Random Raves XXX: 100-Proof Proof of Bolshevik Hegemony

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So in class today people were assigning presentation topics by flipping a coin. I was completely mindblown by the realisation that there is no head. At first I thought people must've just being using the English term, but then some guy referred to it as Kopf. How do people survive without a monarch?!?!?!?
I haven't had to take a mid-term in 21 years! Woo-hoo!

But, mv, Verarde. Good job! How do y'all plan to celebrate?

Wait, madviking, DO NOT answer that question. :/
What's so wrong with bikini-clad college girls that it can't be posted?
So in class today people were assigning presentation topics by flipping a coin. I was completely mindblown by the realisation that there is no head. At first I thought people must've just being using the English term, but then some guy referred to it as Kopf. How do people survive without a monarch?!?!?!?
We just do. Put some patriots and national emblems on the coins and bills and that's it.
So in class today people were assigning presentation topics by flipping a coin. I was completely mindblown by the realisation that there is no head. At first I thought people must've just being using the English term, but then some guy referred to it as Kopf. How do people survive without a monarch?!?!?!?

The D-Mark coins (...before the Euro) had heads (of the ...er...either presidents or chancellors, forgot), and the saying for flipping a coin hasn't changed yet, I guess.
You have a 500-mark coin?
You have a 500-mark coin?

:confused:, no, why?
They were on the 2 D-Mark coins.
Don't know anymore what had been put on the 1 and 5 D-Mark coins.
EDIT: Wikipedia says an eagle on the 1, and on the 5 just a 5 both sides, and apparently on the 2 there was a rather random selection of politicians.
I try to understand these silly Roman numerals people insist on, and when someone posts a Roman number before a currency they say it's something else. These Italiotes…
I've finally set down and started a travel fund! I've been wanting to travel but felt that I didn't have enough for it at the time until I opened a 401k and realized that if I just put a bit of money into a fund every month, in a year I'll have enough to go places, even overseas! I'm thinking I'd restart my traveling by going to Las Vegas and drive around the places that are in New Vegas and also try my hand at a little gambling too. Eventually I wanna visit Denmark. :D
Rave: Not burning bridges is a worthwhile activity.

Also: I've been wondering for some time just how common injuries to the head, face, and neck are in modern warfare, and through a little digging I've found some good studies. Funny how I'll put more and better effort into studying combat injury statistics in my free time than into actual schoolwork.:p

And it seems I'll be going to listen to some good music with a pretty girl!:D
That message on PubMed is gone. Good to know the madness has been resolved.
As Miracle Max says, there's a big difference between all dead and mostly dead.

I'm pretty sure I mostly killed that exam yesterday. Now for a day of relaxation.
I have indeed discovered the existence of a type of sweetmeat consisting of a thin wafer of dough supporting an egg-sized and -shaped mound of creamy meringue, all coated in chocolate. That is a rave in and of itself, and thus I declare it to be.

(pity English doesn't have an energetic mood for its verbs, or I'd've made this an even more awesome comment)
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