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Random Rants LXX: CFCOT's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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Soooo, this conversation is becoming relevant again, given recent events:

Best thing: Ben Carson will be a cabinet member and we'll get to hear more of his silky smooth voice. Seriously, that guy should do ASMR videos.

Worst thing: I actually have to start forming and training a militia for the inevitable civil war. (Lexicus, I still got a spot reserved for you if you want it)

In what state do you live again?

Hmm, a bit far out of my way I'm afraid. I'm sure there will be action closer to home.

Yeah, but we have pretty lax gun laws here, so it would be easier to arm the militia. Plus, not as much of a military presence here so we'd have more freedom to operate.

Eh, at the very least you could be my "east coast contact" to help coordinate resistance efforts at the national level. (You are in New Jersey right?)

Flattered. Actually I'm in DC though.
There's so much bad stuff going on I can't even be sure which events in particular you are referencing.

It feels like the wheels are coming off the country.
There's so much bad stuff going on I can't even be sure which events in particular you are referencing.

Loot boxes...

Spoiler :
Okay not really, but kinda. The loot box thing, in all seriousness, is just a symptom of a larger problem brewing in the US. It seems like corporations are starting to make their move to finally "take over" and are becoming more aggressive and open with their corruption. Google is now openly admitting to censoring information on the internet, ISPs are looking to not only eliminate net neutrality, but also seek to cut entire communities off from the internet altogether because the infrastructure is "too expensive to maintain." Workers' rights continue to get eviscerated, same with consumer protections.

And what is the government doing to stop all this? Not a damn thing. Not only are they not doing anything to stop it, they are actively joining in on and supporting the rape of the citizens of this country. Corporate shills have been appointed to top positions in most federal agencies, and our representatives and senators have all more or less been bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists. There is no "We the People" anymore.

Of course, even if the government wanted to stop all this, they couldn't. The institutions of this nation have become so weak and feeble that the government has essentially become completely powerless to do anything. Hell, they couldn't even use the military against the corporations since the military relies on those corporations to supply them with weapons and equipment.
Read that the Norwegian parliament wanted to get loot boxes regulated under gambling laws.
Read that the Norwegian parliament wanted to get loot boxes regulated under gambling laws.
Eventually, if anyone were to try to regulate loot boxes the US Corporate Congress will use all available means both economical and military to ensure that no country dares to defy the corporations...
I've been having a bad time with like attention span and/or concentration lately
Not even work-related, it's like I can't even watch a movie through
Several days, even weeks now have gone where I'm neither productive or like enjoying myself or whatever
Snowing yesterday. I was wearing a hood, a wide brimmed hat, and glasses. Yet somehow still got snow right into my eyeball.
I have been. Or at least I've been writing fanfic, but not Voyager fanfic (although I've got ideas percolating for a few wild and crazy ones).
Go ahead and do it. Write something that you would enjoy reading if it had been written by somebody else.
Go ahead and do it. Write something that you would enjoy reading if it had been written by somebody else.
I'll probably have to. I can't think of anyone else who just dreamed up a crossover between Voyager and Bonanza.
I once had an idea for a crossover between Voyager and M.A.S.H. where something happens to the E.M.H. and Tom Paris ends up creating a new one based off Hawkeye Pierce from a M.A.S.H. Holonovel......:mischief:
I once had an idea for a crossover between Voyager and M.A.S.H. where something happens to the E.M.H. and Tom Paris ends up creating a new one based off Hawkeye Pierce from a M.A.S.H. Holonovel......:mischief:

Hawkeye on board Voyager... yikes!

Remember the episode when he jumped up on the table in the mess tent and demanded, "We want something else!"? I think that was the one in which they got an order of some kind of ribs or steak or something and ended up not being able to eat it because wounded were coming in... I could just see a revolt like that over Neelix's cooking.
It's rather impressive that my BitCoin thread from years ago is still active, but....well, I was an idiot then. :crazyeye:
hmm , typical . Locals get told they are not to do anything . As much as they were not doing anything on November 30 . When everything was working . Let me see , what to do ? A thing on how the local garrison will completely deny the chief of goverment generals was also in town in a slightly different variety of the zoo trip ? Two American 4-stars in Ankara (to chew them for close relations still kept with Putin and the like) and they are saving face ?
So I'm learning this program that include a unit-conversion feature, when I'm reading the following in my guide:
One limitation to the unit-conversion feature is that it won’t take feet-and-inches input when converting from feet. For example, if you want to convert 12′-4″ to centimeters, you have to enter 12.333. In other words, you have to convert the inches to decimal feet.

Wait. What? "decimal feet"? DAMMIT US, SWITCH TO METRIC ALREADY.
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Something I ate last night is not agreeing with me. :(

My chest pains are getting worse. I've been working on my posture but I think it's time to see a doctor.
Y'know, this concealed-carry reciprocity thing is not welcome. I like that drivers' licenses and marriage licenses cross state lines, even though I'm single and don't own a car. But I'm not a "states' rights above all others" kind of guy, and I do not want you to carry a gun anywhere near me. Sorry. Leave it at home when you come to visit. Guns are dangerous and people with guns are more dangerous (and, iirc, in more danger too, at least according to some studies - I'm not sure that part's settled yet, though).
Y'know, this concealed-carry reciprocity thing is not welcome. I like that drivers' licenses and marriage licenses cross state lines, even though I'm single and don't own a car. But I'm not a "states' rights above all others" kind of guy, and I do not want you to carry a gun anywhere near me. Sorry. Leave it at home when you come to visit. Guns are dangerous and people with guns are more dangerous (and, iirc, in more danger too, at least according to some studies - I'm not sure that part's settled yet, though).

Standing in a public place, any of these people could be a bad guy with a gun! There's only one thing to do! *opens fire on crowd of people in self-defense*
Standing in a public place, any of these people could be a bad guy with a gun! There's only one thing to do! *opens fire on crowd of people in self-defense*
Not to worry, Soon Trump and Co. will legalize the carrying of concealed miniguns, bazookas and 25mm bushmaster chainguns with no background checks and no waiting.
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