Random Thoughts XII - Floccinaucinihilipilification

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Let's see of it rolls over and will start from negative. I'll be curious.
It is much more likely to happen at 65,536 posts, and that is only 422 posts away. I hope someone has taken a backup ;)
How often does this forum take backups?
I don't feel like losing #1 status; it required a lot of posts ^_^

Having served his purpose on the mortal plane, @Kyriakos returned to the realm of shadows from whence he came...

How often does this forum take backups?
I don't feel like losing #1 status; it required a lot of posts ^_^

View attachment 624057

It's unlikely that today anything is stored as a 16 bit integer. 32 bit should be normal, and you'll never reach that, so no worries :lol:.
In my experience at least it's sometimes easier to learn languages that are not as close to one you already speak. When I was studying German a some fellow learners insisted on trying to apply English grammar and/or pronunciation to German.

Grammar might be less confusing at times but knowing another or several other languages is an effective shortcut to dictionary.
Multiple languages can also mess up simple minds like mine while doing stuff like Wordle - all sorts of words are popping into my mind and only a fraction of them pass the test. Operating in just Finnish would be easier as I've lately learned that I don't automatically 'know' how many letters each English word is made of. I need to occasionally 'count' them as it seems tricky to squeeze in 6 letters per word. Before Wordle this was mostly useless information.
I don't automatically 'know' how many letters each English word is made of.
This, specifically, is one of the banes of teaching the supposedly simple English language to SOL (speakers of other languages).
I don't automatically 'know' how many letters each English word is made of.
Neither do many English-speakers. Consider being Canadian and having a smorgasbord of choices, some of which have greater or fewer letters, or the same number of letters just different ones, or the same letters just arranged differently.

Some use American spellings. Some use British spellings. Some use French spellings. Some of us are comfortable with a mishmash combination that we determine are correct ways to write.
It is very hard to find a word that only returns 1 page of search results in the off-topic forums.

My only success is bifocal.
Many years back, there was a little fad called Googlewhacking. The challenge was to enter two words into the Google search engine and have only a single url come up. I had a few successes, but shortly after the game was invented, something was changed about Google that somehow made it impossible. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.

Maybe I'll turn to this game, but it should really be one result, not one page of results.

"Surreptiously" gives only fourteen posts. The challenge really has to be to find the word that yields just a single post.

"Scandal-monger" yields five posts (though they don't include the word scandal-monger!)

By the way, every one I list here instantly becomes +1 by virtue of my mentioning it.

There we go: search the noun on back-formed from the word intertextual, so you can see a one-post yield. I phrase it that way, of course, so as not to add one more. (Naturally, one of you will go ruin this. But it will show. That second post will come from sometime after 2:17 EDT on 19 March 2022.)
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Many years back, there was a little fad called Googlewhacking. The challenge was to enter two words into the Google search engine and have only a single url come up. I had a few successes, but shortly after the game was invented, something was changed about Google that somehow made it impossible. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.

Maybe I'll turn to this game, but it should really be one result, not one page of results.

"Surreptiously" gives only fourteen posts. The challenge really has to be to find the word that yields just a single post.

"Scandal-monger" yields five posts (though they don't include the word scandal-monger!)

By the way, every one I list here instantly becomes +1 by virtue of my mentioning it.

There we go: search the noun on back-formed from the word intertextual, so you can see a one-post yield. I phrase it that way, of course, so as not to add one more. (Naturally, one of you will go ruin this). But it will show. That second post will come from sometime after 2:17 EDT on 19 March 2022.

Many years back, there was a little fad called Googlewhacking. The challenge was to enter two words into the Google search engine and have only a single url come up. I had a few successes, but shortly after the game was invented, something was changed about Google that somehow made it impossible. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.

Maybe I'll turn to this game, but it should really be one result, not one page of results.

"Surreptiously" gives only fourteen posts. The challenge really has to be to find the word that yields just a single post.

"Scandal-monger" yields five posts (though they don't include the word scandal-monger!)

By the way, every one I list here instantly becomes +1 by virtue of my mentioning it.

There we go: search the noun on back-formed from the word intertextual, so you can see a one-post yield. I phrase it that way, of course, so as not to add one more. (Naturally, one of you will go ruin this). But it will show. That second post will come from sometime after 2:17 EDT on 19 March 2022.
One single result?

Can you spell it out for us L_i_K_e_T_h_I_s?

I don't think there are any solos.

Just tried out B_A_T_P_H_O_N_E and it has 2 results! :cry:

Kyr posted a screen-shot.

Anyway, the standard for it to be a fun game has to be one post, not one page of posts.

Especially since that mark's been hit at least this once.
On the whole site, c_a_t_a_t_o_n_i_c_a_l_l_y only appears once. So I don't know if the game works best limited to Off-Topic or not.

I want to say yes; what I'm interested in is the words you-all use or don't.

s_p_a_n_g_l_e_s is a one-post yield from OT
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Kyr posted a screen-shot.

Anyway, the standard for it to be a fun game has to be one post, not one page of posts.

Especially since that mark's been hit at least this once.

I summon the Archnerds, lend me strength!
Spoiler :
C_I_N_N_A_B_A_R with 4 results is my best effort in the last 5 minutes. :cry:

I admit my defeat. :cowboy:
My vocabulary is just too small.
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