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Random Rants XXXVII: The Server Is Too Busy

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This article I am typing is spewing out crap facts that makes absolutely no sense.
Same goes for me. When I can go from talking about the differing designs of Great Lakes bulk freighters vs ocean freighters to Nietzsche, and then from there to the removal of wood sheathed boxcars, and then on to Solidarity one does get the walking encyclopedia label.
I'm a walking dictionary and sports encyclopedia. So I'm told, anyway. ;)
I was once told I am a walk encyclopedia of a specific subject.
It would seem the walking encyclopedia label is common among CFCers, for I too bear it.
It makes sense, the variety of topics we discuss on CFC means you should have at least a modicum of knowledge in most areas. ie: Enough understanding to know how to ask smart questions.
It would seem the walking encyclopedia label is common among CFCers, for I too bear it.

Not to mention the number of OTers with Aspergers. It might be because these types of people are the ones interested in historical turn-based strategy games
I can safely bet that most CFC'ers who are known as Walking Encyclopædias (including me) are well known as that largely because of their historical knowledge.
I've gotten the label in the past, but it has more to do with my significant reserves of trivial knowledge. I'd be much better as a Jeopardy contestant than an academic.
No. You're not a walking encyclopedia in X unless you have a degree in X.

Stop it with this faux intellectualism.

There is no such thing as a degree in my subject.
No. You're not a walking encyclopedia in X unless you have a degree in X.

Stop it with this faux intellectualism.

I know a lot about history that my father doesn't, and he has a degree in history. Considering I'm not nearly old enough to have a degree, would that make me a Walking Encyclopædia?
No. You're not a walking encyclopedia in X unless you have a degree in X.

Stop it with this faux intellectualism.
I would say that a degree isn't necasary as it implies you have a large body of knowledge in a specific area, rather then a general knowledge of many things which is what an encyclopedia is. If I were saying I was a walking textbook on something, having a degree in that area would be pretty much required. Simply having a large body of knowledge in numerous areas seems to fit the definition of an encyclopedia.
I would say that a degree isn't necasary as it implies you have a large body of knowledge in a specific area, rather then a general knowledge of many things which is what an encyclopedia is. If I were saying I was a walking textbook on something, having a degree in that area would be pretty much required. Simply having a large body of knowledge in numerous areas seems to fit the definition of an encyclopedia.

That would render any person of above-average intellect one. I don't think we want that term to be so prevalent.
I do agree with you, but when I have actualy been called a 'walking encyclopedia' by my Justice and Peace Studies professor and other professors have consistantly been impressed by how much I know on all sorts of subjects, I think I can at least be viewed as a pseudo walking encyclopedia at the very least.
The term you guys probably want to use, if "walking encyclopaedia" isn't appropriate is probably...

Rant 1: Bad day today.

Rant 2: Every day has been this bad for the past 10 days.

Rant 3: Not looking forward to tomorrow.....

Spoiler :
I hate the cold. Even though the heat is turned on in the room, it bothers my knees and makes it more difficult to type.
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