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Random Rants XXXVII: The Server Is Too Busy

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My alt bar became permanently depressed while appearing normal and caused much grief while I tried to figure out what was going on.
Over the weekend at Mock Trial I was talking with one of our team members about the Soviet Union, and I discovered that you can apparently take four years of PoliSci classes and not know what the Solidarity Movement in Poland was, or who Lech Walesa and Vaclav Havel were.

Once again, I am impressed with the collective intelligence of CFC OT, as I'm pretty sure we all know what Solidarity was.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that none of us really do, and when somebody mentions it, we all just run to Wikipedia to find out then appear smart like I'm considering doing. That said, what are you talking about? I've heard of the movement, but I'm not sure what it is.
Why would knowing about Solidarity be a given, anymore than knowing about any other random and quite specific subject?
I know that Solidarity was the Polish movement to become free from Soviet influence and Autocratic Socialist rule, but that's about it.

Then, I didn't take Political Science classes for four years.
Why would knowing about Solidarity be a given, anymore than knowing about any other random and quite specific subject?
The discussion was about the causes of the collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe.
Note: I did not start the discussion, the senior did by stating one of Reagan's foreign policy accomplishments was the liberating of Eastern Europe from the Soviets. I would like to think that a PoliSci senior who broaches the subject about later Soviet policy and control over eastern Europe, would at least have an inkling of what Solidarity was-especialy after I gave him a brief rundown of what Solidarity was, what they accomplished, and who Lech Walesa was. (Similarly, he did not know who Vaclav Havel was.)

Or, should this not be a rant because my almost encyclopedic memory is an abberation? (Similarly, I also happened to be the one person on my Mock Trial team who knew who Marcus Garvey was.)
Actually, I'm pretty sure that none of us really do, and when somebody mentions it, we all just run to Wikipedia to find out then appear smart like I'm considering doing. That said, what are you talking about? I've heard of the movement, but I'm not sure what it is.
I know about it than most on this site now! :goodjob: But really, people don't know what the Solidarity movement was? :crazyeye:
I can't tell you who Marcus Garvey was, but Lech Walesa was Polish and Vaclav Havel was Czech. :p
*loading rifle*







If you think we're gonna win, you're clearly not Scottish :)
I support Rangers, what makes you think I'm Scottish? :p
What is this new rivalry? Takhisis vs. Kan? :run:
My internet connection has been terrible for the past couple days. It's making it almost impossible to watch videos on-line.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that none of us really do, and when somebody mentions it, we all just run to Wikipedia to find out then appear smart like I'm considering doing. That said, what are you talking about? I've heard of the movement, but I'm not sure what it is.
Or...you lived through those years and do in fact know who they are :) The one thing I'll never be able to do is spell that general's name from Poland that started with a J...
Or, should this not be a rant because my almost encyclopedic memory is an abberation? (Similarly, I also happened to be the one person on my Mock Trial team who knew who Marcus Garvey was.)

Oh it is a legitimate rant alright. Not knowing what Solidarnosc was and crediting Reagan for 1989? Sigh.

(Incidentally, people call me a "walking encyclopedia", so...)
(Incidentally, people call me a "walking encyclopedia", so...)
Same goes for me. When I can go from talking about the differing designs of Great Lakes bulk freighters vs ocean freighters to Nietzsche, and then from there to the removal of wood sheathed boxcars, and then on to Solidarity one does get the walking encyclopedia label.
Or...you lived through those years and do in fact know who they are :) The one thing I'll never be able to do is spell that general's name from Poland that started with a J...
You mean Jaruzelski? That´s a pretty easy name to spell by Polish standards.

Try something like Kleszczynska or Dzieduszycki.
Preemptive edit: Yeah, I obviously googled to find these difficult cases :D
An Estonian complaining about complicated languages? :huh:
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