It is all come to people taking their pack of lies (religion) way too seriously .

I seriously don't like religions which call upon people to kill blasphemers / unbelievers and call upon death of apostates .

Is your belief so weak that you cannot bear if someone says your belief is false . Or if someone who refuses to follow your belief after being born into it .

For arguments sake lets say there is a false religion and true religion . If the false religion commands people to kill whoever says it is false and whoever converts away from it . How will you kill/stop that false religion . And should your true religion also adopt the same measures . What is the difference ?.

In the end your religion lives or dies by its teaching and beliefs . Forcibly trying to make people respect it or convert into it or prevent people from leaving it means you are admitting your belief is weak / false and it cannot stand on its own .
(I'm defining religion here by the behavior of their followers which in the end is what really matters)
THere are crazy Muslims just like there are crazy Christians, crazy Hindus etc. If you insult the Prophet or the Qur'an in front of them you will die a very gruesome death.
The man who burned a Quran is a douchebag. Especially as he knew full well what it could bring.

On the other hand, if a mob is so outraged by the idiotic act of some douchebag half a world away that they slaughter unrelated people who are actually working to improve their lives...
I don't know if it means the previous douchebag has somehow his point proven, but it certainly doesn't make me respect the latter murderous retards religion.

THere are crazy Muslims just like there are crazy Christians, crazy Hindus etc. If you insult the Prophet or the Qur'an in front of them you will die a very gruesome death.

Well it is just not about crazy muslims . The mainstream muslims do not oppose death penalty for apostasy

From wiki
In many countries apostasy from the religion supported by the state is explicitly forbidden. This is largely the case in some states where Islam is the state religion; conversion to Islam is encouraged, conversion from Islam penalised.

Iran – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Nigeria – illegal in twelve of 37 states (death penalty)[citation needed]
Syria – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Qatar – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Sudan – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Mauritania – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Somalia – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
Yemen – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
United Arab Emirates – illegal (death penalty) [8]
Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging)[9][10]
Pakistan – illegal (death penalty since 2007)

And for Blasphemy .

If you are so confident in your religion why do you need the strong arm tactics to suppress any protest/criticism / defilement of your religion , religious symbols . Is your religion that weak ? .
Well it is just not about crazy muslims . The mainstream muslims do not oppose death penalty for apostasy

From wiki
In many countries apostasy from the religion supported by the state is explicitly forbidden. This is largely the case in some states where Islam is the state religion; conversion to Islam is encouraged, conversion from Islam penalised.

Do you know any mainstream muslims, I'm one, do I support the death penalty? Most of those countries are theocracys what do you expect from them,why doesn't Albania or Turkey, Libya, Indonesia, Bahrain... have this type of laws....
Ok may not be a mainstream , but the highly visible voices of the Islam seem to support harsh punishment for apostasy , blasphemy . As seen from the Danish cartoons , Salman Rushdie's books to this latest quran burning .
I wish the Islamic community stopped taking their religion so seriously or atleast develop tolerance towards criticism / defilement . There are peaceful ways to protest it .

p.s. Yes not only do i know Muslims. I have several Muslim friends . We discuss a lot of topics , and religion was never an important point of their identify .

Edit :
@Nedim : If you could provide me some links where any Islam scholar discusses about apostasy , blasphemy without calling for brutal punishments I would love to read it . Honest request not baiting you .
The other burnings that happened last summer, there were peaceful protests but the news tells you that we immediately want to kill everyone of you. The number of real radicals is small, we aren't savage avengers like you say. Thats a minority, but thats the only thing you see on TV. Like defenderofislam said, he's earning the sins, he's actually buying them and hes going to burn them...We don't like him or his idea (duh) but god will punish him, he'll get his, but I think that guy is an idiot, burning holy books just to make other people angry, that's uncivilized, why don't you see us burning Bibles, we can't because a part of it is our holy book the Indjil. And where do you see American flag burning, do you see it in idk Bosnia, Turkey, Morocco... You always see it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and thats kind of obvious, America is at war with them, I see trolling in the horizon, now it will take tons of post to explain, this is why I shouldn't have commented.
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